Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes Chapter 777


The overwhelming sound flooded the entire Wuyin Village.

"It's not over yet..."

Gazing at the formation.

Unwilling to admit defeat, Uchiha Obito controlled Yakura to put on a tailed beast suit on the spot.

Three-tailed chakra oozes from Yakura's body surface, mixed with orange bubbles.

The three tails swayed behind Yagura, forming the thin coat of Tailed Beast Chakra.

"You...are you trying to betray Mizukage?!"

Under the control of Obito Uchiha.

Yakura's roar resounded, and the scene returned to silence again.

Because of the effect of the three-tailed chakra.

Yagura's one eye turned into a scarlet one-eyed like Mio Isofu.

The whole person became like Xuanwu, and like a snake and scorpion.

Unlike Tailed Beasts, when Jinchuriki borrows its power, it will show the characteristics of a Tailed Beast.

The two Yuki people are cat demons.

Uzumaki Naruto is a nine-tailed demon fox.

And Yakura... is a combination of mud turtle + snake and scorpion.

"Tail beast suit...!"

"It's the Tailed Beast Chakra!"

The voice of the ninjas embraced Mimei, but because of Yakura's performance, it turned into hesitation and fear.

It is said.

Perfect Jinchuriki will not be affected by illusions.

Because even if Jinchuriki is disturbed by the illusion, the tail beast in the body will help Jinchuriki to undo the illusion.

"Sure enough...Mizukage-sama is not controlled..."

"We...are we betraying Mizukage-sama?"

Such doubts began to spread among the people.


Looking at Terumi Mei's gloomy face.

Uchiha Obito couldn't help sneering.

"After all...a big-chested and brainless—"

Obito Uchiha couldn't finish his mocking words.

Because of the next moment.

A cold voice interrupted him.

"Don't be fooled by him... Kuju Yakura is just a puppet now, a ninja who has failed in the illusion, and I from the Hyuga clan... I am the most qualified to speak."

In full view.

Hinata Shoto took off the mask.

Showed his true face.

White eyes and a stern face are reflected in the eyes of others.

The ninjas who had been huddled in the blood mist near Terumi Mei retreated violently.

They stared at Hinata Xiao who suddenly appeared with eyes as if they had seen a ghost.

"White, white devil~~~!!!"

"It's the white demon · Hinata Aya~!!!"

Exclamations erupted from the crowd.

Speaking of the entire ninja world, which ninja village has the most impression on Hinata Xiao.

That would belong to Wuyin Village.

From 14 years ago.

Hinata Sho's name first appeared in the ears of Ao, Gonbei, Genshi, Terumi Mei and others because of the Chunin exam.

8 years ago.

The third ninja war.

Hinata Xiaohuo beat Zhongyoshi to death, and his reputation first spread among the Kirigakure grassroots.

A few more years.

Later, Hyuga Xiao broke into Wuyin and forcibly killed the once-in-a-century genius boy, Ghost Lantern Manyue.

It has left a psychological shadow on countless people.

Various experiences.

Let Hyuga Sho's name successfully land on the enemy's must-kill list that all Kirigakure ninjas carry with them.

It can be said......

Hyuga Sho is a household name in Wuyin Village.

Suddenly appearing here, naturally shocked everyone.

I saw the blue veins around Hinata Xiao's eye sockets popping up.

Obviously, it is the precursor of the white eyes.

"With the sight of my white eyes, I can clearly see Goju Yakura being controlled by someone, and the guy behind Goju Yakura."

As soon as Hinata Xiao said the words.

The original hesitation of everyone was settled down.

"Blind eyes?"

"I heard that Baiyan can see through the meridians of the human body, and can easily determine whether a person is under an illusion."

"Back then, Master Qing's plan to get Baiyan, although it fell short, it also shows the strategic value of Baiyan..."

Everyone chattered loudly.


There are still sober people in the crowd.

For example... green.

Enemies are jealous when they meet each other.

Ao, who had one eye gouged out by Hinata Xiao, still had a dull pain in her eye socket.

"Konoha's ninja... Hinata Sho! Why did you appear in my Kirigakure?!"

Qing's questioning woke up the crowd.

Hinata Xiao replied calmly: "I have a secret order from my high-level Konoha... I came to discuss the alliance with Guicun... When I passed by, I accidentally ...I saw that your water shadow was controlled by someone."

among the villages.

Whether it's peace with each other, or playing each other's dog brains.

The secret communication between messengers is an unspoken rule that everyone understands.

So, Hinata Sho came to Konoha and wanted to form an alliance or something... No matter if it is true or not, even if it is a scene to deal with, it is true.


The corner of Qing's mouth twitched.

Hinata Xiao's rhetoric was perfect.

He immediately turned his head and looked at Terumi Mei.

"Master Terumi Mei, may I ask what's going on?!"

"Ah~, Qing, Elder Yuan, I'm sorry...I haven't told you guys before...Actually, Konoha's envoy came to talk to me alone about the alliance between the two villages ...Baiyan has the ability to see through the meridians, so he accidentally discovered that Mizukage-sama was controlled, which is actually an accident..."

Terumi Mei said so, and paused.

"Everyone, remember last year when Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was kidnapped..."

Terumi Mei's suggestion.

It is almost publicly declared that Wuyin Village has spies in Konoha.'s all small things.

Because no one in the five major countries has a clean butt.

It's not normal to have no spies.

"Nine-Tails controlled by the guy who controlled Mizukage-sama...White eyes can see through Chakra, Konoha's messenger Hinata Aoi confirmed. This guy is the one who controlled Nine-Tails Those who have the power of the human body belong to the same person!"

Terumi Mei stretched out a finger, pointing at Yakura with a very firm tone!

Terumi Mei said:

Everyone look.

Konoha and our Kirigakure, don't we have a common enemy now?

600. Hyuga Aya: Obito Uchiha, You Waste

For a while, the camp switched.

According to countless movies, games, animations, novels... and other literary and artistic works.

Once there is a common enemy.

Enemies who were enemies before will let go of their hatred and unite.

Even become allies, comrades-in-arms, life and death friends.

As corny as it is, it works, no doubt.

After Terumi Mei made some remarks.

Everyone in Kirigakure shares the same hatred.

Not only did he see the hope of overthrowing the reign of terror in the old blood mist.

I even saw the dawn of the friendly establishment of diplomatic relations between Wuyin Village and Muyeyin Village.

It can be said......

The future looks bright!

Shouts resounded through Wuyin Village.

The voice of recommending Terumi Mei to the top is getting louder and louder.

Even Terumi Mei himself couldn't help being proud and showing a smile...


Terumi Mei looked back and found out.

Hinata Xiao's expression was cold, completely unaffected by the voice, as if the situation was still under control.

Reminiscent of Hinata Xiaoyou's elusive and extremely powerful strength...

Terumi Mei's heart... sank again.

Kuju Yakura and the main messenger behind him are enemies.

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