Chapter 101 As you wish, this is my true strength!!

“Little devil, I’ll kill you first!”

The dried persimmon roared, then lifted its muscles and slashed at Naruto Whirlpool.

In the eyes of the dried persimmon ghost fish, the guys of the wooden leaves are too arrogant.

Obviously, they can join forces to deal with him,


In the end, he only sent a little ghost like Naruto Uzumaki.

Simply stupid.

Originally, the dried persimmon ghost fish were determined to die.

Now there is a glimmer of hope.

If he could seize the Nine-Tailed Man Pillar as a hostage, today he would not have no chance to escape.

“It’s too slow.”

Seeing the dried persimmon ghost fish wielding its mackerel muscles towards him, Naruto Whirlpool casually took out the grass pheasant sword and raised it to the top of his head.

Madarag! A loud noise,

The Great Knife Fish Muscle was firmly blocked by Naruto Whirlpool.

“This… How can it be?! ”

Seeing this scene, the dried persimmon ghost fish opened its mouth in disbelief.

Just that blow, he didn’t have any mercy from his men.

Directly use the strength of the whole body.


His own all-out blow was actually blocked by the little ghost in front of him so easily.

This… How could this little devil have so much strength?! The Uchiha ferret on the side couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

Having been with the dried persimmon ghost fish for such a long time, he was very clear about the power of the dried persimmon ghost fish.

In terms of strength, there are very few ninjas who can compare with the dried persimmon ghost fish.


Naruto was able to catch the full force of the dried persimmon fish.

And it looks effortless.

That’s unbelievable, isn’t it? And

Looking at the appearance of Sasuke and the others, there was no surprise about this,

As if it were a matter of course.

Naruto Uzumaki,

Is it really strong?

“Little devil, good strength.”

The dried persimmon ghost fish snorted coldly.

Then the attack continued.

With his muscles, his favorite thing is to fight a protracted battle with others! Madarag!

Madarag! Madarag!

As time went on, the dried persimmon ghost fish became more and more shocked in his heart.

It wasn’t just because Naruto Uzumaki had resisted all of his attacks.

And because

Such a long battle,

He hadn’t even absorbed any of Naruto’s chakra through his muscles.

What does this mean?

This shows that

In such a long battle,

Naruto Uzumaki had only relied on the strength of his flesh to persist until now.


It didn’t look like there was the slightest sign of exhaustion.

Even if it’s him,

Without the use of chakra,

I can’t swing my mackerel muscle for so long! This little devil,

What the hell is going on?!

“Wandering in battle is not a good habit.”

Seeing a flaw in the attack of the dried persimmon ghost fish, Naruto Whirlpool snorted softly.

Followed by

One punch hit the stomach of the dried persimmon ghost.


With a loud noise, the dried persimmon ghost fish was like a kite with a broken line,

It smashed the walls of the room and flew out violently.


A mouthful of blood spat out, and the dried persimmon ghost fish lay on its back on the ground.

Above the stomach,

A huge hole has appeared, and it is slowly recovering at the moment.

“Abominable little devil, how can he have such a strong power?!”

“This physique is really too perverted, right?”

When the wound on his stomach was repaired, the dried persimmon ghost fish stood up.


If it hadn’t been for the muscles that had healed his injuries, he might have been dead by now.

“Such a strong force!”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s performance, Uchiha’s pupils shrank a little.

In the battle just now,

The dried persimmon ghost fish with shadow-level strength actually fell into the downwind.

It’s incredible.

He was the same age as Sasuke, but he had such great power.

Even Uchiha had to admit that even he was much worse than Naruto Uzumaki.

“Too weak, just warm up, is it already strong?”

Looking at the breathless dried persimmon ghost fish, Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth calmly, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

The dried persimmon ghost fish actually fought with him in close quarters with a perfect immortal body.

It’s not about finding fault with yourself.

“Don’t look down on people, bastard little devil!”

“Next, I’m going to do the real thing.”

“If you don’t show all your strength, you’ll die!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s taunts, Kaki was very upset.

It was just that he was careless.

His strongest is still water ninjutsu!

“Is it?”

“If that’s the case, then I’ll do as you wish.”

“Give me all my strength.”

Looking at the dried persimmon ghost fish, Naruto Uzumaki smiled coldly.

Dress up in front of him?

Can’t kill you! And then

Naruto’s body instantly exploded with a powerful chakra!

“Nine Lamas Immortal Mode!”


The powerful breath set off a fierce wind.

Naruto Uzumaki,

It was also instantly wrapped in a cool layer of chakra coat and entered the fairy fox mode.

“This… This power…?! ”

“Such a strong sense of oppression, is this the power of the Nine Tails?”

“No, even the former Nine Tails don’t have such a powerful power!”

Seeing Naruto enter the Nine Lamas Immortal Mode, Uchiha opened his mouth wide in shock once again.

Now Naruto Uzumaki, the power is really too terrifying.

Even if it’s him,

A strong sense of crisis arose.

“If I fight, I’ll die!”

This is the conclusion that Uchiha Mustela came to in his mind. Although Naruto did not show his strength.


Uchiha trusts his inner intuition.

Naruto Uzumaki this power,

He had only felt it in the leader of the AkatsukiOrganization, Payne.

“If either of the Konohaor Uchiha clans had a strong person like Naruto the Vortex, the Uchiha clan wouldn’t have come to that point.”

Uchiha sighed.

If there was someone in Konoha who could possess the power of Naruto Uzumaki, it would be whether that person belonged to the Naruto clan or the Uchiha clan.

In the end, it is impossible to get to that point.

“Sasuke, you have to work a little harder.”

“From now on, make Naruto your life’s pursuit.”

Hearing Uchiha’s words, Uchiha Sasuke nodded solemnly.

In his heart,

Naruto had already put Naruto beyond the vortex in the first place.

“Even if I have been mentally prepared, I still can’t help but be surprised to see this kind of power.”

Zi Lai also sighed.

This power of Naruto Uzumaki, no matter how many times,

It’s still going to be amazing.

“Well, according to your request, I have shown all my strength.”

“Are you satisfied now?”

Looking at the evil smile on Naruto’s face, the dried persimmon ghost fish unconsciously swallowed the leaf foam.

Under Naruto’s gaze, he felt that it was difficult for him to move.

That powerful sense of oppression even made him a little breathless.

At this time, the dried persimmon ghost fish was a little eager to cry without tears.

I knew that Naruto had such a powerful power.

Even if it kills him,

He wouldn’t say anything that pretentious.

Now the dried persimmon ghost fish just wants to ask,

I now retract what I just said, is it too late?

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