That moment.

Terumi Mei's eyes widened.

Realized what Kisame said.

Her delicate and flowery face... suddenly became as pale as paper.

587. Terumi Mei's Trembling, Hinata Sho Infiltrates the Village of Hidden Fog

After the festivities...

Everyone dispersed.

Terumi Mei also followed Qing and Genshi back to her hiding place.

"Unexpectedly, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost actually died..."

The elder of Wuyin Village.

Master Yuan, the elder of the four dynasties, shook his head.

His age is a few years older than Onogi.

That is to say...

When Genshi was still a young ninja, he had already worked under the first Mizukage Hakuren.

Later, Master Yuan experienced the second generation of Mizukage and the third generation of Mizukage.

Now we have gone through the era of the fourth Mizukage and Kutachi Yagura.

It's okay to say that he is the living history of Wuyin Village.

Master Yuan has been working hard to restore the prosperity of Wuyin Village.

And silently accumulate strength.

Cultivate talents such as Terumi Mei.

The purpose is to overthrow Blood Mist.

If it is said that in the blood mist of the Mizukage era of the third generation, he can barely bear it.


In the era of Kutachi Yakura, when he persecuted the Kotsuji Genkai family, set off a civil war, and weakened Kirigakure's strength to a very low level...

Master Yuan couldn't bear it anymore.

"Dried Persimmon Kisame must have been bought by the fourth generation, and the situation of the Quartet has been broken... Now, only our side is left, and Kazuchi will not kill the other side..."

Master Yuan analyzed the situation and returned to his residence.

"Terumi Mei, what's wrong with you...?"

Genshi, who noticed Terumi Mei's strangeness, asked suspiciously.

Afterwards, Qing and the others also noticed Terumi Mei's pale face.


Terumi Mei narrowed her eyes into crescent moons, revealing a sweet smile.

"Well, if you're too tired, it's okay to take a break once in a while."

Yuanshi stared at Terumi Mei and sighed.

Unfavorable news came one after another, and Kirigakure seemed to be at a critical juncture.

The death of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost is not the end.

The civil war in the blood mist... I am afraid that it will soon reach its climax.

The civil war that decided the fate of Wuyin Village in one fell swoop.

Master Yuan is ready.

"The death of the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost will definitely make Taodi no longer afraid...I'm afraid, this time without our first action, he will take the lead in rebelling..."

Yuan Shi analyzed.

Because if Taodi doesn't cut it, he will endure the sword and seven people.

The death of the watermelon mountain blowfish ghost sounded the alarm for him.

Will he be the next to die?

If you don't cut it, you will definitely think so.

Compared with our own side, if you don't cut it, you will definitely be unable to bear it first.

The entire Hidden Fog Village.

The only one who did not waver was a man named Kutachi Yagura.

This man sat firmly in his place, and even brought the entire water kingdom into his rule. Even the name of the water kingdom depended on his face.

However, although Mio Isofu's power can make Yagura victorious in every battle.

But it can't help him rule such a vast fertile land.

After being tempered by a blacksmith, no matter how sharp a weapon is, it will break.

And without united subordinates, no matter how powerful the rule is, it will become disintegrated.

Goji Yakura is really strong.


But he was heartbroken.

Excessive reign of terror will not convince everyone.

Over the years, more and more Kirigakure ninjas, dissatisfied with Yagura's rule, joined their side.

This is also the confidence of Master Yuan to overthrow Yakura.


Right now there is one crucial point missing...

Who will attack Mizukage first.

If you can do it again if you don't cut it, assassinate Yagura.

Let Yagura expose his cards.

It will be much easier to deal with him.


The opportunity for the coup d'état in the blood mist probably lies in the time when Taodi will not cut off and launch the attack.

When Master Yuan and the others were discussing these things...

The worry in Terumi Meimei's eyes couldn't go away.

that man...

The "he" that Kisame Kisame referred to, except for the white demon Hinata Sho.

Terumi couldn't think of another person.

these years.

Terumi Mei has not contacted Hinata Sho.

On the one hand, it was because he was busy with the affairs of the civil war in the blood mist.

Terumi Mei was cultivated by Genshi as Kirigakure's hope... the next Mizukage.

Ever since she was a child, she has shouldered the heavy responsibility of bringing back the glory in the blood mist.

Terumi really busy.

on the other hand.

As time goes by.

Terumi Mei's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Terumi Mei, who possesses the "Double Blood Succession Limit", gains power from his own practice bit by bit.

And things like 1+1 have always had an effect greater than 2.

Terumi Mei's blood succession limit... very powerful.

Strong kill most ninjas in this world.

The wings are hard, which is a true portrayal of Terumi Mei.

As a ninja in the blood mist, she doesn't want to live in the shadow of Hinata Xiao for the rest of her life...

When I become Mizukage and rule Wuyin Village, then...

The white devil is no problem.

"no problem......"

Terumi meditated.

"Although the white demon is very strong, I am not weak either. Now... I have enough strength to bear the name of Mizukage..."

Terumi Mei comforted herself.

Then, turn your attention to the meeting.

Monitor Taodi Zabuzhan's actions.

Prepare for a coup at any time to overthrow Yakura...


same moment.

Hyuga Xiao also came to Wuyin Village.

Kill a ninja in the blood mist at will and claim his face.

Use the technique of erasing face to disguise the face.

Hyuga Xiao easily entered the village.

Red beans have been sent back to Konoha.

She left with Miru Kirigakure.

The virgin girl endured, and then slowly processed her after returning.

at the moment.

Find Terumi Mei.

warn her.

It was Hinata Xiao's job to remind her of her role.

After entering Wuyin Village, Hinata Sho was not in a hurry to meet Kisame Kisame or Terumi Mei.

Instead, take a look at the environment here.

Wuyin Village has many water sources.

Mountains, rivers, lakes, canals...everywhere.

In other words, water escape ninjutsu can be activated almost anywhere.

This is the dominant home field for the ninjas of Hidden Fog Village.


Hinata Xiao spent three days.

Find out and inquire about the current situation of Wuyin Village.

And learned the fact that the watermelon mountain puffer ghost is dead, and the dried persimmon ghost has become the new ninja seven.

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