After leaving the inn, Jiraiya and his two disciples walked towards the mountains and stopped only when they found a place with few people.

"Sexy Immortal, this is the place for practice, is there any difference?" Uzumaki Naruto looked around. He didn't find any clues.

"No, I'm just tired, let's go here." Jiraiya's answer was surprising.

Uzumaki Naruto "..."

"The next move I'm going to teach you is really powerful. This is the ninjutsu created by the Fourth Hokage." Jiraiya smiled.

"Wow! The Fourth Hokage's technique?" Uzumaki Naruto was excited.

Jiraiya stretched out a hand, and on the palm of his hand! Strands of wind-attributed chakra natural energy gathered from all around, forming a whirlwind in Jiraiya's palm, and the whirlwind turned into a sphere as it rotated! Various regular and irregular chakras began to blend.

"Compressing chakra into a high-quality sphere in a spiral manner! Then releasing it again will cause great lethality. This ninjutsu is called Rasengan!"

Uzumaki Naruto stared at it infatuatedly with his eyes wide open: "Rasengan?"

While the master and apprentice were discussing Rasengan, Qingchuan Tianming left on his own.

Although Jiraiya was sure that he knew the principle of Rasengan based on his performance last night, and did not let him avoid it when teaching Uzumaki Naruto, Qingchuan Tianming still left.

The significance of Rasengan is not that it is powerful, but that it is the unfinished ninjutsu of the fourth generation Namikaze Minato! It was passed to his son to continue to complete.

In the future, Uzumaki Naruto will use the power of the Nine-Tails and learn the Sage Mode. He has too many means, but he has been developing the Rasengan from the beginning to the end. Many people wonder why Naruto can only make balls!

Few people think that after learning about his life experience, Uzumaki Naruto was feeling Minato Namikaze when he used the Rasengan.

In battle after battle, using the Rasengan is like his father accompanying him.

This is persistence and inheritance.

Qingchuan Tianming found an open space at random and sat on the ground. He was also going to start practicing.

With a thought, the Thunder Sun Blade appeared in Qingchuan Tianming's hand from the system backpack.

Gently holding the hilt, Qingchuan Tianming practiced one move after another. He had no master in the sense of the word, and all the rewards he got from signing in were digested by himself.

After practicing for several rounds, Qingchuan Tianming had a flash of inspiration.

Then he closed his eyes and began to practice with imaginary enemies in his mind.

Behind a tree not far away, Jiraiya retracted his gaze and sighed secretly.

This child is simply amazing!

Where is the real genius? People with extremely high talents also work hard behind the scenes.

Jiraiya turned his head and looked at Uzumaki Naruto who couldn't even play with a balloon.

It's really a headache.

But fortunately, Uzumaki Naruto has the spirit of not admitting defeat. It doesn't matter if he fails, just start over!

He practiced until the sun set, and Uzumaki Naruto lay on the ground exhausted.

At this time, a popsicle appeared in his sight.

Uzumaki Naruto got up with a carp jump and saw Jiraiya and Qingchuan Tianming behind him.

Qingchuan Tianming was eating a luxurious chocolate popsicle, but Jiraiya was eating a double ice, holding one in his mouth and handing one to Uzumaki: "What are you staring at? You don't want to eat it?"

"Eat! I'll eat it!"


In a casino somewhere on Tansho Street, a crowd of spectators gathered in front of a gambling bed. What was so attractive was not how huge the gambling posture was, but that the gamblers were too big!

On one side was the ever-victorious general of the casino, the one-eyed dragon, and on the other side was the focus of everyone's attention!

Not only was the scale amazing, but it was also very tall! That face full of coldness and charm made people obsessed.

"Lost again!"

Tsunade put down the cards in her hand and held her forehead. It seems that her curse of losing every time she gambled cannot be broken.

"Tsunade-sama, we can't play anymore. If we lose again, we will have to sleep on the street." Jingyin on the side reminded in a low voice.

"Beauty, are you coming again? I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman today!" The one-eyed dragon opposite was very proud!

He felt very comfortable when he won money. Not to mention winning money from beautiful women.

"Let's go to the bathroom and come back later!" Shizune said directly, and then helped Tsunade away from the gambling table.

"Please!" The one-eyed dragon didn't say much.

The two went to the bathroom and locked the person in. Tsunade, who had been depressed, regained her spirit.

"Shizune is worthy of you, the timing is just right!"

"Tsunade-sama, I don't want to be here at this time."

"Let's leave this place first." Tsunade said as she began to make hand seals and used a disguise technique to change her and Shizune's appearance and sneak out.

After leaving the casino, Tsunade and Shizune walked towards Tansho Street.

When they came to an alley, a strong breath came from the front.

"Hmm! Has it been discovered?" Tsunade was surprised.

It was not the one-eyed dragon from the casino who came out of the darkness, but a man wearing glasses.

"Tsunade-sama, Orochimaru-sama invites you to have a chat!" Yakushi Kabuto said lightly.

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