Shuoyue and Sunset Hong are temporarily separated, he returns to Class A, and Red is Class B.

Class A had a total of thirty-four students, and originally the stars of Konoha were in this class, but due to the appearance of the butterfly Shuotsuki, it split into two classes.

For this, Old Man Ape Fei may also have to thank Shuo Yue.

Because dividing a class into two classes, and adding some dragon ninjas in the middle, how can I say that it has increased the ninja base of Konoha Village!

That’s performance!


“Uchiha Obito!”

Obito’s ears immediately pricked up when she heard the roll call, praying that the teacher’s next name was the goddess in her heart.

The teenager’s mind is very simple, and he can be happy to put the homework book together for a while!

If he could be separated with Rin Nohara, then he could excitedly practice a thousand fireballs today!

“Rin Nohara!”

“Yay!!” Before Nohara Rin could react, Obito jumped up directly from his seat in excitement first!

Students: MDZZ.

However, unlike Obito’s excitement, the party Nohara Rin’s gaze was not on him at all, but from time to time he secretly looked towards the back of the classroom.

Next second.

“Kiki Kakashi, divided into one class.”

Some rejoice, others worry.

Obito was so excited that he almost turned his back, as long as he could be assigned to the same class with Rin, then it didn’t matter if his third person was a cat or a dog!

For licking dogs, the goddess is there, the world is both!

Accepting this arrangement, Kakashi glanced towards the back of the classroom and shook his head helplessly.

Shuo Yue returned a smile, everyone is a mature ninja, there is nothing unacceptable about this kind of thing.

Besides, I knew this ending from the beginning!

As the teacher read the list as he read, the thirty-three students in the class were quickly assigned and obediently sat in a row.

Only the empty nest teenager Shuoyue was left, staying alone at the back of the classroom.


“Teacher, what about me?” He also thought that he would be in a group with the last four people, but he didn’t hear his name for a long time, so he could only raise his hand to ask questions.

Seeing the well-known ninja who walked out of his class, teacher Tagawa Okaba replied with a smile: “Shuoyue-kun, you come with me.” ”

Seeing this, Shuo Yue was even more confused, did he arrange an independent battalion for Lao Tzu?

The teacher walked in front, and Shuoyue followed.

Walking out of the classroom door, I walked to the next class.

That is, the red class.

“Hikawa-sensei, I brought Shuoyue-kun.”

“Yes, thank you, Mr. Tagawa, there is work!”

After the two teachers exchanged pleasantries, Shuoyue walked into Hong’s class on her own.

Against the scrutinizing gazes of the students in Class B, he swaggered over to Hong and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, those scrutinizing gazes turned into vicious and aggressive gazes.

At this moment, the teacher on the podium finally spoke!

“Then, Uchiha Shuoyue, Sunset Red, and Matkai, the three of you are listed as the eighth class!”


Shuo Yue exclaimed, and Sunset Red was divided, he had a foreknowledge, because when he just came in, Sunset Hong was also sitting alone in a row.

Only, when did Akai come?

My gaze swept around the classroom only to find the watermelon head!

To be reasonable, Akai may be the strongest fighting one in this class!

However, he is only good at physical skills, but he is still looked down upon by his classmates and often calls him crane tail!

I don’t know who gave these little cubs the confidence, Akai can sweep them all away!

“Hi Shuoyue-kun, we met again! Is this the beginning of our youth! Akai said excitedly.


Shuoyue covered his head, Akai has been completely assimilated by his father!

It’s over!

But think about this combination – the Ninja Illusion Trio?

If there was another occult teacher, wouldn’t it be able to cover the entire ninja world?

“Hee-hee, it’s so happy to be with Shuoyue!” The sunset red beside him had already blossomed happily, holding Shuoyue’s arm and rubbing it vigorously.

Just when Shuoyue felt that he was about to melt, the teacher on the stage spoke again.

“Yossie, now that the placement has ended, everyone wait for the team to come forward! After that, I wish you all the best! ”

For children, there is nothing to be sad about, because apart from this teacher, it is the next teacher.

But the teachers are different, they can only push their lovely students to the battlefield in advance with their own hands!


A few minutes later.

Wave Feng Shui Gate led Kakashi and the three, passed by the door of the Class B classroom, and beckoned to Shuoyue inside, which was regarded as a farewell.

Soon, the students of Class B were also taken away by one after another Shinobi.

The last three of them remained, waiting quietly in the classroom.

“Shuoyue, who do you say our guide Shangnin will be?” Sunset Hong waited a little tired, so she asked.

“It shouldn’t be a well-known person.” Shuo Yue replied.

Now that the people he knows are gone, facing war, Pig Deer Butterfly will try to distribute them together as much as possible to maximize combat power.

The people of the oil girl’s family are naturally introverted and withdrawn, and are not suitable for being a guide to Shinobi.

In other words, the two old teammates of Akimichi Dingza and Oil Girl Zhiwei have no chance to cooperate anymore!

It is even more unlikely that the people of the Hyuga clan will come out to lead the team, because there is a Uchiha in this team, and the three generations are not blind.

With such an exclusion, there is really nothing Konoha that is famous to endure!

Even, Hokage will send a special Shinobu to lead the team!

“Hey! Shuo Yue-kun! Instead of waiting there, race with me to do push-ups and see who can do 500 first! “Akai on the side is already crazy.

Waiting and waiting, the man did not see it, but saw a dog.

That’s right, a dog!

Looking at it, the color of the coat, the aura looks like an erha!

It’s just a blind Erha, living like a gray wolf second uncle!

“You three, follow me!” Erha said.

Sunset Red: ???

New moon:???

Akai: “Did the dog speak?” The dog has spoken! Shuo Yue-kun, can dogs talk?! ”

He didn’t do push-ups either, lying on the ground and screaming repeatedly!

In fact, Shuotsuki was also confused, if he wanted to say that Kakashi’s future psychic dogs could speak, then he had no opinion.

But how can this erha speak now?

Is this worth it?

“Hey, didn’t you hear it, you three, follow me!” Erha said again.

“Shuo Yuejun, dogs can really talk!” Akai burst into tears with excitement and had completely assimilated with Mat Dai.

Shuoyue subconsciously stood up and walked towards the door.

Because he suddenly remembered one thing, in addition to Kakashi’s psychic dog, it seems that there is also a dog family in Konoha Village!

That’s the Inuzuka family!

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