As we all know, Uchiha Shugetsu likes to eat meat.

However, the police station has a rule that subordinates cannot smack their superiors.

So, you can’t drink alcohol.

There’s a lot of interest.

At this time, there were five people sitting in the small private room.

Shuotsuki, Red, Nohara Rin, Obito Dog, and Gogokai.

Reaching out to give Hong a piece of lean meat, Shuoyue’s face was full of bitterness, “Hey, Watergate class, your teacher has performed a task, why are you a few of you coming to disturb me and Hong on a date?” Do you know that I won this date from the war? Very precious! ”

“That, that, was told by Watergate-sensei to follow Shuoyue Shangnin…” said Nohara Rin, weakly.

“Above.” Kakashi said two words, but let’s not say how thick his skin is, right?

“Hahahaha!! Refreshing! “Obito swallowed crispy pork belly, dare not pay for it!

Xi Rihong next to him smiled reluctantly, and then fed Shuo Yue, and mediated: “Well, Shuo Yuejun, it’s okay, everyone is very happy to eat together!” ”

“Hmph, did you hear that? Give me respect in the future! ”

“Yes, sister-in-law!” Obito exclaimed with a big grin.

After five flavors of rice, three rounds of soup.

Kakashi straightened his broken mask and said positively, “Shuoyue, I heard that you have developed a very powerful thunderbolt?” ”

“That’s right, it’s not very powerful, it’s almost able to blast Konoha Village into the sky at once.”



In front of these people, you have to brag and blow the sky!

“Alas, I didn’t expect you to develop ninjutsu faster than I learned ninjutsu, I refer to your last ‘Leiche’ Thunder Ninjutsu, and I haven’t learned it until now!” Kakashi sighed.

“Your dad, the first time I’ve heard someone talk about plagiarism so fresh and vulgar!”

“Well, the matter between the two of us, can that be called plagiarism?”

“Hehe, ‘plagiarize ninja Kakashi’, you all listen to me, this will be Kakashi’s title from now on!”

“Yes! Got it! “If you bring soil and milk, you are a mother, if you have meat, you are a father, and iron licks the dog.”

Looking at Kakashi’s helpless look, don’t mention how happy his heart is.

“In other words, aren’t you going to go out into battle to sharpen yourself? The people’s misty subordinate ninja have killed the enemy in the battlefield! Shuoyue asked.

At the mention of war, Nohara Rin’s eyes were full of fear, Obito did not squeak like a porcelain hammer, only Kakashi’s eyes were intriguing.

His father’s death affected him a lot… This is a nonsense, who dies has little impact ah…

Just as Kakashi was about to speak, a voice came from next door.

“Not everyone is like you Oh, Uchiha brat, ninjas don’t necessarily have to be tempered on the battlefield, more often than not, they will only die!”

The window of the compartment was pushed open, revealing a very bad face.

He has long white hair and a mole on the wing of his nose.

Maybe I also painted two tear marks on myself with red paint, I don’t know what to think.

And Kakashi was stunned when he saw this face!

“You, you are! Are you the teacher of the Watergate teacher, Jiraiya-sama? ”

“Tap water… Who is it?” asked indistinctly before the meat in Obito’s mouth could be swallowed.

“Obito, this is Jiraiya-sama, one of the three Shinobi!” Rin Nohara quietly explained in Obito’s ear.

However, Obito did not listen, he only felt – angel! Lynn spoke to me, she is such an angel!

“Oh, it turned out to be Shuomao’s son!” Jiraiya said hello, looking very easygoing, “Don’t add me ‘adult’ or the like, call me Jiraiya senior and Jiraiya teacher!” ”

“Jiraiya-san, when did you come back?” Shuo Yue asked.

“Jiraiya-san?” Zi Lai also looked strange, “Uchiha kid, did you jump after making battle merits?” Even if that kid Fuyue sees me, I have to call a senior! ”

“Fugaku is Fugaku, what does it matter to me?” Shuoyue smiled, then leaned closer to Jiraiya’s ear and said in a voice that only two people could hear, “I’m a little white face raised by Tsunade-sensei, naturally the same generation as you!” ”

“Nah! Buddhist nun! ”

Tsunade is his goddess, how did he become the JP of this Uchiha kid?

In other words, there are still such thick-skinned people this year, calling themselves ‘little white faces’?

In terms of face, I would like to call you the strongest!

“This is impossible! Tsunade is very proud! “Ji Lai also maintains this last glimmer of hope.

However, Shuoyue said, “If you don’t believe it, ask Midaime, what is the relationship between me and Tsunadehime, one of the three Shinobi?” ”

Saying that, he also revealed the Yin Seal of his left palm.

This is already ironclad evidence!

Zi Lai also wanted to cry without tears, “This, this matter even Old Man Ape Fei knows?” Why didn’t he tell me in the first place? ”

“Maybe I don’t want to hit you, after all, you have just returned, Konoha is short of manpower, yes, you are a tool man!”

“Ton, t, t, t! ~”Jiraiya poured sake wildly, trying to numb himself with alcohol and forget everything.

Today, however, is as bitter as poison.

Drink in the stomach, bitter in the heart.

Zi Lai also closed the wooden window of the compartment with a ‘bang’ and shed tears of grievance.

At this point, he just wanted to find an acquaintance to comfort himself, at least drink with him, and not let a person be infinitely lonely.

In Konoha, many people can’t let go of drinking with him, and only the cold snake can make him talk.

So, he walked up to the cashier and pointed to the private room next to him, “The money is counted on my brother, just that Uchiha Shuoyue!” ”

He then left the barbecue shop and walked towards the snake’s den.

However, the snake’s nest has been empty for a long time, and no one has cleaned it, and there are already spider webs!

“It looks like no one here, moved?”

The big snake pill was not here, so he thought of another place.

In Konoha Village, there is no place he didn’t know about!


The third generation of Mekaku Apei Fei did not have one side with him, so naturally he was on another side.

That Danzo of Konoha’s ‘root’ part!

And the big snake pill should also like that shady place.

“Obviously, at that time, he told him not to have too much contact with Tuanzang, that was the teacher’s political enemy…”

The disciple is on Tuan Zang’s side, presumably Teacher Ape Fei is very difficult!

With this resentment, Zilai also temporarily forgot the sadness of the barbecue restaurant, and planned to ask for an explanation from the big snake pill!

However, when he rushed into the ‘root’, there was only one tuanzang here, without any trace of snake breath.

So, where did the big snake pill go.

“Say it, Tuanzo.”

“Zilaiye, I didn’t expect that Ape Fei had found you back, you are really a prodigal son.”



Sooner or later, the old man will have a hand on you! _

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