With earthy anger, his face turned purple.

Although licking the dog, the orientation is as straight as steel!

“Old watch, if you continue to be like this ghost, I will, I won’t recognize you as an old watch!”

“Huh? Want to break the paternity relationship? Okay, your wings are hard! ”

“Me!!” Obito gritted his teeth, who dares to fight with Shuoyue, it is definitely a fiasco, so he can’t fall into this set, “My good brother!” Just help me! I think Lynn is starting to like me now, and if I take advantage of this opportunity to confess success, then I will call you daddy when we meet in the future! ”

“I don’t have a son like you!”


“Okay.” Shuo Yue looked away from Mikoto’s body, looked at Obito seriously, and said, “I can teach you an illusion, you study hard, after you learn it, Nohara Rin will be yours!” ”

Hearing this, Obito was slightly stunned, “What do you mean, I took this illusion as a gift and taught it to Rin?” ”

“No, no, no, I mean, you controlled Nohara Rin with illusion, and she will be yours from now on!”

“Nope!” Obito immediately objected resolutely, “No one can use that illusion on Rin!” If anyone dares to force Lin like that, I will fight with him!” ”

Looking at Obito’s firm eyes, Shuoyue nodded, “How else to say that licking dogs are invincible!” ”

“Oops~~ My good brother, just help me! I feel like Lynn already likes me a little bit now, and if I work harder, I’ll succeed! Obito hugged his thighs and begged.

However, in Shuoyue’s opinion, all this is useless.

“One of life’s three illusions: That girl likes me.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means … Alas, don’t you yourself grow brains? ”

“Yes, yes, I don’t have a brain, brother, please, give me a suggestion, what gift should I give Lin?” The skin with soil is thicker than this wall under your feet!

Shuo Yue thought for a while, and the girl liked more things.

As long as he likes someone, she will be happy if this person sends him a mouthful!

If you don’t like it, you will send her gold and silver, and in the end, it will be a strong melon that is not sweet!

Suddenly, he had a wit.

“Otherwise, you try to prove your strength, after all, female ninjas still have some yearning for powerful male ninjas.”

Hearing this suggestion, Obito’s eyes suddenly lit up.

The advice given by my cousin is definitely a divine strategy!

During the last Konoha Festival, he listened to Shuoyue’s words and gave Nohara Rin five kunai three shurikens!

At that time, Nohara Rin’s expression was something he had never seen before!

That at least proved that he had seen the unknown side of Nohara Rin in this way!

Then this time the suggestion is ironclad and a good idea!

“Then how do I prove my strength?” Obito asked like a strange baby.

Shuotsuki rubbed her chin, thought for a while and said, “You try to beat Kakashi to the ground in front of Nohara Rin, and she will know how powerful you are!” ”


Hearing this name, Obito is about to vomit!

“How is Kakashi again? The matter between me and Lin, why does he always appear? ”

“Because Kakashi is strong! Kakashi is famous! Defeat the first, aren’t you the first! ”

“Then I think you are more famous!”

“So you try to compare with me?”

“No, compared to you, it’s better to deal with Kakashi!”

At least, Kakashi wouldn’t hit him all over the place!

Even if Kakashi is powerful, he still talks about the rules!

“Then why don’t you hurry up and make a date with Kakashi?”

“Okay, I’ll go!”

At this time, in the Kiki mansion, Kakashi suddenly sneezed.

As everyone knows, when people sit at home, woe comes from heaven.

It was supposed to be a good day to rest, but inexplicably fell into someone’s routine.


After taking the soil away, Shuotsuki was no longer satisfied with watching Mikoto from a distance.

He jumped off the fence and walked towards the pile of women in the courtyard.

“Mikoto, if you give birth to a boy, I’ll be his godmother!” A woman with a mole at the corner of her mouth said.

Being the godmother of the patriarch’s son, that identity is not shy!

However, how can this kind of thing be the turn of a dead dragon set, and Mikoto’s best friend is Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai!

“What about a daughter?” Another woman teased.

“If you have a daughter, marry my son!” Mikoto is so beautiful, her daughter must be as beautiful as a fairy! ”

“Where, where!”

The crowd was filled with cheerful air.


It is said that his daughter is like a father, Uchiha Fugaku is so ugly, are you sure his daughter will be as beautiful as a fairy?

Besides, this fetus is carrying Uchiha Itachi!

I just don’t know if Uchiha Fugaku is Uchiha Fugaku’s biological child, anyway, judging from the appearance in my memory, the two have nothing to do with each other.

And realistically, Uchiha Fugaku is busy with official business every day, and basically has no time to make children, maybe he will be NTR by some neighbor!

“No, no, you can’t think about it anymore, it’s so evil!”

“Hey, Shuoyue-chan, why are you here, aren’t you basking in the sun over there?” Mikoto’s pleasant voice suddenly came.

Shuo Yue looked right at Mikoto, who was full of maternal brilliance.

Immediately, the old face turned red, he was still thinking evil just now, but Mikoto’s smile was still so gentle.


“The sun over there can’t shine anymore, I come over to bask in the sun, don’t you mind?”

“How could I mind! Come and sit next to your sister! Shuoyue-chan~”

Sit, sister, bian?


“This is the genius of the clan, and he has a good relationship with Mikoto!” When the women saw Shuoyue, they began to talk about it.

“Who says it isn’t! The relationship between Shuoyuejun and the patriarch is also very good! ”

“That’s for sure! Shuo Yue-kun is so good, and Mikoto’s children will definitely be as good as Shuo Yue-kun in the future! ”


“Shuoyue-chan, do you think my sister’s child will be a boy or a girl?” Mikoto suddenly put her arms around Shuoyue’s neck and asked.

Then don’t mention how intimate, Xiang is dead!

Don’t think about it, it’s the intimacy of my sister and my brother.

“It must be a boy!”

“Haha, if it’s a boy, can you help your sister choose a name for him?”

Shuoyue pretended to think, and then slowly said: “Uchiha’s family, Mikoto is so beautiful, then, let’s call it Uchiha two dogs!” ”

“Uchiha two dogs?”

Several people don’t understand what kind of terrier this is, there are many people in Konoha Village who are named after animals, and it is not wrong to be named Ergou, but they just think it’s a little strange.

“Ala, this name is a bit long, if only it could be shorter!”

“Then call it Uchiha Itachi!”

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