Both Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Sho noticed this.

Shimura Danzo couldn't have imagined it.

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan may be able to shock everyone, but it can't change the general trend. The position of the leader, no matter what, will be replaced..."

What Danzang said is not unreasonable.

Under Yakura's reign of terror, Blood Mist maintained high pressure.

But even so.

Rebels such as Momochi Zabuza and Terumi Mei also appeared.


Sometimes it doesn't work out for everything.

"It looks like you've seen it!"

Uchiha Shisui's rebuttal, in Danzo's view, was the young man's impulsiveness.

This kind of speech is only the performance of children.

"Those kaleidoscope sharing eyes... If the old man uses it, it can make it work better..."


Uchiha Shisui planned to dodge backwards.

But...he couldn't move.

"Hehe, creatures like bugs are really interesting."

A voice approached Uchiha Shisui.

"When humans are bitten by mosquitoes, they will not feel the sting at first, but when the mosquitoes fly away, they will feel itching... Sometimes, the poison of a bug can poison a giant beast Fall..."


A figure appeared behind Uchiha Shisui.

The man wears an animal mask.

It was Shimura Danzo's subordinate.

The ninja "Soru" who was placed in Kakashi's Anbu Sixth Squad and has been monitoring Itachi's Anbu Sixth Squad.

Her real name is Yangzhi Oil Girl.

next moment.

Shimura Danzo started to move, he was only one step away from Uchiha Shisui.

"The subordinates of the old man are ninjas from the oil girl clan. If you are smart enough, you must have understood by now..."


"Don't worry, you won't die immediately, you can live on for a while..."

at the moment.

Danzo and Shisui are within touching distance.

"Your eyes... are mine."


Something resounded.

It was the sound of flesh and blood squirming.

At the same time, there was a loud noise.


Oil girl Yang Zhi jumped back.

The sudden change shocked all ninjas present.

Shimura Danzo......

The green chakra transparent bone claws that suddenly appeared were rowed into the ground.

His posture was just lying in front of Uchiha Shisui, as if kneeling down to Uchiha Shisui's five-body throw.

"Susa...can be."

Uchiha Shisui, who killed Shimura Danzo, murmured.

Under the circulation of pupil power.

The Uchiha family's kaleidoscope sharing eye pupil technique appeared in front of everyone.

"Do you think... I'm defenseless against you?"

The corners of Uchiha Shisui's mouth turned up.

Through his loyal subordinate, Hinata Xiao's news.

Uchiha Shisui has long been on guard against Shimura Danzo.

Deliberately pretending to be poisoned.



The plan is done in one go.

"In front of are as pathetic as a bug!"

Uchiha Shisui turned around suddenly, those strange scarlet eyes were aimed at Suliu.

The latter froze on the spot.

Because of Uchiha Shisui's technique, he was shocked.

"makes sense......"

A voice suddenly appeared behind Uchiha Shisui.

"Next, let's have a battle of talking with the eyes..."


Uchiha Shisui turned around abruptly.

what he saw was...

Shimura Danzo used Kunai to stab himself at Susan.


Because of the huge power, Kunai collapsed.

But the first stage, Susano in the form of ribs, hardly suffered any damage.

"Sure enough... Susanoo is really suitable for protecting yourself..."

what happened? !

Didn't I just kill him?

Is this... Izanagi?

Uchiha Shisui felt overwhelmed.

This time, it was his turn to be shocked.

boom! !

The rib Susan instantly swelled, turning into a 6-meter-tall emerald green chakra giant.

Under the onslaught of the second stage, Skeleton Susano.

Shimura Danzo was hammered into the ground with a fist, causing a violent explosion.


Blood spattered out, Uchiha Shisui clearly saw the disappearance of Shimura Danzo Chakra with his eyes.

This proves that he is dead.

"The attack power is also impeccable."

But the next moment.

A living Shimura Danzo appeared on the top of a nearby tree.


Uchiha Shisui narrowed his eyes and observed carefully.

He found that Shimura Danzo's chakra was very stable, and his... was also stable.

In other words, Izanagi is indeed a technique that can change reality.

Uchiha Shisui thought of this news from his father Uchiha Saotome.


Susano hit Shimura Danzo again.

Trees collapsed, branches and leaves splashed.

Shimura Danzo began to seal.

At this moment, two arms were also exposed.

Shimura Danzo's right hand is covered with Sharingan.

It looked scary and weird.

"That is......?!"

Uchiha Shisui felt a penetrating cold because of this scene.

First use Xin's arm to transplant Mutun cells.

Because the letter can be compatible with all the reasons for the blood succession limit.

This arm accommodates Mu Dun.


By transplanting multiple sharing eyes on the arm, Izanagi can be used multiple times.

Thus, Danzo Shimura gained the power of Senju and Uchiha at the same time.

After using Izanagi twice, two eyes were permanently closed.

But even so...

"How long can your Susanoo last? Fengdun... Vacuum Jade!!"

With the completion of the seal, Shimura Danzo spit out a series of magic formulas like vacuum bullets.

bang bang bang! !

These spells hit Susanoo like hail.

Because of this, Uchiha Shisui's pupil power began to be consumed even more.

Danzo was sure, after Uchiha Shisui's Susanoo ended, gouged out his eyes.

628. The Fall of the Invincible Susanoo

A few more rounds passed.

Another Sharingan on Danzo's arm permanently lost its light.

So far...

Sharingan consumed 3 of them.

But Danzo didn't care about this consumption at all.

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