“Then, Shuoyue-kun! What would you do if you got into my dilemma? ”

“Me? I shouldn’t have that kind of time, right? ”

The big snake pill was so angry that he almost broke the gong, but he still held back, “What if, what if?” ”

“Put yourself in my shoes, and I might turn my face away.”

“Turn your face at such a time, and all your achievements will become incriminating evidence!”


The big snake pill understood what Shuoyue’s short answer meant, and the smile on his face became stronger, “So it is, we are indeed the same kind of people. ”

If only that fool also had such an enlightenment.

Pity my grand snake pill, can only be with a junior…

Suddenly, Shuoyue interrupted Orochimaru’s thoughts, and he asked, “Didn’t you do a good job under Tuan Zang, why did you suddenly have so many feelings?” ”

“The so-called ninja needs a sensitive sense of smell, and although I am specially arranged by Sarutobi-sensei under Danzo, he and I are just using each other.” Orochimaru smiled coldly, “Reveal some secrets to you, Danzo has cast a spell on every ninja of ‘Root’, no matter how he coerces and tempts you not to join ‘Root’, this is my advice.” ”

It seems that this is not a secret to Shuoyue.

“Well, I beat Tuanzo to the point of being completely disabled, how could I jump into the fire pit by myself.”

“Yes, too.” Orochimaru paused, then continued the above topic and said, “If that day really comes, I need your help, Shuo Yue-kun.” ”

“Huh? Do you still need my help? If you leave the village, who can stop you? ”

“No, you’ll understand then.”

Shuo Yue thought about it, if the big snake pill defected, basically no one would be able to stay.

Since it is not help at this level, then what will it be?

Or has the Great Snake Pill learned that self-mutilation reincarnation now? Need a new container?

But this is in the prime of life, and there is no need to change.

Moreover, it is unlikely that you will learn to self-harm and rebirth at this point in time!

However, in any case, when the time comes, the return must be discussed in advance!

“So, what can I get?”

Interests are the key to cooperation.

Shuoyue only likes to take advantage, and does not like to suffer losses or waste effort.

Orochimaru turned and walked to the cabinet, took out a bottle of thick liquid from an inconspicuous corner, and said: “You may not know that once with the permission of Sarutobi-sensei, we conducted a Mudu revival experiment, but the experiments all failed without exception, and later, Tuanzo and I succeeded in getting one. This is the cell I extracted from that child, and through this medium property, you can master the cells between the columns, that is, you will have a high chance of obtaining Mu Duan! ”

Mu Duan!

This thing may be very tempting for others.

However, Shuo Yue knew that the so-called experiment, Mu Dun could only engage in greening!

Even if he pushes 10,000 steps, he doesn’t like to make some mess on himself!

Even the ‘that thing’ he got from Hei Jue, he did not inject subcutaneously, but waited for the system to fuse!

“No, this thing doesn’t work for me.”

“Oh? There are even people who would refuse this. “The big snake pill didn’t expect Shuoyue to refuse, after all, this is Mu Duan!

“If we don’t have something else, our cooperation probably wouldn’t be able to continue.” Shuo Yue said, this is very realistic, although the big snake pill said so much before, but when it comes to interests, no one wants to give in.

Draw flatbread, he is not happy to eat it!

“Shuo Yuejun, don’t worry, even if you don’t need it now, but you always need my big snake pill, I still have this confidence.”

Shuo Yue thought about it, where he needed the Great Snake Pill…

Except for his self-mutilating reincarnation…

By the way, isn’t there a powerful rebirth of filthy soil!

Although it is a forbidden technique developed by the second generation, what is written in the Book of Seals may not be as good as the Great Snake Pill improvement.

And what exerts this technique to the extreme is the medicine master’s pocket.

It’s a pity that the medicine master doesn’t know where to play in the mud this year!


“Yes, I do need you sometimes.” Shuo Yue looked at the big snake pill and said slowly, “I need your ‘Dirt Rebirth’ technique, but this technique is too chicken for me now, and I need a more perfect ‘Dirt Rebirth’.” ”

“Reincarnation of dirt? I didn’t expect you to even know this technique. ”

“Know a little.”

“No problem, it just so happens that I am also interested in that forbidden technique, and I will make this deal as soon as possible.”


The big snake pill withdrew the certain cell in his hand and said with a smile: “Since this is the case, then we are comrades!” So, from what we talked about at the beginning, who do you think is suitable to be my heir? I guess you should have good candidates around you, right? ”

Hearing this, Shuoyue rolled her eyes, “Forget it, comrade, in other words, why do you have to find an heir?” ”

“Such a character.”

“Okay, but I don’t have one around, I suggest you go find a girl named Mitarai Azuki Bean, she may be willing to play snake with you.”

“Mitarai Azuki beans? I know. ”

“That’s fine, I’ll go home and sleep.”

Until now, he still has two dark circles under his eyes!

Compared to the big snake pill with a miserable complexion, he was more like an immortal cultivator!


Land of the wind.

The environment is poor.

I’m here.

His ability to hide was cultivated from the countless voyeurs of women bathing.

At this time, he was ready to do something big, such as stealing the strategic deployment plan of Shayin Village.

Suddenly, a puff of sand and dust blew through, and Jiraiya’s body disappeared.

He couldn’t fly the Thunder God Technique, but he flew away like a wave feng shui gate.

Myoki Mountain.

In front of the two frog spirits, with a bang, Zilai also appeared here.

“Hey! Little Zilaiye, how did you get disgraced? Fukasaku asked.

Hearing the voice of the frog, he was also like a deflated leather ball, “Hey, I said that the two immortal grandfathers, next time you want to summon me, can you send a toad to notify first?” I’m still on a confidential mission! ”

“Boom! It turns out that we disturbed Xiao Zilaiye! The female frog spirit said.

“Say what! What could be more important than the prediction of the big toad?! ”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Listening to this frog spirit couple singing and reconciling, Zi Lai also raised his eyebrows, “Nani? The Great Toad Immortal has a new prophecy? Could it be about Nagato? ”

Fukasaku replied, “I don’t know, but it seems to be related to a person who has great power in his eyes. “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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