Chapter 104 Smiling Girl, Pregnancy Will Not Be Too Bad!!

“Naruto… Is this really the case? ”

“I always feel that this posture is a little strange……”

In a secluded dense forest in KonohaVillage, Naruto Uzumaki holds Hinata in his hands.

A bad smile.

And Hyuga Hinata, on the other hand, is flushed,

Dazed, he let Naruto take advantage of him.

“Hinata, I’ve said it many times.”

“Your posture is very non-standard, I just corrected your posture.”

“Don’t you always think about unhealthy things, understand?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the old man secretly spat out his pink little tongue to Hinata.

Naruto, your face is really thick.


I like Naruto like this!

Looking at Hinata and Naruto Uzumaki with tenderness and sweetness, Sakura Haruno snorted softly at the side.

Naruto this guy,

It is an honest girl who will bully such an honest girl as Hinata.

There is a kind of bullying and bullying me!

I won’t resist, stupid!

“Sakura, don’t be jealous, I’ll give you personal guidance later.”

Hearing Sakura’s voice, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.

“Who… Who’s going to let you guide…”

“You just take advantage of girls…”

Sakura blushed and lowered her head.

Just now she only made a small sound, and she didn’t expect to be heard by Naruto Uzumaki.

“Is it?”

“Then I’ll instruct Hatta a little more… Naruto Uzumaki said hesitantly. ”

“Don’t… I didn’t say no. ”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Sakura hurriedly raised her head to explain.

And then

Then I saw Naruto Uzumaki’s smiling eyes.

Sakura realized this,

I’ve been tricked again!

“Naruto, big bad!”

Sakura’s face turned red with shame, and she lowered her head to become a shrunken turtle. Seeing Sakura’s appearance, Hinata couldn’t help but laugh too.

She had never seen Sakura look like this before.

In front of others,

Sakura is a very strong girl.

I’m afraid that only in front of Naruto Uzumaki can Sakura have such a well-behaved side.

“You’re a hatchling, and you dare to make fun of me!”

Seeing Hyuga laughing at herself, Sakura stood up from the grass.

Then he got into a fight with Hinata.

Looking at the two of them giggling, Naruto Uzumaki’s mood also became better.

“Naruto… What are you looking at? ”

Sakura and Hyuga fought for a while, and the two of them silently walked over to Naruto Uzumaki.

One left and one right, sat down next to Naruto Uzumaki.

“Cough… Just suddenly remembered a sentence. ”

“What words?”

“Girls who love to laugh, pregnancy will not be too bad.”

Naruto Uzumaki looked at Sakura and Hinata Hong’s fluttering faces, and his heart was moving, if it weren’t for the fact that the two were still too young, they would have to have a “deep and simple” exchange with the two today.

“Hee-hee… Of course. ”

Sakura and Hinata didn’t hear Naruto Uzumaki’s words, only that Naruto Uzumaki was praising them.


Both of them were beautiful in their hearts.

“Hinata, how are you cultivating the Thunder Ninjutsu I gave you before?”

After taking advantage of it for a while and making both women blush, Naruto Uzumaki’s look became serious.

“Naruto… That ninjutsu suited me so well that even my father praised my progress. ”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s question, Hinata replied happily.

last month

Naruto Uzumaki gave her a Thunder Ninjutsu to practice when she was fine.

After a month, although it is still only a little bit of fur.


Hyuga Hinata’s strength has improved a lot.

As recorded in that ninjutsu,

The method of constantly refining the body with the thunder attribute chakra brought great benefits to Hyuga Hinata.

“Come, let me see your progress.”

The ninjutsu that Naruto Uzumaki gave to Hyuga was naturally the Thunderbolt Chakra Mode that he had obtained earlier.

Hyuga majored in physical arts and possessed the white eyes of the Hyuga clan.

The ninjutsu of Lei Sui Chakra was very suitable for her cultivation.


Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Hinata nodded.

And then

The two were ready to fight.

“Naruto… I’m on! ”

Hinata finished speaking and opened her eyes.

The body is also surrounded by tiny arcs of electricity that are imperceptible to the naked eye.

The momentum of the whole person has changed dramatically.

There is no sign of the weakness of the past.

After everything is ready,

The next second, Hyugata’s figure quickly disappeared in place.

Madarag! Madarag! Madarag!

Hinata launched a continuous attack on Naruto Uzumaki against Naruto.

Because I know that Naruto Uzumaki is powerful,

Therefore, Hyuga can shoot without any scruples.

Under the bonus of the Thunderbolt Chakra mode, plus the unique jutsu of the Hyuga clan.

Compared with before, Hyugata’s strength can be said to have a qualitative improvement.

Even Naruto Uzumaki had some surprises in his heart.

I didn’t expect that in just one month, Hyuga Hinata had made so much progress.

“Okay, that’s it.”

After fighting for a while, Naruto Uzumaki knew almost all about Hinata’s current strength.

Even if you encounter elite ninjas, you can definitely fight.

“Whew… Naruto-kun… You’re awesome. ”

Hinata stopped breathlessly.

When she first fought Naruto Uzumaki, no matter how she attacked, Naruto Uzumaki was like a big mountain.

There is no flaw at all.

“Hinata, as long as you persist, your strength will definitely make the entire Hyuga clan proud of you.”

Naruto Uzumaki knew,

As the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan,

Hyuga is very eager to be recognized by Hyuga Hinata, so

Naruto Uzumaki appropriately encouraged Hyuga Hinata.

What’s more, what he said was also true.

For Hinata, Naruto Uzumaki had a plan for the big picture.

When the events of the ninja world are over,

He also has to go to the moon and get the rebirth eye to give to Hinata.

Every miller draws water to his own mill

The power of the rebirth eye is very powerful.

When the time comes,

Hinata Hinata who has the rebirth eye,

Can’t it still be the pride of the Hyuga clan?

As soon as he thought about how he would look when he grew up, Naruto couldn’t help but feel a twinge in his heart.

Obedient, how beautiful that is!

“Thank you… Naruto! ”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Hyuga was touched.

This world,

Only Naruto Jun would be so gentle with her, right? Come to think of it,

Hinata couldn’t hold back any longer, tiptoeing,

He pecked lightly at Naruto’s face.

“Alas… And this side. ”

Naruto Uzumaki laughed strangely.

“Ignore you, bad guy.”

Hinata spat out her tongue and shyly ran to Sakura’s side.

“Naruto, you’re eccentric, and you didn’t teach me any ninjutsu.”

Sakura snorted softly.

Now Hyuga’s strength has far surpassed hers.

This caused a sense of crisis to arise in her heart.

“Don’t worry, I’ll find you a good teacher after a while.”

Naruto touched Sakura’s head.

Just then, a ninja from the Dark Ministry appeared in front of the three of them.

“Lord Naruto, this is news from the side of the Wave Kingdom.”

Reaching over to take a look at the news, the corners of Naruto’s mouth cocked.

Tsunade hand,

There’s news!

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