It's just that a scorpion got out of the ground and crawled to the side.

Hinata Xiao keeps appearing and disappearing.

Back and forth.

For three days, Uchiha Shisui and Bai Ze suffered from neurasthenia and paranoia.

At this moment.

Even the slightest movement will cause one person to become vegetative.

"Haha...we are dead, we will die!"

Bai Jue completely collapsed.

"The white devil just wants to torture us to death little by little... never get out... can't get out, and Obito won't come back."


Because the spirit is in extreme situations.

Bai Jue was already incoherent.

He even said the name of Obito Uchiha.

Uchiha Shisui was taken aback.

He doesn't know Obito Uchiha at all.

Back then, when Uchiha Obito became a Chunin and died in the battle of Kannabi Bridge, Uchiha Shisui had just graduated.

He just felt as if he had heard the name before, but he didn't know where he had heard it.

"Shut up!"

Uchiha Shisui stepped forward and knocked Bai Ze down with a punch.


He dragged Bai Jue like a dead dog, and continued to move towards the sea of ​​sand...


Where exactly are you going.

The current direction of the Kingdom of the Wind...

Uchiha Shisui no longer knows.

He's... utterly lost.


fourth day.

Uchiha Shisui's expression has become completely numb.

He just keeps going forward, forward.

Like the walking dead.

There is no food, no water, and no hope.

do not know when......

Bai Jue's eyes were completely dead.

Uchiha Shisui looked at it.

Eyes smile.

As if... watching food.


Bai Jue's eyes were empty, as if he was daydreaming.


Uchiha Shisui seems to have noticed something.

He stopped.

"Hinata Xiao!"

There was no one around, but Uchiha Shisui still spoke.

"You are the first to push me to this level..."


The wind blew up the sand waves.

Gravel like raindrops hit Uchiha Shisui's body.

When the wind stopped, Uchiha Shisui took a breath and continued.

"You have Chakra and physical strength have bottomed out..."


There is still no sound around.

Uchiha Shisui stood where he was.

Breathing became more and more rapid.

While resting, he was also waiting for Hinata Xiao to show up.

After about 1 minute.

Uchiha Shisui raised his head abruptly, his eyes widening.

When the scene in the sky came into his eyes... Uchiha Shisui stood there with a dull expression.

10 meters in diameter...the surface is reddish.

Huge cubic stones.

He was thrown from a height of one thousand meters by Hinata Xiao.

It is the same as the locomotive that sanctioned Izumi Uchiha.

Isa Hinata used hand-cut 10-meter cubes.

It took a long time to inhale it into the hole of time and space.

Then, drop it from the air and find a way to accelerate it.

Finally... giving the stone an extremely fast falling speed.

Then absorb it into the Nether Escape Time and Space Hole.

300 meters in 1 second.

The meteorite-like creation, braving the high-temperature red light, fell from the eyes.

Uchiha Shisui just stood still for a minute.

It gave Hinata Shaya time to charge up and launch.

The larger the substance, the slower Hinata Xiao's Nether Dungeon absorbs.

And this meteorite...

Released, it took about 20 seconds.

By the time Uchiha Shisui found out, it was too late.

This artificial meteorite.

It's not as simple as an ordinary fall.

But at the beginning of storage.

It was accelerated to a speed of 300 meters per second.

The high temperature of hundreds of degrees creates a thermal barrier effect on the surface of the stone and the compressed air.

Let alone lethality.

Compared with ordinary falling slow boulders.

The destructive power is incomparable.

Uchiha Shisui stared blankly at this scene.

There is no time to recall in my mind, or even to rewind.

Because of the shock of this mighty force.

And fell into a pale stagnation.

boom......! !

It's like a comet in a disaster movie hitting the earth.

A low, low roar came from the surface.

Standing in the air, Hinata Xiao stared at this scene.

Watching the earth-shattering kinetic energy, high temperature, air waves...all kinds of things volatilize and spread.


Form a small meteor impact that sweeps across several kilometers.

If this meteorite weighing 6,000 tons falls in the center of Konoha.

That would be enough to light up the entire sky.

It can be seen even in daylight.

The crackling sound will cause a 2-kilometer radius to be instantly razed to the ground.

Strong tremors will be felt within 6 kilometers.

Glass 60 kilometers away may be shattered.

The meteorite crushed Uchiha Shisui's head hard like this.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of sand waves were carried into the sky by the huge kinetic energy.

The dust that covered the sky and the sun covered the scene with a fog.

The sand wall over ten meters spread out in all directions with the impact site as the center.

The shock wave went on a rampage.

Push all the way.

Cacti, small rocks, scorpions...all were flattened and shattered.

this phenomenon......

After a few seconds, it slowly stopped.

The diffuse dust is blown away by the desert wind.


A crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters just appeared above the landmark.

One hit that can completely change the map.

It was Hinata Xiao who used the anti-gravity of the magnetic star point, and the combination of the space-time hole of the star, between thousands of meters in the sky and hundreds of meters on the ground.

Completed reserve attack.

Under such an attack, it is hard to imagine that anyone can survive.

In front of his eyes, a row of numbers jumped out.

It proved the defeat of Uchiha Shisui.

[Daoization degree... 71.6%! 】

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