Naruto: Start with the Seventh Generation Reward

Chapter 98 Belated achievement reward, domineering body and defense, I am bathing in Tianai Zhenxing

"The Flying Thunder God Technique is actually to use the overlap of space to shuttle through it."

Minato Namikaze said, picking up a leaf from the ground, then looked at Yuichi Yuuki and said, "If it were you, from this part of the leaf to the other end."

"How would you choose to go?"

Yuichi Yuuki was not so stupid, and he understood it immediately after hearing his words.

According to the understanding of ninjutsu, it may be a little inadequate, but if it is converted into the theory of wormhole shuttle between universes, the principle can actually be roughly understood.

Wormhole shuttle is to face a piece of paper, and then directly pass through the facing section from one end to the other end, and what Minato Namikaze said is actually the same.

Seeing Yuichi Yuuki seem to have realized something, Minato Namikaze sighed in his heart again, worthy of being the person he thought had the appearance of the second generation.

I just reminded him, and he actually figured it out by himself.

"Brother-in-law means that when you fold and shuttle, the passage is unstable?"

"You can think so." Namikaze Minato nodded, "The essence of the Flying Thunder God Technique is to use your own chakra and the Flying Thunder God Mark to resonate, fold space, and thus achieve the ability to shuttle."

Namikaze Minato said, folding the leaf in his hand in half.

"And when you are not familiar with it, if you rashly enter this passage, you will be directly divided by this passage."

As he said, he drilled a hole through the leaf and then rubbed it back and forth.

The holes are sometimes aligned and sometimes staggered.

Seeing Yuichi Yuuichi looking at the leaf in his hand, Namikaze Minato smiled, he knew he understood.

Yuichi Yuuichi did understand.

With Namikaze Minato, the first person in Flying Thunder God, guiding him here, he can practice this ninjutsu with confidence.

Although the Flying Thunder God Technique was created by the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, and only the two of them in the ninja world knew it, they had achieved great accomplishments in this ninjutsu.

There is no doubt that Minato Namikaze is definitely stronger.

After all, one is a master of forbidden techniques, and the other specializes in the Flying Thunder God Technique.

You can tell by comparing the two.

Senju Tobirama knows more ninjutsu than Minato Namikaze, but he can't beat him in Flying Thunder God Technique.

Thinking about it, Yuichi Yuuji once again began to sense the Flying Thunder God mark.

The first step in practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique is to condense the chakra in your hands and then leave a mark on an object or someone else.

Yuichi Yuuji looked at a mark on the stone and closed his eyes again.

His mark is different from the Senju family emblem of Senju Tobirama Senju, and it is also different from the benevolence mark of Minato Namikaze.

His mark is actually a pattern, a weird little head, and there is a big hand stroking it.

When Minato Namikaze saw his mark, he asked him with some doubts why he chose to engrave such a mark.

In response, Yuichi Yuuji explained that he wanted to let the ninja world feel the true meaning of love.

Touching the other person's head is a way for people to show closeness.

So, he chose this mark.

Hearing his words, although Minato Namikaze felt something was wrong, he still nodded in agreement.

Jiraiya was looking at the mark and thinking, then looked at Minato Namikaze and said, "This mark is really good."

"Only when people understand each other can we build true peace."

"I didn't expect that your brother-in-law would have such an idea." Jiraiya sighed at Yuichi Yuuki who was closing his eyes to sense the Flying Thunder God Mark.

"At such a young age, he actually understands these principles. He already has the thinking of a Hokage."

Minato Namikaze also looked at Yuichi Yuuki and smiled like a little sun.

"It seems that there are not many people who can be praised by Jiraiya teacher like this."

"Hahaha!" Jiraiya put his hands on his waist and laughed exaggeratedly, "I am the Toad Sage of Myoboku Mountain!"

"One of the legendary three ninjas!"

"This kid is incredible to be praised by me!"

Jiraiya can't be praised, he will swell up when he is praised.

Namikaze Minato shook his head helplessly. His teacher was not serious at ordinary times, but if he really encountered something, he would become very reliable.

Uzumaki Kushina also respected him because of this. If Jiraiya did not peek at hot springs or bathhouses at ordinary times, she might respect Jiraiya even more.

The two of them were discussing, and Yuichi Yuki was constantly sensing.

Almost everyone in the Uzumaki clan has a sense of talent.

And it is a very strong one.

Even if the Kagura Heart Eye has not been awakened, it is the same.

Therefore, with the blessing of this sense of talent, Yuichi Yuki quickly sensed the Flying Thunder God Mark.

In fact, he could sense it from the beginning when he engraved the Flying Thunder God Mark.

But it cannot be sensed instantly.

If this ninjutsu wants to be used in actual combat, then it must be able to achieve the same instant perception ability as Namikaze Minato and Senju Tobirama.

Otherwise, it can only be used as an auxiliary ninjutsu for traveling.

Every time he re-perceives, Yuichi Yuki has to spend time to re-perceive.

As Yuichi Yuuki sensed, the Flying Thunder God Seal engraved on the stone was emitting a brilliant light.

And all around him, there was a pitch-black space.

The mark of the Flying Thunder God was clearly not far in front of him, but Yuki Yuichi felt that there was an infinite distance between them.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and sighed heavily.

"This jutsu is really difficult."

"I have sensed it for a long time, but the vague aura of death is still there."

"And this mark is obviously right in front of me, but the distance I perceive seems to be far, far away."

Upon hearing this, Namikaze Minato stopped communicating with Jiraiya, but continued to look at him.

"This is the art of Flying Thunder God."

"Jiraiya-sensei didn't even feel it at first when he asked me for advice before."

Namikaze Minato's words made Jiraiya blush.

As a teacher, it is very embarrassing to ask your students for ninjutsu lessons.


"Don't talk about such confidential things." Jiraiya complained.

"Yuichi is not an outsider." Namikaze Minato said with a smile, then continued to look at Yuuki Yuichi and said: "You need to take your time in practicing the Flying Thunder God Technique."

Saying that, Namikaze Minato thought for a moment and continued: "You continue to practice perception first."

"Every time you perceive it, you must try your best to get close to the mark of the Flying Thunder God with your consciousness."

"If you get close every time, then you have the talent to learn this ninjutsu."

"If you don't feel closer every time you sense it, then you have no choice but to give up this ninjutsu." Namikaze Minato said, with some regret in his eyes.

If possible, he actually wanted someone to learn the art of Flying Thunder God.

At the very least, if two people know this ninjutsu, his subsequent development will be easier.

He was already thinking about ways to improve the Flying Thunder God Technique.

If Yuuki Yuichi can learn this ninjutsu, I believe that with his talent, he will be able to improve the Flying Thunder God Jutsu with him, right?

Namikaze Minato was looking forward to this.

Thinking about it, he continued: "I'll think about how to learn this ninjutsu, and I'll tell you when I get home at night."

When Yuki Yu heard this, he nodded, closed his eyes again and began to sense.

He wants to progress so much!

Everyone who travels to the world of Naruto doesn't want to learn the art of Flying Thunder God?

Anyone who says they don’t want to is just farting.

Being able to have Namikaze Minato teach the flying thunder god technique in person, is this an opportunity that many people can't ask for?

Yuuki Yuichi continued to practice perception, while Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya discussed how to disassemble and learn the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Although Jiraiya has not learned the flying thunder god technique, he has learned it after all, and can still give some suggestions on this.

He doesn't have any opinion on Yuki Yuichi learning the Flying Thunder God technique.

It would be a good thing for the people of Konoha to have one more person who can fly the Thunder God Technique.

Among the three ninjas, although Tsunade later became Hokage, she suffered from hemophobia due to the death of her boyfriend and younger brother. She also ran away from home for so long that she didn't care about anything at all, and she never returned to Konoha no matter what.

Orochimaru started human experiments directly and captured countless people from Konoha.

Only Jiraiya was thinking about Konoha until his death.

When the sunset gradually rose and the sun was about to set, Yuki Yuichi slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, what came into view was Jiraiya's vulgar face.

The sudden scene made Yuuki Yuichi's pupils shrink, "Abnormal!"

As he said that, he punched him with one punch.

Not long after, Jiraiya covered his right eye and squatted on the ground with his teeth bared.

Namikaze Minato looked at his teacher helplessly.

"Jiraiya-sensei, I told you, this will scare Yuichi."

"Who knew this brat could punch him in an instant?" Jiraiya covered his eyes, squatting on the ground and gasping for air.

Yuuki Yu glanced at Jiraiya, then at his fists, with his hands on his hips.

"I am the man who defeated one of the three ninjas, the pervert Jiraiya!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya stood up, let go of his hand covering his eyes, and became angry with embarrassment, "You brat!"

"I am a crazy ghost Jiraiya, not a pervert!"

"But that's what Kushina-sama told us."

"Besides, people in the village also say you are a pervert."

Yuuki Yuichi said, pretending to scratch his head, "I have only heard about the pervert Jiraiya, not the crazy ghost Jiraiya."

"Did you come up with the title Crazy Ghost yourself?"

Saying that, Yuuki Yuichi showed a suspicious look.

Feeling his gaze, Jiraiya suddenly didn't know how to refute.

Namikaze Minato saw this and put his hand on Yuuki Yuichi's head from behind and rubbed it.

"Okay, Jiraiya-sensei's title of mad ghost was given by a ninja village in another country."

"This is a title earned on the battlefield."

"Oh." Yuki Yu nodded, then realized something and ducked to the side, "Don't touch your head!"

"Otherwise, when I learn the Flying Thunder God technique, I will carve a mark on your head!"

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato didn't make any move, just smiled on the spot, "Okay, no more."

"Your sister should have prepared the meal."

"Let's go back and eat!"

Yuuki Yuichi nodded after hearing this.

He has yet to eat the food cooked by Kushina Uzumaki.

Breakfast does not count.

The three of them were walking on the road. Yuki Yuichi looked at the two of them curiously and said, "The food cooked by my sister should be delicious, right?"

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato thought for a moment and nodded, "I think it's the most delicious."

Jiraiya heard this from the side, glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and secretly cursed in his heart, of course you think the two of you are the most delicious.

"That's good." Yuki Yuichi was afraid that Uzumaki Kushina would follow certain anime settings and make unpalatable food, and then force them to eat it.

When the three of them returned home, Uzumaki Kushina was still busy in the kitchen.

But there are already many dishes on the table.

The aroma that hits your face as soon as you open the door makes Yuki Yuichi's index finger move.

"We're back!" x3

Uzumaki Kushina was in the kitchen. When she heard their voices, she immediately walked out and said with a smile: "You guys should sit down first."

"There are two more dishes, they will be ready soon."

With that said, she returned to the kitchen and started busy.

Yuki Yuichi actually knows what Uzumaki Kushina was like when she was a child.

But seeing her like this now, I still feel a little sigh.

It is indeed the world of Naruto.

No matter how powerful the kunoichi is, once she gets married or has a boyfriend, she will quit the ninja sequence and become a gentle, good wife and mother.

The key is that they do it voluntarily.

Thinking about it, Yuki Yu began to think, if Yuhi Kurenai will become like this in the future

Before he could think about it for long, Namikaze Minato looked at him and said.

"Jiraiya-sensei and I discussed it."

This sentence suddenly brought Yuuki Yuichi out of his thoughts and he began to listen to him seriously.

Namikaze Minato continued: "I disassembled the Flying Thunder God Jutsu into four parts."

As he spoke, he held out four fingers.

"The first thing to learn is the condensation and inscription of chakra and perception."

"This is the simplest." Namikaze Minato said, and with a casual touch on the table, the seal of benevolence was engraved on it.

“But this is also a step that will drive away many people.”

"After the Flying Thunder God's mark is engraved, people without the gift of perception will not be able to sense the Flying Thunder God's mark."

"If a person who perceives the Flying Thunder God's mark cannot pull in the Flying Thunder God's mark during perception, it means that he does not have the talent for time and space ninjutsu."

Namikaze Minato said, looking at Yuki Yuichi, his expression became serious, "You have completed the first step."

On the way, he asked Yuki Yuichi if he could pull in the Flying Thunder God Mark.

The answer he got was yes, which made him feel relieved, and at the same time, he began to feel hopeful.

He wanted to wait until Yuki Yuichi learned to fly the Thunder God, and then they could develop a follow-up together.

It’s too difficult to develop alone.

When Yuki Yu heard Minato Namikaze's words, he nodded, "Every time I pull in the Mark of the Flying Thunder God, the second time I re-perceive it, it will become the same."

"It's like it wasn't pulled in."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "That's it."

"Every time you perceive, you have to re-fold space."

"So, you are still far away from learning the art of Flying Thunder God."

“Perceptual pull-in is just the first step.”

"The second part of the training is to continuously pull in the Flying Thunder God's mark, and finally be able to pull it into your side in an instant."

"This part takes a little longer, but I'm sure you can do it."

Namikaze Minato said, giving encouragement, and then continued: "The third part stabilizes the chakra and associates the mark with one's own chakra."

"The fourth part is to achieve the above stage, and then try to summon the object engraved with the Flying Thunder God's mark to your side."

The Flying Thunder God can teleport people to the side of the Flying Thunder God's mark. Naturally, he can also send objects engraved with the Flying Thunder God's mark to his side.

Therefore, Yuki Yuichi was not surprised at all.

However, he still had some doubts, so he immediately said: "Shouldn't I let myself teleport there?"

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato shook his head and said, "No, teleporting objects is the best way to practice."

“The folding and separation of space is a powerful force.”

"Even a ninja tool made of chakra conductive metal can be cut through without any hindrance."

"This is the cutting of space, and nothing can stop it."

"When the space is folded, if you don't control the items that are passing through, they will be directly cut off by the separated space during the shuttle process."

"This step is also the most dangerous process."

"So, you can't try it with your own body."

"Using an object engraved with the mark of the Flying Thunder God, you can feel the fluctuations of space and your own control more clearly."

Namikaze Minato said with a little fear on his face.

When he first practiced the Flying Thunder God Technique, he had no one to guide him at all, even though he had already become a disciple of Jiraiya.

But my own teacher didn’t know the principles and operation of this ninjutsu.

Back then, I foolishly used myself to shuttle through the folded spaces.

It was almost over.

It was only later that he accidentally summoned an object engraved with the Flying Thunder God's mark to his side, and then he realized that he could still learn in this way.

Sometimes it is indeed like this. The predecessors planted trees for the future generations to enjoy the shade.

The current Yuki Yuichi is a descendant.

He had almost stepped on all the thunder he needed to step on in front.

After hearing Namikaze Minato's words, Yuki Yuichi finally understood.

It can only be said that the Flying Thunder God Technique is classified as a forbidden technique, and it is not wrong for it.

He felt that these four learning stages were difficult just by listening to them.

It is perception, consciousness to close the distance, and stable control of the channel. When practicing to the final stage, you must be careful not to get hurt.

Even if you succeed in practicing, you must have extremely fast nerve reflexes when using this ninjutsu, otherwise you will be stabbed.

Others will slash you.

Only people like Minato Namikaze and Tobirama Senju can play such ninjutsu.

To be more precise, Tobirama Senju's Flying Thunder God Technique is actually Flying Thunder God Slash.

It is a straight-forward type, where you swing the knife, and then the knife that is swung over will fall.

Minato Namikaze is the master of Flying Thunder God.

Yuuki Yuichi was thinking, Namikaze Minato glanced at Uzumaki Kushina who was serving dishes in the kitchen, and then said: "You are practicing pulling in the Flying Thunder God Seal by yourself now. If you encounter any problems, you can come to me."

"Yes!" Yuuki Yu nodded.

While they were talking, Uzumaki Kushina came out of the kitchen with two plates of dishes that looked delicious.

"It's time to eat!"

"It's time to eat now, let's eat first."

(Dining table)

Jiraiya was beside them, unable to say a word. When he saw Uzumaki Kushina bringing the dishes up, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the delicious food on the table and said: "Kushina's cooking skills are getting better and better!"

"Hehe!" Uzumaki Kushina snorted and laughed twice, "Of course!"

The meal was a happy one.

Uzumaki Kushina's cooking skills were indeed very good, and Yuuki Yuichi finished two large bowls in a row.

After the meal, Jiraiya and Yuuki Yuichi left together.

Because she had been kidnapped before, Uzumaki Kushina was worried about Yuichi Yuu staying alone all night, so she wanted to send him back.

Jiraiya was also about to go back, so he took the initiative to take on this responsibility.

Walking on the road, Jiraiya looked at Yuichi Yuu, "Kid, this ninjutsu is very powerful, you must study hard!"

"First, my name is not kid!"

"Second, I can definitely learn the Flying Thunder God Technique!" Yuichi Yuu dodged Jiraiya's hand that wanted to touch his head and retorted.

He didn't have too many doubts about whether he could learn successfully.

Learn it yourself, and if you can't learn it, just cheat!

Otherwise, what's the point of this cheat?

Seeing Yuichi Yuu avoiding his head pat, Jiraiya was not surprised. He had long seen that this kid was very disgusted with others touching his head.

But he just wanted to touch it.

Such a kid will most likely become a strong man in the future.

If I touch his head, I can also go out and brag that I used to touch the head of so-and-so and guide him.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya couldn't help but laugh.

Yuichi Yuu looked at Jiraiya whose expression kept changing, and couldn't help but said: "Master Jiraiya, can I give you two thousand taels and learn to change your face with you?"

Jiraiya was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Yuichi Yuu, feeling a little confused, but then he thought that this kid must be implying himself.

"What are you talking about, kid!"

Yuichi Yuu spread his hands, he couldn't help it.

Jiraiya changed his face, two thousand taels was enough.

Uzumaki Kushina's house was not far from Yuhi's house, and Jiraiya sent him home soon.

Before leaving, Yuichi Yuu invited him to sit in.

However, Jiraiya didn't agree.

"I'm exhausted today, I want to go to the hot spring to relax."

Jiraiya said, a blush appeared on his face, and his tongue stuck out.

You can tell at a glance that he has bad intentions.

Seeing this, Yuichi Yuuji knew what the old pervert wanted to do, so he opened the door and walked in without paying any more attention to him.

He came back not too late, and Yuhi Shinku and Yuhi Kurenai looked like they had just had dinner.

Yuhi Shinku seemed to be teaching Yuhi Kurenai to practice the art of spiritualization.

However, when she saw him coming back, Yuhi Kurenai ran over with a slightly red face, "Yuichi, have you eaten?"

"I left food for you!"

Yuhi Shinku stood not far behind her, glanced at her precious daughter, and finally sighed, he had already given up.

Love is what it is.

It doesn't matter.

He had completely given up.

Listening to Yuhi Kurenai's words, Yuichi Yuuji nodded, "I ate at sister Kushina's house."

He wanted to say a few words to Yuhi Kurenai, but Yuhi Shinku came over. He did not ask or reprimand Yuichi Yuuji for stealing the Book of Seals.

Instead, he asked, "How is the practice of Flying Thunder God Technique going?"

He was also very curious whether Yuichi Yuki had the qualifications to practice Flying Thunder God Technique.

He and Minato Namikaze had carried out missions before, and his Flying Thunder God Technique was abnormal.

If Yuichi Yuki could learn it, then he wouldn't have to worry about his safety.

Although he was a little angry about Yuichi Yuki stealing the Book of Seals, it was just as Yuichi Yuki expected.

When he knew that Yuhi Kurenai had obtained the Spiritualization Technique and Yuichi Yuki had obtained the Flying Thunder God Technique and the Multiplication Detonation Talisman Formation, his anger had disappeared.

If he could get these three ninjutsu by taking a risk, he could take more risks.

After hearing what Yuhi Shinku said, Yuichi Yuki nodded.

"Brother-in-law Minato said that I have the qualifications to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"You have already told me the cultivation method."

Saying that, Yuki Yuichi touched Yuhi's red hairband next to him, and a Flying Thunder God mark appeared here.

"Hey." Yuhi Hong took her hairband and glanced at the Flying Thunder God mark on it.

"Strange, why is this a pattern of touching the head?"

"Symbolizes understanding and peace between people, comfort and admonition."

"So I chose this pattern."

Yuuki Yuichi opened his eyes and told lies. Yuhi Mahong glanced at the Flying Thunder God mark and nodded in the same way.

"Is this your ideal?"

Yuhi Zhenhong thought in her heart, then looked at Yuhi Hong and said: "Hong Kong, continue to practice!"


Yuhi Hong nodded, and then ran to his side.

Yuhi Zhenhong looked at Yuki Yuichi again, "You have been practicing for a day, so you should be tired."

"Go and rest first."

Although he didn't know how difficult it was to practice the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but when he thought about it, in the entire Konoha, only the second generation Hokage and Namikaze Minato who created this ninjutsu had successfully practiced it, he knew that the difficulty of this ninjutsu would definitely not be Low.

Yuuki Yuichi just came back now, he must be exhausted.

After glancing at Yuhi Mahong, Yuuki Yuichi did not refuse, but nodded, "Then I will go and rest first!"

He sensed the Mark of the Flying Thunder God all afternoon and was indeed a little tired.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Yuuki Yuichi closed his eyes and still tried to sense the mark of the Flying Thunder God without giving up.

This time was different from the afternoon. In the afternoon, he could still feel the mark. This time, he didn't feel it at all.

On the contrary, there was a mark that was farther away than in the afternoon and he was vaguely aware of it.

"Is this a red headband?"

Yuki Yu opened his eyes, carved a Flying Thunder God mark on the wall beside his bed, and tried to sense it again.

This time two Flying Thunder God marks appeared in the perception.

"It seems that the farther away the Flying Thunder God's mark is, the higher the perception required."

Yuki Yuichi murmured softly. He compared his perception ability, although when he sensed the mark of the Flying Thunder God, he felt very far away.

But in fact, the limit of his perception distance is almost the size of this room.

Kurenai Yuhi was downstairs. To put it another way, she was just on the edge of his perception, and the mark of the Flying Thunder God on her hairband was blurry.

Yuki Yuichi now felt as if he had touched something.

What would happen if my perception became stronger?

If I awaken Kagura's inner eye, my perception range will be tens of kilometers away.

Within this distance, as long as there is the mark of the Flying Thunder God, can I reach it directly and instantly?

Thinking of this, Yuki Yu started to get excited.

If you go by your own conjecture, the way to practice the Flying Thunder God Technique should be to enhance your perception.

In other words, it is to strengthen one's spirit, obtain a larger range of perception, and at the same time obtain stronger traction.

Isn't it just the spirit used to pull the Flying Thunder God's mark to overlap with his own?

Just when he was thinking about these things, a blue panel suddenly popped up.

[Achievement Achieved: Who said the Sealed Book is not easy to steal? 】

[He Uzumaki Naruto can steal the Sealed Book, but I can’t steal it? 】

[Reward: Uzumaki Naruto]

【Uzumaki Naruto】

[Skills: Rasengan, Shadow Clone·Double Kick, Uzumaki Naruto Two Thousand Bullets]

【I want to become Hokage! I want everyone to recognize me! Do what you say, this is my way of ninja! 】

[Skill 1: Rasengan: Compress chakra in the palm of your hand, causing damage to the enemy. 】

[Skill 2: Shadow Clone·Double Kick: Create a shadow clone to kick the enemy into the air, and together with the main body, perform continuous combination attacks. 】

[Skill Three: Uzumaki Naruto Two Thousand Bullets: Use multiple shadow clones, together with the main body, to carry out a storm-like physical attack on the enemy, and finally finish the target. 】

[Special reward: Vortex Bloodline. 】

[Vortex Bloodline x2, starts purifying automatically! 】

[Obtain a purer whirlpool bloodline! 】

At this moment, Yuuki Yuichi only felt that his body became more relaxed, but other than that, he didn't feel anything else.

But looking at the relatively pure vortex bloodline on the blue panel, he still felt happy.

In this world that values ​​bloodlines, the purer this thing is, the better.

At the very least, the Vajra Blockade and Kagura's Heart Eye of the Uzumaki clan will be better awakened.

Thinking about it, Yuki Yuichi suddenly discovered a blind spot.

I stole the sealed book in the morning, but you achieved it at night.

I have been practicing the Flying Thunder God technique for an entire afternoon.

Did you come a little late?

Yuki Yuichi was thinking in his heart, and suddenly another blue panel popped up.

[Achievement Achieved: Is Qing Shui Still Pure? 】

[Under the guidance of Namikaze Minato in his youth, the Rasengan and Flying Thunder God were almost mastered, but where is my Yin Healing Injury? How can I be happy without it? 】

[Reward: Ninja Technique·Yin Healing and Injury Elimination. 】

[Nin Tai Technique·Yin Healing and Injury Destruction: Let yourself enter the hegemonic state for 2 seconds. During this period, you are immune to illusions and traps. It can be used together with Nin Tai Jutsu·Yin! Mom, I see hope of resisting the earthquake! 】

Yuki Yuichi: "."

It's the Heavenly Aid Star again!

Am I eating your rice?

However, it seems that I do have a chance to fight the Heavenly Aid Star.

Yuu Yuu started to think.

ps: It's the end of the month, please vote~ I only need 100 votes to meet the 1,000 votes~

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