That is to say...

This is a very powerful enchantment that consumes less mana and requires a lower level.

But presumably, it is more difficult to find suitable talents to perform.

This kind of powerful enchantment technique must require a super high enchantment talent.

just like......

Namikaze Minato's trio of guards.

I don't know Huo Xuanjian, Duosi, Die Iwashi... rare special talents.

"It's useless, Hinata Xiao, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't leave this barrier."

Shimura Danzo's tone was a little slow.

At present, it is mainly to retrieve the Kaleidoscope Sharingan first.

630. The radiation fluctuates, and the pearl of rice dares to shine?

"Flame Finger!"

Hyuga Sho ignored Shimura Danzo.

Instead, use various attacks to test the nature of the Four Purple Flame Formation.

Watching is one thing.

Personal testing is another matter.

The flame finger shot at the four purple flames.

In an instant, a little flame rose and disappeared.


Hyuga Xiao picked up a dead body on the ground and threw it towards the Siziyan Formation.


A flame ignited.

The moment the corpse hit the barrier, it burned into a purple fireball.

"Conventional ninjutsu is invalid, and it burns with fire..."

Hinata Yoshi thought.

"It's useless, the old man said before, without the power of a tailed beast, it is impossible to break through this barrier!"

Danzo Shimura shouted in a low voice.

He stared at Hinata Xiao, thinking that the latter was just doing a senseless fight between trapped beasts.

"To be honest, Hinata Xiao, I am really surprised that you have come this far..."

Ka Ka Ka...

There was a sound of bones, and Hyuga Xiao's fist was covered with a layer of bone armor.

boom! !

Hinata Xiao punched the barrier.

The barrier remained motionless.

On the other hand, the bone armor covering the palm quickly showed a burn mark.

"The temperature is probably similar to that of Hao's fireball technique...that is, about 500~650 degrees."

Staring at the corpse and the burn marks on the bone armor, Hyuga Sho easily judged the temperature of the barrier.

"At the same time, it can also resist the physical attack of "regular shadow level". "


Hinata Xiao began to absorb the power of the earth, and her bones cracked.

Through the superposition of magnetic field rotation, wind escape and ripple sprint, etc.

Hinata Shoto swung a blow comparable to Susanohu's first stage.

That is... the degree to which Shimura Danzo can be killed with one punch.

As a result, it was naturally blocked by the barrier.

It's like before Uchiha Shisui could not shake the garlic four purple flame array with Susano.

"Useless struggle!"

Seeing Hinata Xiao's stubborn appearance.

Shimura Danzo scolded.

"Hinata Xiao, you don't even know what the ideal of the old man means... You have been longing to become stronger because there are all kinds of enemies around you! Why don't you help the old man to unify the ninja world !At that time, the entire ninja world will be the territory of will have no enemies anymore!"

hear this.

Hinata Xiao, who was trying to attack Si Ziyan Formation in other ways, stopped moving.


Hinata Shoto turned his gaze away, glanced at Shimura Danzo, and said, "Unfortunately, Shimura Danzo, I don't like people stepping on my head!"

next moment.

Hinata Shoto slammed into the ground.

With one punch, a big hole was blasted out of the ground.

Since the front, back, left, and right sides of the Four Purple Flame Formation, as well as the top of the head, are all barriers, then... what about the feet?

Of course, there is also an enchantment under the feet.

Hinata Xiao, who has white eyes, has long seen this.

What Hinata Xiao wants to try is to know whether the enchantment under the feet is as strong as the other five surfaces.

When I saw Hinata Xiao's attempt was hopeless.

Shimura Danzo showed a smug smile.

"How, Hinata Sho? You have used all your moves, do you still want to resist?"


Hinata Xiao didn't speak.

Instead, he stared blankly at the enchantment, as if observing and analyzing something.

Shimura Danzo didn't even know what Hinata Xiao saw in his eyes.

that sight...

I am afraid that even the ancestor of Chakra, Otsutsuki Kaguya has never experienced a scene.

As the strength becomes stronger and stronger.

Hyuga Sho...has been able to gradually see some things that other people... even Hinata Higashi, Hyuga Hinata, Hyuga Momi and others cannot see.

And all of this is given by the "God Soul Life".

Killing is the first, and it will naturally match the commensurate combat analysis ability.

Visible light, invisible light, and various rays depicted a complex and magnificent physics scene in front of Hinata Xiao.

"Hinata Xiao, it is your honor to be recruited by Danzo-sama!"

Seeing that Hinata Xiao didn't answer.

One of the root ninjas who maintained the enchantment of the four purple flames spoke.

And with his opening.

The other three also agreed.

What this world needs darkness.

A village cannot function with light alone.

We are the roots of Konoha, carrying the big tree like Konoha.

The four talked more and more vigorously.

It seems that some great ambition is being realized.

"Hmph! A lifeless thing!"

Hinata Xiao snorted coldly, apparently finding the buzzing of these four flies very annoying.

Hinata Xiao raised his hand and pointed.

The formless and formless rays are suddenly cast!

It is the "Radiation Fluctuation" that Hinata Xiao has been practicing recently as his hole card.

The power of the stars, endowing Aya Hinata with the ability to release radiation rays.

This ray is invisible to the naked eye.

The wavelength is extremely short and the frequency is extremely high.

Because of the high frequency, it has strong penetrability, and the contained energy is extremely terrifying.

In contrast, the purple four purple flame array belongs to the category of visible light.

In terms of energy density and penetrating ability, it cannot be compared with the radiation of star power.


This terrifying technique penetrated the visible light band of the Four Purple Flame Formation without hindrance.

The root ninja who was the first to speak suddenly let out a scream.

With only the strength of Chunin, countless pus and blood erupted all over his body instantly, and then fell to the ground with a thud, turning into a fuzzy lump of rotten flesh mixed with liquid and solid.

This is not the end.

Even though he was dead, his body was still quickly destroyed by radiation fluctuations, and his flesh and blood continued to turn into blood.


The four of Shimura Danzo were shocked.

With the death of a formation eye.

The four purple flame formations were instantly wiped out.

It flickered in the air for a while, and gradually disappeared like burning ashes floating into the sky.

"A pearl of rice grains dare to shine?"

A cold snort.

Hinata Xiao pointed out again.

Under Shimura Danzo's shocked gaze, he killed one of his subordinates with radiation waves.

The second person is much worse than the first one.

He staggered backwards.

As he walked, he spurted blood.

The flesh and blood fell from his body like ice cream that couldn't hang, and fell onto the grass in the glade.

Soon, even the skeleton was exposed.

"What kind of spell is this?!"

Shimura Danzo opened his eyes wide suddenly, and finally couldn't help but exclaim.

Before the technology in this world has climbed to a certain level.

They can't understand the radiation thing.

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