The reappearance of Orochimaru inevitably caught others off guard.

But the masked man didn't say much, and others didn't bother to question it.

Scorpion glanced at Orochimaru's new body, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes: "No matter who you meet, you don't need to intervene."

After saying that, Scorpion's figure disappeared in the temporary base.

Orochimaru also turned around and left without saying a word.

Walking out of the temporary base, Orochimaru looked at the desert not far away, his eyes full of expectation.

"What kind of surprise can you give me, Qingchuan Tianming?" Orochimaru sneered twice.

"Cough cough." Orochimaru coughed violently, and blood spurted out.

Kimimaro's body has finally reached its final stage, and Orochimaru wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his backhand.

Three years ago, Kabuto Yakushi brought the wounded Uchiha Sasuke back to the snake cave, in order to wait for the perfect Sasuke. Orochimaru can only temporarily satisfy Kimimaro's long-cherished wish.

Replace his body.

Three years have changed, Sasuke has become more and more perfect, and Kimimaro's body has gradually exposed the problem of unsuitability.

Originally, they were ready to replace Sasuke, but the Akatsuki organization carried out the tailed beast capture plan that shocked the ninja world.

The news that Konoha rushed to help after capturing the one-tailed Jinchuriki spread.

Orochimaru saw a name again.

Qingchuan Tianming.

This is the perfect container that Orochimaru found when he attacked Konoha, especially after the fight left a curse mark. Orochimaru realized that his previous containers were all some rotten fish and shrimp.

Qingchuan Tianming is absolutely perfect! Even better than Sasuke!

For a moment, Orochimaru's state of mind was somewhat shaken.

Sasuke's body was undoubtedly good, and he would be able to use it for a long time. At the same time, he would have the opportunity to study the secrets of the Sharingan that he had dreamed of.

But he felt that something was missing.

There was a gap between Uchiha Sasuke and Qingchuan Tianming.

However, even the slightest gap would be gradually magnified in the relatively perfect eyes of Orochimaru.


Soon, Akatsuki's temporary base was abandoned

Only Gaara's body was left.

And the Red Sand Scorpion and Orochimaru didn't get along, so any action of the two did not need to be reported in advance.

In Akatsuki's temporary base, the Red Sand Scorpion stretched out his hand to lay down the formation, and he looked up at Gaara lying on the ground. His eyes were full of desolation.

"I wonder if grandma will come?"


On the other side, the last desert area of ​​the Wind Country!

Team 7 and Team 3 finally met!

At the same time, Haruno Sakura and Chiyo Grandma also joined the battle.

"That's the border. I have a feeling it's not wrong." Chiyo said, pointing to a group of mountains.

Everyone went straight there.

"Gaara is ahead." During the attack, the voice of Shukaku, the one-tailed beast, rang in Qingchuan Tianming's mind, "Something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Qingchuan Tianming asked.

"Half of my soul has been extracted, and Gaara's body is dead." Shukaku said in a frustrated voice.

Qingchuan Tianming didn't say anything after hearing this. In the original book, Gaara also died.

Gaara was brought back by Chiyo with her life. But in this situation, Qingchuan Tianming couldn't jump to conclusions even if he knew something.

Not long after, the group found Akatsuki's temporary base.

The cliff bordering a shallow pond was the temporary base.

Everyone came to the front, and Uzumaki Naruto stepped out without saying a word: "Is it here?"

"Little ghost, come back." Grandma Chiyo shouted: "A formation has been set up here."

"Formation? Is there one?" Uzumaki Naruto looked confused.

"Of course there is, and it's familiar." Grandma Chiyo took a deep breath and said: "It seems that my grandson has been waiting for a long time."

Grandma Chiyo said as she approached the cliff and put her hand on it! The cliff suddenly began to ripple like water waves: "Everyone, this formation is not only a defensive formation but also wrapped in illusion. The child's method is too clever. I can only break the defense. As for the illusion, I'll leave it to you."

After the voice fell, the cliff trembled, and the entire cliff sank to the ground, revealing the true face of the Lushan Mountain inside.

At the same time, the third team was also taken to other places by illusion.

"Little Lee." Uzumaki Naruto said anxiously: "Teacher Kakashi, Team 3."

"Ah Kai can handle it." Hatake Kakashi said lightly, he also

Some people were shocked by the power of this illusion. It was like a word that came true, and it took effect without giving people a chance to react.

But I believe that Might Guy is also true.

In the temporary base, as the mountain wall opened, Scorpion, who had closed his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes, and was not surprised when he saw the person in front of him.

"Gaara." Grandma Chiyo looked at Gaara lying on the ground and said with great pain.

Qingchuan Tianming rushed to Gaara without saying a word, but two bone spurs suddenly emerged from the surface and dragged Gaara into the soil.

"Bone spurs! Kimimaro!" Qingchuan Tianming's pupils turned slightly and locked onto a dark breath.

"Teacher Kakashi, I'll go and bring Gaara back."

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