Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Chapter 943 Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes

If Zhuanzhu Xiaochun knew Kato Dan's spirit transformation technique, he could fly out his own soul to have a look.

If there is a soul, it proves that her predecessor was a reincarnation.

It's just that it didn't cast well, and it fell into this body.

If there is no soul...


But no matter what, Hinata Xiao didn't care about that kind of thing at all.

This interesting living body... its existence itself is its value.

think about it.

A lump made entirely of wooden cells, the product of phagocytosis and assimilation.

There are intercolumnar cells in the body, but they are not.

It can be regarded as a Mutun cell variant.

Although some regrets.

It's not Zhuanzhu Xiaochun himself.

It turned out to be a fake.

But fakes also have their uses.

"You have nothing to do with Zhuanju Xiaochun...Of course, it's okay for you to use the name Zhuanshu Xiaochun...After all, the original body is dead..."

Hinata Xiao bewitched.

"You don't want to take revenge on Shimura Danzo, who caused all your pain? He made you what you are now..."

Of course, it must not be the case.

The arrangement that Zhuanzhu Xiaochun can cooperate with Zhizhi Village Danzo must be voluntary.

But such creatures as women are seen more and more day by day.

In most cases, it is impossible to reason with women.

For example, rationality should use emotional strategies.

"Find him and kill him to relieve the hatred in your heart."

Hinata Xiao said.

"I happen to have a job here... how about being my subordinate?"

742. The Awakened Wooden Dungeon, the Fake Dryad

Hinata Xiao's words penetrated into the brain of Zhuan Xiaochun little by little.

The sleeping Koharu whose whole body cells were irradiated.

Completely lost the human part.

Dryad, dryad? monster?

It seems very appropriate to use a similar title.

Hinata Xiao hasn't seen a maiden before.


Hinata Xiao's words completely broke Zhuanzhu Xiaochun's defenses.

"I am human!!!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun shouted hysterically.

The sharp voice heralded her despair.

"There is no cell in your body that belongs to a human being. Although you look and sound like a human...but are you really human?"

Hinata Xiao's question.

Ling Zhuanzhu Xiaochun hugged her head.

As emotions brew.

A little bit of change... Happened to Zhuanzhu Xiaochun.


There are sharp wooden thorns growing out from the body surface of Zhuan Sleeping Xiaochun.

Pooh! Pooh!

More sharp wooden thorns, turning her into a monster with thorns.

Just like the Uchiha Obito with thorns all over his body that Hinata Xiao had seen.

Obito Uchiha is half monster, half human.

And the counterfeit of Xiaochun who turned to sleep...

It can be said that it is completely out of the ordinary.

"Look... you still say you're human."

Hinata Sho made a face of "as expected", and added a little bit of pity.

This expression deeply stimulated Zhuan Sleeping Xiaochun.

"Don't... look at me with that look!!!"

She is screaming.

Probably... I'm going to cry soon.

after all.

According to age.

How many weeks was she actually born? How many months? several years?

But he regarded himself as the real sleeping Xiaochun.

Thinking and three views have also been affected.

How sad.

Full role-playing.

"You've got thorns again."

Hinata Xiao's words became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"I'm going to kill you!!"

She rushed over suddenly.

After all, in her mind and memory, Hinata Xiao is the most hateful one.

Before clarifying memory and identity positioning.

Apparently, she's still following the pattern of Turning Sleeping Koharu.

Mental stimulation.

It seems to be passed on to the flesh.

There are many spikes on the body surface of the fake, which is much more exaggerated than Obito Uchiha.

It's not as gorgeous as Hinata Xiao's bones.

No matter how you look at the counterfeit at the moment, it looks like a half plant...human.

Facing the sleeping Xiaochun rushing over.

And her soaring chakra? It should be Chadora.

Hinata Sho appeared very interested.

boom! !

A fist slammed into the fake's face like lightning.

The latter did not fly out backwards.


Bits of sawdust broke and fell from the fake's face.

I don't know when.

Her face already has the lines of Mu Dun.

It looks...similar to the hydration technique of the Ghost Lamp Clan.


Zhuanzhu Xiaochun has now elementalized his wood escape.

laugh! !

The spikes pierced Hinata Xiao's body surface.

It was easily resisted by the bones.

"It's enough to deal with ordinary people... But it's not enough to deal with me."

Turning to bed Xiaochun is like a hedgehog with spikes all over his body.

It looked hideous and weird.

The human part has remained quite a lot in her.

It seems that... she has not fully realized the consciousness of becoming a foreign mother.

"That's right... a part of Mu Dun's ability has been awakened."

Hinata Xiao praised verbally.

"Are there any new moves that can be used?"

Wood escape... the art of cuttings! !

Turn to Xiaochun's answer.

It was a wooden spear thrown violently.

Form through through by shaping into sharp lance-like wood spines.

Then it instantly turns into a blooming thorn in the enemy's body.


Hinata Sho held out her finger.

He blocked this move with his index finger.

"It don't have the resolution to defeat me..."

Hinata Xiao's expression gradually turned cold.

That sight made Xiaochun feel chills all over his body.

"Sixty-four palms...Sixty-four palms!"

next moment.

Hinata Shoto rushed into the close range of the sleeping Koharu.

A set of Baguazhang is played directly.

boom! boom! boom!

For a while, it was unclear which parts were flesh and which parts were elementalized.

The flying of sawdust, coupled with the feeling of being poked into the body.

Let Hinata Xiao think about it, and at the same time confirm the attack of Baguazhang through perspective and hand feeling.

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