But alas...

Hinata Satoshi is not a normal Hinata at all.

boom! !

The voice suddenly changed.

The powerful attack made Jing Yin's arm tremble.

"There is a gap!"

boom! boom!

After a few more attacks, Hinata Sho made the next combo against the sound of the middle door opening.

"Sixteen palms! Thirty-two palms! Sixty-four palms!!!"

Bang bang bang bang! !

The sound resounded, and Hyuga Sho drove the chakra into the silent meridian.

At this moment, Jing Yin knew her defeat.


The feeling of chakra being blocked in the meridian did not come.

on the contrary!

It's as if hundreds of rivers go east to the sea! The chakra in her body suddenly became uncontrollable!

A flow that she doesn't know begins.

In the meridian, the silent Chakra quickly used Hinata Xiao's method to carry out a directional impact.

The terrifying, higher-level soft boxing technique suddenly made Jing Yin feel the pain she had never experienced before.


Mute screamed.

The body trembled violently.

Painful shock, the battle is over.


Shizune fell to the ground.

Her eyes rolled up slightly, her pupils absent-minded.

The trembling body showed the horror of the Hyuga Clan's Soft Fist!

Just the moment of being hit, Mute was subdued!

"Senior Jingyin, please give me advice."

Hinata Sho took a look at Shizune, and immediately went back to the house.

With these actions and tone, it seemed that Hinata Sho was still angry.


The door of the house was slammed shut by Aya Hinata.

In the courtyard... fell into a state of silence...


Shizune rolled her eyes, and it took a while before she replied.

She shivered and looked towards the room with the closed door.

Shi Jing couldn't understand at all, what happened to Hinata Xiao's soft fist just now.

767. Hinata Xiao Sets Up a Game Step by Step, but Hinata Mo Hasn’t Left

Mute got up.

Gritting his teeth.

In line with the idea of ​​a loyal servant serving Master Tsunade.

Silence knocked on the door.


Before she could react, she was dragged in at once.


The door is closed.

Poor Shizune, she has no idea that Hinata Sho has set a trap.

The so-called ninja should carefully observe the surrounding environment.

Never relax.

Tsunade's younger brother, Senju Nawaki, died because he fell into a trap by mistake.

Shizune failed to learn a lesson, which really disappointed Hinata Xiao.


Since Shizune doesn't even have this ability to respond, then Hinata Momi...would she also fall into the trap?

This represents the failure of Tsunade's teaching?


The banging sound of the Sixty-Four Palms of the Eight Diagrams resounded in the room.

It continued until the next morning.



Hinata Xiao opened the door and walked out from inside.

Then across the yard, to have breakfast.


Jing Yin also came out from inside, staggering, holding on to the door.

Because of excessive chakra and physical exertion.

Of course she was exhausted.

Another moment.

Wait until the silence is gone.

After eating breakfast, Hinata Xiao returned to the room again.

With a bang, the door was closed.

Hinata Xiao kindly brought some food and gave it to Xiaochun.


Everything is quiet.

Only the sound of the nearby small river flowing, it is refreshing...


"So...that masked gambler is Hinata Sho?!"

Tsunade yelled.

I was hungry all day yesterday.

no way.

Tsunade had to sell the little piggie.

When Mute came back, he was in a bad mood.


Piglets generally don't die.

Because it is the kind of very famous pet pig.

Worth a lot of money.

Tsunade, who had been cheated for a while, left the restaurant angrily last night.

Eat, drink and live well.

As for mute? Who cares about her?

"Jing Yin, you don't seem to be hungry at all..."

Tsunade suddenly noticed something.

Mute...she's not hungry.

More than that, except for being a little weak.

Seems... radiant? More feminine?

"Could it be..."

Tsunade narrowed his eyes.


Shi Jing was looked at in vain, and backed away again and again.

"Has Hinata Xiao's kid treated you to a big meal?"

Tsunade asked this question abruptly.


Shizune lowered her head, admitting it.


Tsunade nodded.

She knew that Hinata Xiao spent a lot of money.

Not just a fat sheep that is fatter than her...... Oh no, Tsunade is saying that Hinata Aoi is a serious person and doesn't hesitate to spend money......

Tsunade is still thinking about Hinata Aoi's three hundred million.

"What is that kid doing here? He only wins a little every time he gambles?"

Tsunade put his arms around his chest and began to think.

After a while.

Her eyes lit up.

My wife understands.

Just seeing Tsunade's gaze, he glanced directly at Hinata Momi.

"Hum hum......"

A ambiguous smile appeared on Tsunade's face.

"It must be...that kid is here to look for you."

Tsunade thought.

After all...that kid Hinata Sho has reached that age too.

21 years old.

It does fit.

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