The dead body was buried in the tomb.

As all the ninjas who participated in the Chunin Exam arrived at the central tower one after another, the Konoha ninjas in charge of the second round found the bodies of several ninjas from Kusagakure Village somewhere outside the periphery, all of whom had their faces removed.

After arriving at the scene, examiner Mitarashi Anko returned to the Konoha office without saying a word to report.

"Did Orochimaru infiltrate?" Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered as he listened to Mitarashi Anko's report.

"I won't make a mistake. That method must be his." Mitarashi Anko said with a complicated look. As a disciple of an S-level rebel ninja, she was under a lot of psychological pressure.

"I understand, but the Chunin Exam cannot be cancelled. Give orders to have all the jonin of Konoha rush to the Central Tower, and let the Chunin be responsible for the outer reconnaissance." Sarutobi Hiruzen is a man who maintains stability.

If Konoha interferes with the Chunin Exam out of fear of Orochimaru, then Konoha is likely to become a topic of conversation for future generations, which is something Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot accept.



The people who passed the second round waited in the Central Tower for a while, and the iron door inside slowly opened, and several familiar figures appeared. They were all the head teachers of several classes in Konoha and well-known jonin.

"Teacher Kakashi!" Uzumaki Naruto shouted.

Hatake Kakashi nodded in response.

Sharp-eyed Tianming found that Hatake Kakashi did not hold the intimate paradise, and he would only be so serious when something extraordinary happened.

Like Hatake Kakashi, there are other jonin who receive orders from the Third Hokage, not only to guard against the harassment of Orochimaru, but also to ensure the smooth progress of the Chunin Exam.

It can be said that the pressure is huge.

At this time, Mitarashi Anko came out and swept her beautiful eyes over all the Genin present and said: "This year's situation is very unusual. The number of people who passed the second round is more than in previous years, so we decided to temporarily modify the rules."

"The team with the scroll of heaven and earth will recalculate the individual comprehensive performance and divide the area. The people in the area will conduct a preliminary selection. The final winners will be the top ten to obtain the qualification of Chunin. The detailed situation below will be explained by the examiner of the third round, Moonlight Gale. "

"Ahem..." Moonlight Gale is a complete sickly person, the kind who coughs twice for every sentence he says.

"Teacher Mitarashi Anko has already explained it very comprehensively. I will add a little bit. The current rules, ahem..., the current rules are that the team with the scroll of heaven and earth is eligible to participate in the preliminary selection, and the preliminary selection will become a personal battle."

"People in the score area will fight one-on-one, and it may be people from the same village or the same team... ahem."

Tianming listened from behind, and his heart became a little subtle. This Chunin exam seemed different from the original one.

In the original plot, all those who passed the second round were dispersed and randomly drawn.

But now the score areas are divided.

After saying this, Moonlight Gale didn't waste any words. He took out the remote control and pressed it. The interface on the big screen scrolled instantly.

After a while, the B-level score appeared.

Nara Shikamaru, Kankuro, Temari, Inuzuka Kiba, Hyuga Hinata, Rock Lee, Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura.

The personal data is also displayed behind each name. There is no need to question the source of the data. Every time the ninja village participates in the Chunin Exam, the participating ninja village will send a jonin to supervise.

After B-level, it is A-level!

There are fewer people in A-level, including Hyuga Neji, Tenten, Akimichi Choji, Aburame Shino, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Yakushi Kabuto, and several ninjas from the Sound Village.

At this point, most of the people in the big field have been mentioned by name.

Just when everyone was curious about who else was there, the screen changed again and S jumped out.

And there are only two people in the S area!

Qingchuan Tianming, Gaara!

The latter's name is well-known. Gaara is young and famous and is the son of the Kazekage. But what puzzles others is who Qingchuan Tianming is?

Soon the statistics of the two came out.

The reason why Gaara ranks S is that in the Sand Ninja combination, Gaara unilaterally killed the entire team and they were the first to reach the central tower.

As for Qingchuan Tianming, when the data was displayed, everyone's eyes widened.

This guy did the opposite, he killed a lot!

Ten people! There were 78 people in the second round of the Chunin Exam, and Qingchuan Tianming killed 10 of them, accounting for one-seventh.

And the total number of deaths was 21, and Qingchuan Tianming accounted for half.

This data is also unprecedented.

"Tianming, you separated from us to kill people?" Uzumaki Naruto said in shock.

Tianming didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Was he going to kill someone? Orochimaru was giving him too much face, letting the people from the Sound Village to give themselves up.

"I was forced to do this." Tianming laughed. Gaara on the side took a look at Qingchuan Tianming for the first time.

Tianming also looked at each other, and the invisible sparks in their eyes were colliding.

"Examiner! I apply to withdraw from the third exam!" At this time, Kabuto Yakushi in the corner raised his hand and said, "I was seriously injured in the second round and can't go to the third round."

"Ahem, okay." Moonlight Gale took out a notebook and recorded it, saying, "Since someone withdrew, there will be one more place in the S area, and the place will be decided by the Ab area!"

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