Chapter 224 Destruction of the Ninja Realm!!

“White-eyed Hime, is that the decision you made?”

Watching Hinata prepare to resist, the Ōtsuki Wooden House slowly opened his mouth.

“Hmm, destroy the ninja world or something, I will never agree!”

“And I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

Hinata snorted coldly.

She didn’t believe a word of what the big wooden house people said.

“It seems you still don’t believe me.”

“But that’s okay, I just need you and me to reproduce anyway.”

“After I pack you up, I’ll go get Hyuga’s eyes for Hanabi fire.”

“This ninja world, which has gone astray, has no longer needed to exist.”

Seeing Hyuga’s determined look, the Ōtsuki Wooden House gave up persuasion.


It is a world created by the six immortals.


The current ninja world had completely deviated from the original intention of the Six Immortals.

After the people mastered the power of the chakra, they began to fight in-house.

He will follow the will of his ancestor Ōtsuki Hamura and destroy this shattered ninja world.

After the destruction of the ninja world,

He and the descendants of Hyuga,

Will become a new generation of rulers.

Of course

Want to do it all,

He also had to snatch the white eyes of Hyuga Hanabi away.

Hyuga Hanabi,

Has the purest white eyes of the Hyuga family.

If the white eyes of Hyuga Hanabi were transplanted into his body, then he would be able to awaken the legendary rebirth eye.

“Gossip Double Lion Crash!”

Hyuga took the lead in attacking and used his best physical skills.

In an instant, Hyugata’s hands formed two vicious roaring lion heads.

Under the bonus of the Thunderbolt Chakra mode,

Hyuga Hinata’s jutsu is not only very lethal, but also the speed is ridiculously fast, but it is only a moment.

Hinata came to the front of the Ōtsuki Hut.

“So fast!”

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the big barrel wooden house people shrank.

He didn’t think about it.

Hyuga Hinata had such great strength.

Dangerously and dangerously avoided Hyuga’s sharp blow, and before the big wooden house people could catch their breath, Hinata hata once again wrapped itself up.

Madarag! Madarag! Madarag!

Hyuga Hinata is extremely fast.


The Ōtsuki people can only choose to fight with Hinata Hinata.

However, in the face of Hinata Hinata, who combines the Ray-chankra mode and jutsu, the Ōtsuki Musha people are completely powerless.


The big barrel wooden house man was blown out by a blow.

“Jutsu Bagua Sixty-Four Palms!”

While the Ōtsuki people were still in the air, Hinata followed suit.



The powerful jutsu continuously hit the body of the big wooden house.


Under such a high-intensity attack, the people of the big barrel wooden house could no longer hold on.

The body also began to be covered with cracks.


As Hyuga’s last blow fell, the body of the Ōtsuki Wood House shattered to the ground.


Looking at the wreckage in front of him, Hinata breathed softly.

This battle,

It seems that she has won.

“It’s a powerful force.”

“The offspring that I will have in the future and I will be very powerful.”

Just as Hinata was quietly relieved, the voice of the Ōtsuki Wooden House Man sounded again.

Hinata looked up.

The man who found the large barrel of the wooden house appeared in front of her again intact.


Seeing the Ōtsuki Wooden House, Hyuga did not hesitate and launched another attack.


This time the attack failed.

“Is it just a projection?”

Passing through the body of the Ōtsuki Hut, Hyuga frowned at the guy’s ability, which was really weird.

“White-eyed Hime, wait for me, next time I’ll come to you personally.”

After the puppet was destroyed, the Ōtsuki people also had no way to take the Hinata hata anymore.


I can only put down a sentence and then disappear in the same place.

“You must tell Naruto about this.”

“By the way, Hanabi!”

Hinata thought about what the Ōtsuki Wooden House had just said, and his heart instantly lifted up again.

Now that the other party has left, is it time to attack Hyuga Hanabi Fireworks? As soon as he thought of this, Hinata quickly rushed in the direction of the wooden leaves.

The big barrel wooden house man looks like a very difficult guy.

She was going to tell Naruto everything that had happened today.

“Damn, he dared to rebel against me!”

“I must make you recognize the reality!”

On the moon, the big barrel of the wooden house man closed his eyes and smashed his fist against the wall.

He originally thought,

After hearing his request, Hyuga would not hesitate to follow him back to the moon…


I didn’t expect Hyuga to dare to treat him like this.

“Now that my purpose has been exposed, it seems that action needs to be taken as soon as possible.”

After calming down, the people of the Great Barrel Wooden House came to a place full of seals.

Giant rebirth eyes,

Right here.

“If the Hyuga Fireworks are protected, it will only be possible to use the power of the giant rebirth eye.”

The big barrel hut man murmured.

Giant rebirth eyes,

It is composed of the white eyes of all the large barrels of the moon on the moon.

It has an extremely powerful power.

In ancient times,

In order to protect the seals of the Ōtsuki Konohaand the Ten Tails Shell, Ōtsuki Konohacame to the moon and settled.

And left his own descendants on the moon.

After years of reproduction, the large barrel wood family on the moon was divided into clan families and families.

Originally, the clan and the separated families got along harmoniously.


The two sides are at odds over how to treat the planet.

The Fen family advocated the annihilation of human beings on Earth and the end of the ninja realm established by the Six Immortals, while the Sect Family held the opposite view.


War broke out between the two sides.

Using the giant rebirth eye, the Fen Family easily wiped out all the Sect Families on the moon.


After the clan was wiped out, the separation of the family gradually disappeared.

To the generation of the Great Barrel Wooden House,

On the moon, there is only one living person.

So, 0.8

The Ōtsuki people who have inherited the purpose of separating the family naturally regard the destruction of the ninja world as their first goal.

“If the earth is destroyed, the power of the rebirth eye alone will not be enough.”

The big barrel of the wooden house muttered to himself.

Then he sealed his hands.

Followed by

A huge amount of energy emanated from the body of the giant rebirth eye.

The moon that originally rotated quietly around the Earth.

At this moment, it began to slowly move in the direction of the earth.

“The moment the moon hits the Earth, it’s time for the ninja world to perish.”

“But before I can do that, I have to bring Hyuga and Hyuga Hanabi to the moon.”

The destruction of the ninja world is necessary.


After the destruction of the ninja world, the people of the Great Barrel Wood House will also have their own descendants.

Reforge the glory of the Datumu family, start with him!

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