Hinata Xiao changed the subject and her tone became colder.

Hongdou shivered a bit, and noticed that the surrounding air had dropped a few degrees.

"You, Kirigakure, stole our Konoha's secrets. It's an evil and wrong position! Tell me... how should you compensate us?"

Yoshihiro Hinata asked awe-inspiringly.

Hongdou looked at Hinata Xiao's "just" face in disbelief.

Just how dark this man is.


Saying this, Hinata Xiao put on a posture of a soft fist.

"I want to represent Konoha and justice...to punish you!"

Use his own way to treat his own body.

Since the other party believes in the "justice", then Ri Xiangxiao will follow this to destroy her belief.

As he said that, Hyuga Xiao slapped sixty-four gossip palms towards the Holy Mother and Nvren in Wuyin Village.

The opponent's body shook violently.

Because of the extreme pain, he couldn't help crying out.

Hongdou couldn't help trembling when he heard this voice.

She covered her ears, her eyes widened, and she could only crouch in the corner and shiver.


In the cave, apart from Hinata Xiao's fierce movement of performing soft fist and Baguazhang, only the mournful cries of Kirigakure Ninja resounded back and forth...

585. The Death of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost

When Hinata Aya carries out justice...

It took Kisame a few days to return to Kirigakure.

Hinata Akira did not disclose information to this side.

Kisame's task of "killing the secret code class"... was perfectly completed.

Hidden Fog Village...

This village shrouded in thick fog.

Ghost shark passed the drainage ditch, the road of flowing water.

Entered the dark underground passage.

Dense traps, multiple exits... and burning candles, and——

An unusually plump and tall ninja.

The place in front of him is exactly where Kisame often reports to work.

And the owner of this place is one of the "Seven Ninja Swordsmen", the Suikayama Puffer Ghost.

Why is the residence of the Puffer Ghost on Watermelon Mountain so secretive, covered with so many defenses and traps?

The reason is......

Suikayama puffer ghost is dissatisfied with the fourth Mizukage · Kutachi Yakura.

In the end, he was eccentric and unethical, and became a corner privately.

Not only gradually drifting away from the village, but even... betraying information to other countries and Ninja Village.


This is the saying of "Mizukage Fourth Generation Yakura Kutachi".

In fact...

Whether it's Hinata Xiao, or Xiguashan puffer ghost, they don't know one thing...

In addition to the task of "protecting the secret code team", Kisame.

And yet another mission...

"Ghost shark."

The one who spoke was Xiguashan puffer ghost. This man stood in front of Guixier, as strong as a giant.

Even Kisame, who is over 190cm tall, looks like a dwarf in front of him.

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost with a height of 249.1cm.

Possesses an extremely large amount of chakra and stature.

He was not surprised by Kisame's appearance at all, as if he had expected that he would return after completing the task satisfactorily.

"Let's report on this mission."

The ghostly voice of Xiguashan Pufferfish came, and Guishui lowered his head obediently.

In fact.

Ghost shark can't imagine.

Known as the pride of Kirigakure, the owner of the sword shark muscle, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen... Suiguayama Fugu Demon will betray Kirigakure!

Or is it "Mizukage the Fourth Generation" who blamed him?

Or, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost did betray Kirigakure, but it was because Kutachi Yagura wanted to get rid of him first?

All kinds of guesses and thoughts are intertwined, making it impossible for Guixie to distinguish which are facts and which are illusions.


Kisame reported his experience along the way.

—Except for concealing information from the White Demon and others.


For several months, Kisame spent this time investigating.

He wants to confirm.

Did Suikayama puffer ghost really betray Kirigakure?

Past experiences have created layers of mysteries.

They shrouded Kisame's side like a dense fog in the fog, making it impossible for Kisame to distinguish who is the enemy and who is his own.

Kisame... tried hard to distinguish these things, but finally got nothing but insanity.

And... bogus.

"Thank you, Kisame..."

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost didn't have any doubts about Kisame's words.

Because, the dried persimmon ghost shark is his only trusted confidant, who has completed countless missions for him.

This man... is absolutely impossible to betray him.


Kisame did not leave immediately, but stood silently in front of Xiguashan Puffer Ghost.

In fact, the outside world does not know.

Wuyin Village is caught in a perennial civil war.

The end of the Third Ninja World War did not bring Kirigakure to peace.

Rather...more chaos and disillusionment.


There are four forces in Wuyin Village.

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

The peach field will not be cut again.

Plus... the class represented by the indigenous nobles where Terumi Mei was located.

And finally... Anbe and other Kirigakure ninjas ruled by Mizukage Yakura...

The four sides stand together, which is the current situation of Wuyin.

It started with a slight inconsistency, and evolved to the current secret conflict, and spies died from time to time on all sides.

It won't be long before Kirigakure is about to change.

Kisame calmly recalled his assassination plan again in his mind.

Fourth generation Mizukage · Kutachi Yagura...... ordered his own plan.

That's right.

Although Dried Persimmon Kisame used to be a subordinate of Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

But he is Kirigakure's ninja after all, loyal to Mizukage.

It doesn't matter if you say it's stupid and loyal, or it doesn't matter if you say it has no intelligence...

Kisame decided to carry out the secret order of the Fourth Mizukage.

Assassinate...Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost!

Because he knew the layout of this secret room very well, and being with the watermelon mountain puffer ghost for many years also made him understand when this man would show his flaws.


in a moment...

Crash...! !

The sound of chains and sharp weapons piercing through the air sounded, and Kisame touched the organs around Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, and his assassination of his boss began.

The chains of sharp weapons shot out from all directions of the cave penetrated deeply into the body of Xiguashan puffer ghost, fixing him in place, and then——


Taidao was sent into the heart of this man.

One hit kill!

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost is too tall and too strong.

If he reacted, he would be the one who died.

And no matter how powerful a ninja is, he can't completely exercise his heart.

And the heart is the place where all ninjutsu of the human body must pass through. As long as the heart is destroyed, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost will have no room to fight back.

"Kikisame...you, you bastard...!!"


Kisame drew out the Taidao cleanly, and a lot of blood flowed out from the chest wound and the corner of the mouth of Xiguashan Puffer Ghost.

Even though his heart was pierced, this man tenaciously stretched his right hand to the big sword muscle behind his back that never left his body.

However, all this is in vain.

Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost is much larger than ordinary people, which means that his heart will be bigger than ordinary people, but... a strong heart will pump more blood, which will make Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghosts die faster.

This is human beings, no matter how big they are, they cannot escape the shackles of physical weakness.

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost never expected that Kisame would betray him.

The sharpest blade in his hand was now stabbing himself in reverse.

Guixier stared at the tall figure of Xiguashan puffer ghost. No one knew whether the past was recalled in the eyes of this dying man.

Childhood experience.

Or is it the proud moment of becoming the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?

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