Not just teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

For Naruko to become stronger, she must walk the path that only she can walk.

"And... that guy Sasuke! It's so annoying!"

It's different from Sasuke's tsundere.

Naruko is really upset with Sasuke Uchiha.

"Naruko, what you have to do is not to follow the crowd, but to give full play to your strengths."

Hinata Xiao looked at Naruko's appearance and explained.

Hinata Sho once told her that Nine-Tails' Chakra should not be exposed easily.

Otherwise, he would definitely be treated as a monster again.

And Naruko has always been careful not to reveal a little bit.


The secret competition between her and Sasuke was done by common methods.

"Next time... when you test the avatar technique, you will use the shadow avatar."

"Eh? Is this okay?"

Naruko blinked her eyes, that was the unfolding she didn't know.


Hinata nodded.

As long as Naruko shows the shadow clone in front of the ninja teachers.

Those teachers will understand.

Naruko's talent is not bad.

It's just that she is not suitable to walk the same path as ordinary people.

in addition......

Sasuke Uchiha.

Son of Uchiha Fugaku.

Hinata Xiaoxin said, take a chance and see what he looks like.

618. Father is kind and son is filial, tool man Itachi and Zhishui

next morning.

Itachi got up early.


When walking through the corridor, I saw my father Uchiha Fugaku.

But... Itachi stared straight ahead and didn't speak to his father.

recent period.

Neither father nor son had an exchange that could qualify as a dialogue.

The only way to hear each other's speech is at a secret meeting.


Uchiha Fugaku's initiative to speak.

Make itachi stop.

"Don't pay attention to what happened at the rally..."


Itachi was full of surprise at what his father said.

I thought I would scold my father, but...

"In the current clan, everyone's opinions are not completely unified. I don't intend to force everyone... But in my opinion, you are like one of the stones washed away by the flood, going upstream, An existence that wants to resist the general trend."


"I didn't distort the facts. If you can't accept what Yashiro and the others said, then be upright and come up with your own ideas."


Itachi was silent.

After a while, Itachi said, "But... I won't be allowed to do that at a rally."

"You're right..."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed.


"What's wrong?"

"Do you disagree with them?"

Itachi refers to the radical faction advocating a coup.

"It's not."

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head.

"I share the same opinion as them."


Then, Itachi's discouraged expression was reflected in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

even my father...

Itachi groaned in his heart.

Like a stone that has rolled down a mountain.

It's too late for me to do anything now.

And my father didn't want to change this idea in his heart.

The fate of the Uchiha clan...has been decided.

next moment.

Uchiha Fugaku suddenly said:

"If you just want to implement your own ideas, go for it. The so-called "decision" not relying on the will and judgment of others, but your own decision. In this world, most people live because of other people's opinions and decisions, and thus become existences without self-will. That's how you are now..."

Uchiha Fugaku looked at his son firmly.

"One's own life should be decided by oneself, so as to move forward."

"I see......"

Itachi's heart, which was ashes, ignited again.

His father's words gave him encouragement.

"Your life must never be entrusted to anyone."

Uchiha Fuyue: "This is... my good son."


In the gathering place of Uchiha, when the scene of father's kindness and son's filial piety is being staged...

Naruto Building.

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, seemed unwilling to agree with the views of the three colleagues.

This is Hokage's conference room.

It is also the place where policies are implemented in the village.

"About the police force budget..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned as he looked at the document in his hand.

The old ninja.

I am getting older every day.

He no longer has the overwhelming strength of the past.

Pale hair and age spots climbed up Sarutobi's head, making him even older.

"The budget of the police department has been greatly reduced, what is going on?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the three colleagues.

The three of them were serious.

It seems to be the same as before.

But in a trance, it seemed that everyone was laughing, and revealed a devil-like coldness.


Turning to bed, who couldn't bear the temper the most, spoke up.

"It's been almost seven years since the end of the war... the law and order in the village has also stabilized. So, does the budget of the police department still need this level?"

"Even so, minus 40%..."

Four percent? !

Is this too outrageous?

In this case.

The Uchiha clan will definitely be even more dissatisfied.

"Haven't you considered...the thoughts of the ninjas of the Uchiha clan? Especially the younger generation of ninjas..."

When Sarutobi Hiruzen argued hard.

The three colleagues interrupted him in unison.

"Hizan, we know what you said... But, the Uchiha clan has gradually been regarded as a thorn in the side..."

Danzo was laughing.

This time it was really fun.

Because after so many years of his business.

Not only is the reputation of the Uchiha clan getting worse and worse.

Moreover, they are increasingly excluded by the grassroots, middle and upper strata.

It can be said......

The living space of the Uchiha clan is getting smaller and smaller.

Like the one student who is isolated from the whole class.

To know.

Even when Uzumaki Naruto was at his worst, there were still unsuspecting children playing with Uzumaki Naruto.

And Uchiha...

Has fallen into a more miserable situation than Uzumaki Naruto.

Looking at the three colleagues triumphantly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally couldn't bear the anger he had accumulated in the past.

"It is precisely because you persecute Uchiha like this that they will become more dissatisfied!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi slapped the table.

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