“Tsunade-sama! Tsunade-sama, you are there! ”

“Hmph, Konoha’s ninjas are becoming more and more unruly!” Tsunade snorted coldly.


Shuotsuki glanced at the carriage and the other wary ninjas, and then asked the leader, “Are you Ryosuke Naka-nin?” ”

“Yes! In the lower ten stone Ryosuke, I didn’t expect Lord Shuotsuki to actually remember me! The thief leader was a little excited.

What an honor it is to be thought to be a star in the ninja world to remember their names!

“Did you not receive the benefits of the Northern Army, or?”

“I received … Very ashamed! ”

“Why would you do such a thing? What about your ninja dignity? ”

“Lord Shuoyue, we are also for life, please understand!”

“Okay, I understand, being cornered, doing this kind of thing is also a way out.” Shuo Yue smiled.

“Lord Shuoyue…” the thief leader was moved.

Tsunade on the side looked at Shuoyue puzzled, the Shuoyue she knew was not like this!

Shuo Yue, who she knew, would beat these people severely at this moment, and finally let them live better than die.

But now, this Shuoyue is simply a recluse who sees through everything!

Is that so?

Shuoyue continued: “In this way, I will not embarrass you today, show you a clear way, go to Konoha to turn yourself in, and then rehabilitate yourself and become a new person, and you will not need to go to the battlefield in the future, just do it for the garrison in Konoha.” ”

“This…” Ryosuke Juishi hesitated, Konoha’s attitude towards deserters was more serious than rebellion, and being caught was death.

Those who can survive are all burned high incense in their previous lives.

Can a middle ninja like him still live?

“Don’t hesitate, fortunately you met me today, if you met the dark part, now the head has landed.”

When Ryosuke Ten Stone thought about it, this is reasonable, the dark department deals with rebellion and desertion, that is, white knives enter and red knives come out.

He looked back at his brother, and as a result, one by one, they all voluntarily put down their weapons.

Made, also worried that they were desperate, and as a result, they were more spineless than him!

“Thank you Lord Shuotsuki for not killing, subordinate, subordinate will take the brothers back to Konoha to turn themselves in!”

“Well, it’s good, but you’re not my subordinate anymore, go back to Uchiha Fugaku, you will be his subordinate in the future.”

“Thank you, Lord Shuoyue! Thank you, Lord Shuoyue! The cheers arose.

One by one, the deserters felt that they had bumped into the greatest immortals in history, and they were so tolerant to redeem them!

The Konoha Garrison Department is in the hands of the Uchiha clan, and letting them join the Garrison Department is to open a back door!

This is Our Lady!

“Ah, by the way, what’s in your car?”

“It is a specialty of some of the Wind Country, and now that the Wind and Fire countries have cut off trade, these things are of high value…”

“Oh, then you took a big risk, I’ll take it for you, don’t you mind?”

“Don’t mind! Don’t mind at all! Lord Shuoyue spared our lives, and these things were given to Lord Shuoyue! By the way, I still have some money on me, so let’s give it to Lord Shuoyue as well!” Anyway, after returning to Konoha, it will still be confiscated by the dark part! ”

“That’s good!”

“Lord Shuoyue, we will give it to you here too!”

“That’s so good! You are such good citizens! ”

Taking over the money and treasures from this group of thieves one by one, Shuoyue felt good in her heart.

Finally, he said to the men, who were already penniless: “Okay, go back to Konoha and turn yourself in, I believe you!” ”

“Thank you Lord Shuoyue for your trust!! Appreciate!! ”

“Okay, let’s go!”


A group of deserters, excited to talk to something.

After a while, even those few wandering ninjas rushed towards Konoha Village and disappeared at the end of their sight!

Tsunade frowned, leaned over and stared at the endless amount of money beside Shuoyue, and then said positively: “Shuoyue, you just let them go like this?” Do you believe they will voluntarily return to Konoha and turn themselves in? ”

Hearing this, Shuo Yue smiled sinisterly, “Ghosts believe the words of a group of deserters, I bet you, they are turning to escape now!” ”

“Huh? Since you know, why did you let them go? ”

“Hehe, I took fifteen days off this time, and they only paid the protection fee for one day…”

Tsunade understood in seconds, “You really are still that devil!” ”

Without justifying, Shuo Yue put down the money in his hand, walked to the carriage, and took out a huge sealing scroll from the special ninja bag.

“I will accept these things myself, and when I return from vacation, I will give them to the ninjas on the front line as a welfare.”

“Haha, you really have a set of troops now, no wonder those ninjas didn’t attack at the first time when they saw you, but they were respectful.”

“In general, there are still many ninjas who disrespect me and call me ‘that Uchiha’ every day, making it seem like the Uchiha clan killed his own horse.”

“Well, when I was your age, I was still studying and doing tasks under Sarutobi-sensei, and most ninjas are not as good as me, let alone you, maybe too red-eyed!”

Tsunade is a sensible person.

Perhaps many elders will advise Shuoyue not to be too frivolous, so as not to be remembered, or to endure and have problems with his mood in the future.

But she wasn’t like that, she felt that Shuoyue was capable and wise! Why should such a fiery teenager wronged himself?

Those who are dissatisfied with the moon may be shrunk in the shadows all day long, and their hearts are extremely dark, and they may even be physically disabled, and there are people with persecution paranoia.



Ryosuke Toishi felt that he really burned high incense in his previous life!

He did not return to Konoha Village to turn himself in, but as Shuoyue said, he resumed smuggling and theft.

Similarly, he bumped into Uchiha Shuotsuki again.

This luck, it’s really a pity not to buy lottery tickets!

“Lord Shuoyue, please listen to my explanation!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll listen to you!”

“It’s like this, it’s all to blame me, yesterday I was near the village, and I was afraid that the dark part would be unfavorable to me, and in desperation, I returned to do this kind of business, I am guilty!”

“Alas, human nature! Everyone gets confused sometimes! ”

“Shuo, Lord Shuoyue! Can you understand me? ”

“Can understand, can understand, I will give you another chance!”

“Grateful! Appreciate!! ”


Day 3.

“Lord Shuoyue, what a coincidence…”

“Having said that, I understand you!”

Day 4.

“Lord Shuoyue?”

“Understood, let’s go.”

Day 5.


Day 6.



Day 14.

“Lord Shuotsuki, I really don’t do it again, I’m really going back to Konoha this time to turn myself in! If this continues, we will not be able to survive! I’ve been hungry for three days! “_

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