“This… What’s going on? ”

Sakura Haruno, who had just woken up from the illusion, was still a little confused about the situation.

“The assessment is over.”

Looking at Sakura, Kakashi said expressionlessly.

“Appraisal… It’s over? ”

Hearing this news, Sakura was stunned.

When you are still in a coma, the test is over?

Looking at Naruto and Sasuke Uchiha in front of her, a bad feeling arose in Sakura’s heart.


It should be eliminated.

“Hey, obviously the time has not yet arrived, why do you say that the examination is over?”

Uchiha Sasuke also asked with his mouth open in surprise.

“Well, even if you are given more time, will you be able to snatch the bell from me?”

Kakashi’s words sent Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno into contemplation.


Even if it’s twice as long

I can’t grab the bell myself.

I’m afraid only Naruto’s perverted ability can be…

Thinking of this, Uchiha Sasuke looked at Naruto with anger in his eyes.

He also didn’t know how he felt about Naruto.

Obviously, he felt that the other party was good, but when he thought that his strength was compared, he felt a burst of anger.

“It’s too hard, even Sasuke’s strength…”

Sakura Haruno couldn’t help but mutter.

“Therefore, you little devils have not understood the meaning of this examination at all!”

“Squad, you’re a squad!”

“But you just didn’t have the slightest sense of cooperation!”

“It’s a pity, if you work together, you have a great chance of grabbing the bell.”

Kakashi looked at the three Naruto, and his tone became a little harsher.

These three guys, didn’t think about teamwork at all.

“But… Obviously, there are only two bells, and even if you grab them, one person will be eliminated…”

“So it’s just a trick to make you infighting.”

“The purpose is to tell you that even in the face of interests, you can’t give up teamwork.”

Kakashi interrupted Sakura.

“But unfortunately, none of you passed the test.”

“Including you, Naruto Vortex!”

“Your realizations will only allow your companions to give up their lives in vain in the course of their missions.”

Kiki Kakashi’s words caused Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno to meditate.


From the moment they knew that someone was destined to be eliminated, they didn’t think about teamwork at all.

Damn it!

So is the ultimate purpose of this assessment to test the cooperation between the squads?

Damn it!

Sasuke Uchiha was deeply annoyed.

Obviously, he had been thinking about getting stronger and stronger, but in the end he couldn’t even complete the ninja test!

Seeing Sasuke and Sakura’s appearance, Naruto Whirlpool couldn’t help but smile in his heart.

These two guys, when they were young, were really unexpectedly naïve.

Kakashi’s routine, he already knew it clearly.

Everything before that was a foreshadowing.

To be seen,

I’m afraid that’s the real test.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, Kakashi said, “However, everyone makes mistakes.” ”

“So, I can give you another chance.”

“I’ll do another test in an hour, and if I still want to try it, I’ll eat the bento in front of me and replenish my strength.”

“Of course, Sakura is not allowed to eat, which is a punishment for the worst performers.”

“If someone secretly gives Sakura a bento, it will be eliminated immediately.”

“Remember, this is the rule!”

“Okay, I’m going to take a break.”

Kakashi finished talking and turned away.

The three people were left in the same place, silently silent.

“It’s okay… Naruto and Sasuke, just eat it. ”

“Anyway, I’m so bad, even if I’m hungry.”

Sakura was the first to break the silence.

Although her heart was a little uncomfortable, she also knew it

My performance today is really bad.

“Hmm, just know.”

“Just don’t hold us back in the afternoon.”

Hearing Sakura’s words, Sasuke Uchiha snorted coldly.

He was also angry at Sakura for seducing Kakashi before.

“The amount … I’m sorry… I will work hard for the afternoon examination. ”

After hearing Uchiha Sasuke’s words, Sakura barely managed to squeeze out a smile.

But my heart was very uncomfortable.

[Ding, when is it better not to shoot at this time?] This is the best chance to impress Sakura. 】

[Divide the bento with Sakura in half and reward the perfect immortal body].

Listening to the system prompt sound coming from his head, Naruto Vortex smiled slightly.

It is worthy of the belly black system, at this time, I am afraid that it is the most able opportunity to capture Sakura’s heart.

Of course, even if there is no systematic task, he will give the bento to Sakura.

Because this is a necessary condition for passing the examination.

Now that it’s just right, you can also get the bonus of the perfect immortal body.

Although his current physique was already very perverted, there was still a big gap compared to the perfect immortal body.

If his physique evolved into a perfect immortal body, then his strength should be qualitatively improved again.

“Sakura, give it to you.”

After trying to understand, Naruto picked up the chopsticks and handed a little rice to Sakura’s mouth.

“Naruto… You…”

“Don’t you already hate me?”

Seeing Naruto’s move, Sakura froze.

These days, Naruto doesn’t scare her

Sakura herself felt that Naruto had a feeling of disgust for herself.

But now,

Naruto was willing to take such a big risk to share food with himself.

“As long as you’re not so self-righteous, who would hate a big beauty?”

Hearing Sakura’s words, Naruto smiled.

To tell you the truth, Sakura is pretty pretty.

If she hadn’t been so bad at herself, she wouldn’t have rejected him so much.

“But… Naruto… If you are discovered, you will be eliminated. ”

Sakura lowered her head, she didn’t want to hurt Naruto for her own reasons and lose his qualification for the examination.

“It’s okay, we’re teammates.”

Naruto smiled at the sun.

“Naruto… Woohoo…”

Looking at Naruto in the sun, Sakura couldn’t help but shed tears.

For the first time, she took a closer look at Naruto’s face.

It was found that the beard on Naruto’s original face had disappeared, and he no longer had a smirk all day.

Now Naruto,

Seems to have become more handsome than Sasuke.

And more gentle.

In an instant, Sakura was stunned.

“Naruto, if you give Sakura something to eat, won’t you be hungry?”

“I’ll give Sakura half of it too.”

Seeing Naruto feeding Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke didn’t know why, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

“Sasuke, isn’t it?” I’m not interested in men. ”

Hearing Uchiha Sasuke’s words, Naruto felt goosebumps.

“What do you think?”

“I just… I’m just afraid you won’t have enough to eat and drag me back during the afternoon exam. ”

Looking at Naruto’s face, Sasuke blushed and quickly explained.

“Oh, that’s fine.”

“I advise you not to do anything crooked to me, we will both have no play.”

Looking at Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Vortex laughed.

“You bastard, believe it or not I killed you!”

Sasuke Uchiha was going crazy.


He shouldn’t have spoken much just now!


PS: New day, ask for flowers, evaluation votes, the better the data updates, the more you thank you for your support!

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