“You said that if we bypass the Land of Taki no Kuni, won’t this enter the Land of Earth?” Oil girl Shihei stared at the map and said.

“Isn’t that a drop?”

“What are we doing in the Land of Earth?”

“Sneak up on their food and grass.”

“Their logistics should be farthest in the territory of the Grass Country, right?”

“That point is useless to beat it, cure the symptoms but not the root cause, let’s do something that makes Old Man Onoki angry and corrupt, hehe.”

The oil girl Zhihei’s gaze froze, and she seemed to have thought of what Shuoyue was going to do.

“Well, we won’t be punished by heaven for doing this, right?”

Just thinking about it makes my heart beat wildly!

This is so inhumane!

It’s so personal!

“What a heavenly punishment, Shihei, we are the heavenly punishment that Yan Shinobu earned for himself!”


The oil girl Shihei feels that he is on a thief’s ship!

When you arrive at the border between Taki and Tsuchinoku, you can experience the so-called “rock rain”.

Many tourists say it is a wonder.

But this is clearly a natural disaster.

The country of Taki, the country of grass, and the country of rain are all small countries that dare to be angry but do not dare to speak.

If the Land of Earth were directly connected with the Land of Fire, it is estimated that the tsundere of the second generation would have already started a war with the Land of Earth!

Who can withstand this rock rain!

It is not water that goes up and down this sky, but tiny rocks!

Seeing this, Shuo Yue took advantage of the scene and said to the oil girl Zhihei: “Look, this country of earth is the work of people? If you don’t manage your own territory well, let the borders of other countries be ruined like this? ”


Strap on your cloak and enter the Land of Earth and climb over their natural rocky mountain barriers.

Standing on the top of a rocky mountain, you can see the desolation in the territory of the Land of Earth.

Shuo Yue used the topic again to play and said: “You see, it is said that the country of earth is united in one heart, and they have all devoted their energy to the military, who knows what kind of ghost they are carrying!” If they were willing to put some effort into people’s livelihood, it would not be like this! ”

“Isn’t that rock, you can’t plant trees…”

“Won’t Iwa Shinobu escape? Besides, haven’t you heard the poem ‘Hold on to the green mountain and don’t relax, and the roots are in the broken rock’? ”

“Haven’t heard…”

“Okay, let’s go in!”

“You’re saying…”

“Good to say, good to say.”

Crossing the rocky mountains on the border of Tsuchinokoku, you can see a desolate plain.

There is not even a single cover, walking up here, it is easy to be detected.

Therefore, Shuoyue felt that she could give the oil girl Zhihei another psychological counseling.

“Shihei-san, what do you think of this earth compared to our Fire Country?”

“It’s not easy to judge, but in terms of military strength, now the Tudang ninja world is a hegemon!”

“Then you look at this thousand-mile wasteland, given to the Land of Fire, what will happen here?”

“I, I dare not think… It must turn into a wood, right? ”

“What happens after you turn into the woods?”

“When you turn into a forest, the air here will be better and there will be no rock rain.”

“Isn’t that good?”

“It’s good to say…”

“So what we are going to do, is it just?”

“It’s justice…”

“Is there a heavenly punishment?”

“Justice should not be punished by heaven!”

“That’s right!”

Crossing the Thousand Miles Plain, Shuo Yue and the oil girl Shihei temporarily took a break.

At such a distance, the two of them already had a thick layer of black ash on their bodies.

The Land of Wind is sand and dust, so you need to wear a mask, but it’s like opening ten coal mines!

Fortunately, put on the cape in advance!

“Shihei-san, you said that people are angry, the dry food I brought is covered with a layer of ash!”

“There are military grain pills here…” The oil girl Shihei weakly handed over the few military grain pills she had left.

However, Shuoyue refused.

His gaze fell on a monster of the land that was destroying crops in the distance, with heavy fur but the appearance of a wild boar.

“Emmmm.Shiguro-san, is that called a mammoth pig?”

Shihei, the oil girl, looked back, as a bug expert, he also knew more about animals than ordinary people, and he said: “That’s a rock badger, it’s the protection movement of the Earth Country…”

Before the oil girl Zhi finished speaking, Shuo Yue took out a handful of steel and threw it over!

Laugh at!

The steel pierced the rock badger’s throat with unmistakable precision.

“Hehe, please eat pork! My cooking skills have conquered countless beautiful girls, and it is a blessing for you to taste it! ”

“Yes, I am really lucky to have three lives!”

Poor rock badger… Oil girl Zhihei silently prayed for it in her heart.

Thirty minutes later, under the flames of Yan Duan, the rock badger became a fragrant delicacy.

“Oh, what a fragrance!!” Oil girl Zhihei happily ate two thighs, “Originally, this meat had to be cooked for three hours to cook, but I didn’t expect your fire to be good all of a sudden!” ”

“Incense will do, but it’s a pity that I came in a hurry, I didn’t bring pots and pans, I can only roast and eat like this!” Otherwise, a pot of rib soup is still excellent! Eat and drink! ”

“Huh, that’s a bit of a pity!”

“So, how many heads shall we grab and go back to captivity to eat?”


When you’re full of wine and food, it’s time to get down to business!

Since they all ate the meat of the rock badger, they should also complete the mission that the rock badger did not complete!

The rock badger likes to arch crops, but it hinders the protection of animals, and the skin is thick and the attack power is not low, and the civilians of the Land of Earth have no way to take this thing!

Ninjas are usually hired to expel them.

Mad, it shouldn’t be that Iwain Village deliberately pressured the daimyo to list this thing as a protected animal, and then forced the civilians to issue a commission to Iwain Village!

This leek cutting is powerful!

Okay, help the people to the end today, and harvest this crop for them… As if something is wrong?

“Shihei-san, take the remaining pork and raise a batch of bugs out, right?”

“Are we really not going to be punished by heaven for doing this?”

“Hey, look what you said, if we don’t do this, how will civilians hate war in the future? If they like war, will this ninja world be peaceful in the future? ”

“You have a point!”

“Let’s start then!”

The oil girl Shihei nodded, and then with a wave of his big hand, some purple insect swarms as fine as mist pounced on the remaining rock badger flesh and blood.

His bugs are different from the rest of the oil woman, no matter how small other people’s bugs are, that is, the size of aphids.

But his bugs are simply bacterial!

Half-headed rock badgers can’t grow many bugs, which is about the same as a pickup truck box.

However, these bugs are never picky eaters!

They are omnivorous and eat both meat and grass.

So, starting from a certain corner of the south of the Land of Earth, a peculiar food pest plague began!

It spreads very fast, ten times faster than locusts!

At least locusts can still be seen, and it is more convenient to entrust ninjas to clean up, but this pest disaster is a bit difficult to handle! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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