Akimichi Dingza was originally a good brother, but now it has become the main output of the Pig Deer Butterfly.

No way, the Pig Deer Butterfly family is like that.

“Shuoyue, do you like that knife? It’s rare to see you using someone else’s stuff. “You Nuzhi is very meticulous in her observation.

“Since you choose to stimulate, you must follow through to the end!”

“Ah, hello that!”

While talking and laughing, Shuo Yue followed the corpses of Black Hoe, Thunder Tooth and Wu Li Jinba.

Reaching out, he snatched another thunder knife over.

At the same time, the items that Black Hoe’s Thunder Tooth burst out were definitely the most he had ever seen!

Even the original three generations of Wind Shadow Death did not burst so many items!

In the fall, it is basically all thunder tricks with double knives.

Small skills are not worth mentioning, and a few big moves are still very good.

[Thunder and Natural Thunder]: Connect the sky with the thunder on the thunder knife, and then the naturally generated thunder and lightning will be split in the sky.

[Thunder Dun Lightning Strike Armor]: A thunder technique that is both offensive and defensive.

[Thunder Dun Split Sky Razer]: In the first section, hundreds of razers are released to attack the enemy, causing hundreds of lightning strikes to the enemy; In the second paragraph, if the previous blow does not die, then the Razer will evolve into the Thunder Rapier to mend the sword.

Not to mention the latter two extremely practical thunderbolts, just the first one natural thunderbolt…

Think about how Sasuke’s Thunder Kirin came about!

If he had this skill, he didn’t even need to use the fire to create cumulonimbus clouds in the sky, omitting such a complicated and lengthy prelude, and he could directly cast the unicorn!

Of course, this technique is now the great inventor Uchiha Shuoyue!

As for the pearless pears on the side, it looks very rubbish.

That person looks like a pervert, but in fact, he is relying on a ninja knife full of detonation charms in the waves, belonging to a krypton gold player, and he has no ink himself.

And from this person, you can also see one thing, that is, the person who invented the detonation charm is really a genius!

How many strong people have been created with a single-handed detonation talisman alone?

This Xiao Nan without pears, even eight, six hundred billion detonation talismans, and so on!

Even if you don’t have much potential, as long as you have money, buy the detonation charm! Bound to become strong!

So, rich = strong, this formula holds!

“Hey, Shuoyue, be careful!”

The oil girl Zhiwei’s shout reminded Shuo Yue.

Looking sideways, he found that a large embroidery needle was infinitely enlarged, only one foot away from his face!

This is, long knife stitch!

Orochimaru threw his ninja knife out of the fog!

He himself does not appear, and his ninja knife is extremely slender, if ordinary people do not pay attention, they will not notice it at all!

Once it is penetrated by this stitch in the head, it is a certain kill, if it penetrates the body, although it will not die immediately, it will also be strangled by the subsequent steel wire!

Such a sneak attack kung fu… I’m afraid I’ve been practicing for many years!

But, unfortunately, they may have never fought with the people of the Uchiha clan!

From the perspective of the Sharingan, this stitch is like a well-marked curve, and its trajectory is clearly visible!

Similarly, the extremely fast speed of the stitch becomes slow under the eyes of the writing wheel.

At this time, as one of the very few Uchiha people whose body could keep up with his eyes, Shuoyue raised his right hand like that, attached the magnetic chakra, and grabbed the long knife and stitch!

Magnetic Chakra is a must, because the body of the needle knife is slender and smooth, only by the grip and friction of the palm, although it can grasp the needle, it will inevitably slide forward by more than ten centimeters before stopping!

In that way, his head would have been poked long ago!

But if the magnetic chakra is attached, no matter how difficult this stitch is, it will be directly fixed in the palm of his hand!

Then, he used strange force to jerk the stitch!

After the stitching, the slender steel wires are connected, and the ends of these steel wires are in the hands of Kuri Shotmaru!

That perverted murderer like Wuri Shinhachi!

These two are also known as the ruthless duo in addition to the Ninja Dao Seven!

If the explosive knife without pears is to blow people up to the point that their limbs and arms are flying all over the sky, then the stitches of the chestnut skewer pill are to penetrate a person, string seams on this person with steel wire, and torture to death!

Shuo Yue grabbed the stitches, and with the terrifying force of the strange force, the chestnut shrapnel pill hiding in the fog was immediately dragged out! The Chakra on his body is extremely unsmooth, and it looks like he should have been dotted by the Hinata brothers!

Since this was the case, a blue thunderbolt suddenly lit up above Shuoyue’s palm!

This thunderbolt followed the steel wire of the stitch, instantly conducted, and directly paralyzed the chestnut shotstring pill!

“Ratchet’s electric coolness?”

At the end of the wire, Orochimaru’s miscellaneous hair stood upside down, and the paralysis of his body made him unable to use any ninjutsu, and even moving his fingers became delusional!

At this time, a black-pressed insect swarm flew over!


With desperation, Kuri Shotshomaru is wrapped in a swarm of insects, which is simply a boon for dense-phobic!

“Well done, Zhiwei!” Shuo Yue threw away the stitches and praised Zhiwei.

“Generally, I’m mainly picking up leaks.” Oil Nuzhi pushed the sunglasses slightly and said in a low-key manner.

You still know you’re a leak picker!

Shuoyue belly slander, but to be honest, being able to kill the three people of Black Hoe Thunder Tooth, Wuli Jinhachi, and Kuri Shotball Pill in succession, Oil Girl Zhi is indispensable!

Although it seems that he did not do anything, in fact, he made the most critical assists at the critical time!

If he hadn’t fixed the Black Hoe Thunder Tooth and Wu Pei Jinba with his worm, the chance of Shuoyue’s flame tornado hitting those two was very low! Although there was no pressure on Shuo Yue to deal with those two, it would take more time!

Even, it will run for them!

And if there is no reminder from the oil girl Zhiwei, he may be directly pierced by the stitch! Even the life is gone!

I have to say, good brother!

It’s okay to take a head!

The Ninja Sword Seven VS the Konoha Seven.

In the blink of an eye, four generals were damaged!

No matter how good the cooperation is, after being split, in the face of Konoha’s elite Shinobi, they are just weak chickens!

The rest are the strongest loquat Juzo, the meatiest watermelon mountain puffer ghost, and the most mixed flounder owner.

It is also the three most peculiar ninja swords!

Decapitating a large knife can suck blood and repair itself!

The mackerel is able to eat the opponent Chakra!

Flounder is a dark horse, the more mixed the stronger! I don’t know if the level of the user is not good, until now I have not used the move of flounder liberation.

Loquat Juzo’s opponent is Bofeng Shuimen, and their battle is already doomed from the beginning, so don’t think about it.

Big Watermelon has two opponents, the Hyuga brothers!

As for the owner of the flounder, he is in a stalemate with the oil girl Shihei! The flounder in my hand has swelled a little!

Suddenly, he roared, and the flounder in his hand immediately broke the bandage!!

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