
In the flying fortress of Ankbandian.

Pharmacist Dou is busy.

He is moving some experimental equipment to the air fortress.


Here will be established as another brand new base.

In the air, establish a laboratory that Uchiha Obito cannot reach.

Thereby completely avoiding his detection and intrusion.

No matter how powerful Uchiha Obito is.

It's impossible to fly.

And Sun Xiangxiao.

It is in the power room, observing the situation of Yakura.

Shen Nong drew Yakura's power again.

And injected him with lethargy drugs.

At this moment, Yagura was bound to a stone chair by shackles.

Various electrodes and cables act as chakra extraction devices.

Because of the lessons learned last time.

this time.

Shennong improved the structure.

Excess chakra will be discharged.

Prevent burst zero tail.


The humanoid automatic extraction generator is completed.

Looking at the creation he modified, Shennong smiled.

In the past, it was oppressed by the five great powers.

Nowadays, Mizukage... or the shadow of Mizuo Jinchuriki can be used as a battery.

The joy in Shennong's heart almost broke through the sky.

Of course, all of this is due to Hinata Xiao.

"This man is indeed a demon..."

Staring at the back of Hinata Xiao who left because of a visitor, Shennong laughed.



Akira Hinata meets an unexpected visitor.

Mitomon inflammation.

This morning, after receiving the notification.

Hinata Xiao arranged for this meeting.

"Elder Yan, please sit down."

Hinata Xiao said lightly, and took the lead in sitting on the seat.

Mitomonyan adjusted his glasses and swallowed.

There is no doubt that the fortress in front of you is the flying fortress of Kongyin Village!

Mitomonyan, who participated in the Second Ninja World War, knows this very well...

did not expect.

This Hinata Xiao, without everyone's knowledge...has he even conquered Kongyin Village?

Thinking of this, I sorted out my thoughts.

Mito Menyan took a deep breath, raised his head, and said to Hinata Xiao: "Hinata Xiao...Danzo and Koharu, they are going to deal with the Uchiha clan...to be precise, to Uchi Bo Zhishui has made a move."

One thing neither Danzo nor Zhuanzhu Xiaochun would have thought of.

That was the betrayal of Mitomon Yan.

621. The white demon is too scary!

Mitomonyan's abandonment of darkness and light was beyond everyone's expectation.

Even Danzo and Zhuanzhu Xiaochun probably wouldn't have expected this.

This time I came here secretly to meet Hinata Xiao.

It was one of Mitomon Yan's determinations.

In the village rumors.

Mito Menyan is serious and rigid.

But he is trusted by all Murakami Shinobi.

Mitomonyan is impartial, old-fashioned but not too extreme.

Compare three old classmates.

The Third Hokage is the representative of Wei Guangzheng.

Among the four, Zhuanwan Xiaochun has the most impulsive and irritable temper.

And Shimura Danzo... In the upper class, it is the dark shadow of Ninja that everyone knows, the man who represents the darkness of the ninja world.

in other words.

Mitomen inflammation is actually the most normal one.

Just because it is normal, it will not be extreme, and will judge the situation.

The current situation, Danzo's ambition, has reached the point where he can't bear it.

It's not about Danzo being Hokage.

It was a mass murder of people in the village.

Before the evidence that the Uchiha clan controls Nine Tails is not found thoroughly.

Mito Menyan does not agree with Uchiwa.

At most, suppress and monitor them because of suspicion.

And what Mitomon Yan doesn't know is that...

His behavior of abandoning darkness and turning to light.

So that he escaped unharmed.

"I don't understand what Elder Yan said."

Hinata Xiao said lightly.

From passive to active.

I first heard that Mito Menyan suddenly "rebelled".

Hinata Xiao was also slightly surprised.

Suddenly betrayed his front.

It can only be said that Mitomonyan's conscience is still alive? Or is there a problem with interests?


Mitomon frowned, and finally sighed.

"Hinata Xiao...Danzo is going to get Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan, and use it...to control you..."

Having said that, he glanced at Hinata Xiao.

Seeing Hinata Xiao's calm and calm appearance.

Mitomen is in a hurry.

"Uchiha Shisui's Sharingan is not an ordinary Sharingan, his Sharingan is an existence called "Kaleidoscopic Sharingan"! "


Mitomon Yan's words finally made Hinata Sho a little interested.

Even this kind of thing was said.

It seems.

Elder Yan is really ready to abandon the dark and turn to the bright.

"Tell me."

Hinata Xiao replied lightly.

Seeing Hinata Xiao, he was a little more serious.

Mitomon let out a sigh of relief.

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan is an existence that surpasses ordinary Sharingan. Only Uchiha Madara back then had this kind of eyes...Of course, we suspect that Uchiha Fugaku may also have it. …”

Mitomon thought for a while.

Said his own guess.

"This kind of eyes has stronger pupil power, and has a special "pupil technique". Uchiha Shisui's pupil technique is called "Bietenjin", which can make people unconsciously. …”

"The effect is different, isn't it?"

Hinata Xiao's sudden opening made Mito Monyan stunned, but also a little stunned.

"One can permanently control others, and the other...should have a shorter time limit..."


Mitomenyan was completely dumbfounded.

Why Hinata Shaw he knows this...

Could it be.

Was he colluding with Uchiha Shisui? !

"This reaction, it seems that Elder Yan really has a heart of repentance..."

Hinata Xiao said lightly.

this moment.

Hinata Sho's image became mysterious again in the eyes of Mito Menyan.

well known.

Uchiha Shisui is loyal to the Third Hokage.

Knowing that he has a kaleidoscope and can cast other gods, only the top four people.

Even Uchiha Fugaku didn't know about it.

So this Hyuga Sho...how did he know this? !

Of course it is personal experience.

At that time in Yinnin Village.

Uchiha Shisui confidently used the eye with a cooldown period of 10 years.

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