Naruto: Start From The White Eyes

Hokage That Started With Blind Eyes Chapter 986

All human faces are transformed by it.

"Your faces...I just accept it..."

During the conversation.

The figure transformed into Ri Xiangxiao has already grabbed the four cadres next to him.

"Soft fist!"

After seeing a burst of dazzling palms.

The monster disguised as Hinata Shoto has already hit the body of one of the four cadres with soft fists.


The other three reacted.

Rescue the injured companion immediately and force them back with ninjutsu.

"what happened?!"

There was a look of disbelief on everyone's face.

The obviously white demon grabbed Wuwei's collar with a cold face.

Why here...Wuwei's wife turned into a white demon? !

Also used a real soft fist? !

"That's not a real soft fist..."

Heijue shook his head again.

"It's just an imitation of "Blood Succession Boundary"...By showing a similar appearance, making moves similar to the person being imitated, but...the essence is different after all. "

"Is there still such a blood inheritance limit?"

Uchiha Obito was puzzled.

Although the ninja world is huge.

He had never heard of such a family.

"This family still exists, they are called the "Family Clan". "

The Fumian family can imitate other people's faces, if it's just like this, it can't be called great.

What's more, body shape, voice, smell, chakra frequency, fluctuation...

Everything, even family members can't tell the difference.

It is a family that combines Baijue's transformation technique, and Orochimaru's face-fading, disappearing...and other characteristics.


Hei absolutely did not explain that.

The present face-to-face clan is far less powerful than their ancestors.

"Are you ninjas from the land of grass? 1,000 years have passed, and you have finally fallen into this poor state..."

The ninja of Fumian Clan grinned at the four cadres.

To be able to open the box of bliss, it must be the blood of the Tomori clan, and also the blood of the ninjas of the country of grass.

1,000 years ago, there were indeed no Dainin villages such as Konoha, Kirigakure, and Sandgakure.

But that doesn't mean there were no ninjas back then.

"Pretending to be a ghost!"

The four cadres snorted coldly, and then continued to use seal seals.

"Water escape......!"

"Water escape!"

The ninjas of the face-to-face clan turned into his appearance and performed the same ninjutsu at the same time.

boom! !

The currents collided.

The ninjas of the face-to-face clan are more powerful and directly overwhelmed the four cadres.


The remaining three didn't remember anything until they were washed away.

"The face-to-face family?! Are you a ninja from the face-to-face family?!"

"I can imitate the appearance and body shape of can change it at will..."

"Oh? So... after 1000 years, my people still survive? How lucky..."

The other party stared at the four cadres coldly.

"My name is...just call me Fumian...I can be anyone."

"He just said 1000 years ago?! How is this possible!"

The four cadres looked at the man who claimed to be a double face in disbelief.

778. Sun-burning beautiful girl Long Lan

"nothing is impossible."


"The Box of Elysium is a weapon created in my era... If it hadn't been locked inside... I would have ruled the world long ago!"

In the era of face-to-face.

There is no such thing as "ninja world".

Because at that wasn't the era when ninjas were the mainstream.

"Although 1,000 years have passed, the former enemies are all dead... But killing all their descendants is also a good thing..."

Fumian refers to the offspring.

Naturally, they are the descendants of the ninjas from the Country of Grass.

Changing times.

For 1,000 years, the Ninja sect has been passed down.

Fumian laughed.

Perform various attacks with techniques and ninjutsu beyond the capabilities of humans of this era.

"How do I get Tsunade out?"

Holding Wuwei's neck, Hinata Shaw asked coldly, not caring about the Fumian family at all.

He just knows.

My plan was interrupted, and I was very upset.

Not only lost the ninja weapon Tsunade.

It also delayed the time to control Konoha.

"I don't know..."

Facing Hinata Xiao's questioning, Wuwei could only speak in this difficult way.

I can't beat it.

Fire Escape · Sky Prison will also be absorbed.

This is something he has seen before.

Last time, he was defeated by Hinata Xiao.

This time, nothing changed.

"Because the box was opened for the first time... so I don't even know if it was really opened... If it weren't for the mission passed down from generation to generation by the Tomori clan... maybe I would think it was a hoax..."

Inaction answer.

One thing is confirmed.

The opening of the box was only accidental.

In the past, they were all treated as myths and legends.

"Since only the blood of the "Tomorrow Clan" can open the control box..."

Hinata Xiao's eyes flickered.

Subconsciously, doing nothing feels like suffering.

"Stuff it with your son."

You lost my ninja weapon, then I will fill it with your son!


Hinata Aya glanced away.

Scan the castle tower.

Then in a resting room, I saw Wuwei's son...

The similar faces represent that they are father and son.

In the next second, Hinata Xiao's figure flashed.

He let go of Wuwei and rushed towards the Tianshou Pavilion.

Only Wuwei was left slumped on the ground, staring blankly at the place where Hinata Xiao disappeared...


It flashes all the way from the inside of the castle tower.

Hinata Xiao quickly came to the ward.

After pushing open the door,

Hinata Xiao saw Wuwei's son inside...and a hooded ninja.

Wheat skin, white hair.

She is a beautiful girl of Japanese style, looks about 13 years old.

Just because of her innocent appearance, it doesn't mean that she won't grow into a sexy hot girl in the future.

But Hinata Xiao's attention is not on her black-skinned and silver-haired appearance...

It was on those eyes with circles of lines.

"Samsara eyes?!"

Subconsciously, Hinata Akara wanted to do something.

But at the next moment of observation, he stopped moving.


That's not the eye of reincarnation.

It just looks very similar to the eyes of Payne, the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

"who are you?!"

After a short period of sluggishness, the pure and beautiful Japanese-style otome immediately questioned and assumed an attacking posture.

"I'm here to find Wuwei's son... but you, who are you?"

"My name is Dragon Tongue! I'm a ninja from Caoyin Village."


Hinata Xiao casually responded, then reached out and grabbed the still unconscious boy.

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