After entering the Mist Hidden Village, you know what a ghost suit is.

A large number of ninjas have been sent to the front line to die, and there are already few people in the village, and the ninja school incident some time ago also caused the village to be dead silent.

“Ghost mackerel, let’s part with that.”

“…,” the salted fish boy dried persimmon ghost mackerel did not speak, just silently turned away, although he was a little reluctant, but he knew in his heart that he was isolated by the people in the village, and those who contacted him would also be isolated by the village.

Walking in the strange Wuyin Village, I am used to living in a normal environment, and suddenly walking here, I feel very uncomfortable.

His eyes were looking around, feeling the humanistic environment of Wuyin Village.

As if not sneaking in, but touring.

Anyway, he discovered a secret, that is, the little sister of Wuyin Village, there was a soft breath in her bones.

Especially some of the more beautiful little sisters.

For example, the sister with long chestnut hair directly in front of her.

“Wait, how is it a little familiar… Lying groove, today this is the destiny of heaven? ”

It was no one else who came to us, it was the girl Terumi!

This has just separated from the dried persimmon ghost mackerel, and I met another foggy hidden star!

The main thing is that Terumi has seen him!

I haven’t figured out how to dance, and if I am recognized, I don’t plan to have an abortion!

Shuoyue immediately made a decision, immediately turned around, and turned into an alley.

Although this reaction was fast enough, the ‘abnormality’ in his sight still attracted Terumi’s attention.

Her reaction was not bad, and she immediately followed.

Rushed into the alley, but found nothing.

“Strange, I just saw a very suspicious person.”

After insisting on searching for a while, Terumi finally gave up, “Maybe I’ve been too tired from cultivation recently, I must get stronger quickly!” End this mess! ”

So she went back down the street and headed for her home.

But when she continued to walk on the main street, her eyelids jumped and she found the figure again!

But this time it was the silhouette, and he was traveling in the other direction.

Now, it can’t be regarded as an illusion!

“Stop! Who are you! While shouting, she rushed forward.

Seeing this, Shuoyue is one head and two big.

How come I went around in a circle, I can still be hit by her!

Today, you can go to Africa to dig coal!

If you escape now, it is equivalent to admitting that you have plotted wrongly, in case you directly ‘call the police’ according to Meiyu, it will not be her alone who will catch up, but a group of dark departments!

In comparison, it’s better to stabilize her alone!

Thinking that he was slow to react, he took two more steps forward before slowly stopping.

“Under the ice, the snow man.” Someone lied and didn’t make a draft, and they seemed to forget that they were called ‘Ice Shelley’.

“Snow Man? You turn around for me to see? Why don’t you have a name? ”

“Hehe, boring woman, don’t worry about my more things!”

“I’ll let you stop…” Terumi was in a hurry, and stepped forward directly, blocking in front of Shuoyue.

At this time, she also saw this person clearly, a good person without eyebrows, small eyes, and big buck teeth.

“Sorry for the interruption!”

“Oh, boring woman!”

Shuo Yue sneered and continued to walk forward.

For a beautiful girl like Terumi, he didn’t even bother to look at it.

When he was completely out of her sight, a string of ice slag fell from his face.

He had just changed the appearance in the other party’s sight with an ice escape, this was not a transformation technique, so the other party could not tell at all, unless she touched it with her hand.

But think of such an ugly man, even Shuoyue himself will be shocked when he sees the mirror!

Who dares to touch?

It is estimated that it can directly scare Akai to cry!

After it was safe, he began to think about what to do in this misty village.

At that time, Konoha White Fang sneaked into Shayin Village and directly killed the son and daughter-in-law of the high-ranking Sand Hidden Village.

So is he now also looking for the son and daughter-in-law of Wuyin’s high-level?

When the son and daughter-in-law of the high-ranking people really suffered!

However, after thinking about it carefully, Shuoyue felt that things could not be so simple.

He came to Wuyin Village to do things, not to kill anyone to relieve hatred, but to draw an end to the war between water and fire as soon as possible.

That is to say, killing Water Shadow is the most cost-effective!

Yes, that’s it!

Moreover, the location of the water shadow is very easy to determine, and in the villages of the five major countries, the chassis of each shadow is clearly marked.

For example, the Hokage Building in Konoha Village, the Land of Fire, has a big word ‘fire’ written on it; the Kazekage office in Sunahide has a big word ‘wind’ written on it.

The Mist Hidden Village of the Land of Water is no exception.

Once he had set his target, he headed for the building with the word ‘water’ written on it.

According to this point in the morning, Shui Ying should already be in the office!

Therefore, there is no need to enter the Water Shadow Building, and it is directly connected to the Water Shadow Building to push!

So, he aimed at the Water Shadow Building from a distance and began to accumulate Chakra.

“Yan Dun Yan River is coming!”


The explosive wind caused by the flame directly blasted through the Water Shadow Building in front of him, and in the middle of the two, a river of flames was formed.

The earth and stones turned into powder under this ninjutsu, and the subsequent flames seemed to never be extinguished.

In short, everything within this ultra-long rectangular range has suffered a catastrophe!

“The assassination was successful!”

Secretly proud, he heard the sound of the dark part of the surrounding fog.

On the one hand, the dark department is to assassinate special forces and perform some special tasks in peacetime, on the other hand, it can also be regarded as the guard of the ‘shadow’.

But don’t talk about Water Shadow at this time, even the entire Water Shadow Building is gone!

How ruthless this is!


“How can it be repaired! Who the hell is this who dares to attack our Wuyin Village! ”

“This blue-black flame seems to be the one who killed the three generations of Mekaze Shadow in legend!”


On the other side, Terumi hadn’t been walking long before he heard a roar.

In a hurry, I didn’t have time to think about it, and subconsciously rushed towards the source of the sound!

When she arrived at the scene, the dark part of the fog had already surrounded a teenager!

The clothes on this boy’s body could not be more familiar to her, because she had seen it just now!

It’s just that this young man’s face is different from Fang Cai!

But she has seen it too!

Although that was already a matter of before, I ran into that person when I followed the troops into the Fire Nation to do a mission!

That’s Uchiha Shuoyue!

The outfit on his body is definitely a good person, but his face doesn’t look like a transformation technique!

Also, what she couldn’t figure out was, why did this person come to infiltrate the Misty Hidden Village?

This is one of the five great powers of the Ninja Village, even if you are a genius, you have to think about how long you can survive here! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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