Volume I, Chapter 71, Chapter 2039

The guilt after the abduction lasted until the next day.

Looking at the girl in front of her who seemed to have grown a lot overnight, Shuoyue didn’t know where to start.

During the special period, the assessment of the ninja school was quite biased, and Uchiha Mai, who opened the eyes of the three-hook jade writing wheel, directly passed it in one go.

That is to say, she was still an extreme, extreme, and ultimate crane tail yesterday, and today she became a counterattack female cock who successfully graduated!

After obtaining the qualification for Shinobi, Uchiha Mai came to the cultivation field where Shuotsuki was stationed.


“So, Lord Shuoyue, can you teach me physical arts or illusions?” Uchiha asked with a deep bow.

“Illusion?” Shuo Yue was a little stunned, it seemed that after opening the Sharingan eye, the staff-making girl swelled, “Aren’t you biased towards physical arts?” How much do you know about illusion? ”

“I, I don’t know much about illusion, but I want to learn it!”

“Well, let me see your physical skills first!”

“Yes, Lord Shuoyue!”

Saying that, Uchiha Mai put on a pose.

He holds a kunai in his right hand and a scythe in his left hand.

How is this posture a little familiar?

“Come on!”

The two of them’s chakra eyes opened at the same time, and Uchiha’s movements became extremely slow in Shuo Yue’s eyes.

In terms of physical speed alone, she may not even be as good as eight-year-old Akai!

The physical skills are even worse, basically the same way ninja schools teach children!

Shuo Yue only stretched out a hand, and in turn, she took away her Ku Wu!

“It’s too slow! Don’t hesitate! ”


Uchiha Mai answered again, and then the scythe in his left hand flicked lightly, and he stabbed Shuo Yue’s ribs at a tricky angle.

However, it’s still too slow!

Even the Ergou Jade Writing Wheel Eye can fully capture that action!

Take her kunai and flick off her scythe.

Shuo Yue threw her Ku Wu over and exchanged it for her.

“It’s still too slow, do you only have this speed?”

When the words fell, Shuoyue was not polite, the soles of her feet exerted force, and the whole person teleported to the back of Uchiha Mai, and pushed her out more than ten meters with a light palm!

This is just body speed, and I haven’t used the Instantaneous Technique at all!

“Is this Lord Shuoyue’s speed?” Uchiha Mai sighed, a pair of beautiful chakra eyes running fast.

Her eyes are beautiful and her eyelashes are curved and long.

“This time is just to remind you to wake up, next time I will be real!”

“Yes, Lord Shuoyue!”

As her pair of scarlet chakra eyes spun rapidly, it seemed that something had changed in her body.

Immediately after, Shuoyue’s next attack came.

But this time, she found that she could actually keep up with the speed of Shangshuo Yue, and her body subconsciously made a precaution!


With her arms intersected, she actually blocked Shuo Yue’s hand knife!

Even she herself found it incredible!

Shuo Yue paused slightly, although he didn’t use his full strength, but being able to block his blow was already surprising enough!

You know, in the last move, she obviously didn’t even see it!

Even if the three-hook jade chakra eye has extremely strong motion capture ability, it stands to reason that her body should not have such a reaction speed!

Thinking so, Shuoyue launched another trial.

All of the attacks were eaten by her!

Even, she would borrow Shuo Yue’s physical skills to fight back!

The two kicked together in mid-air, and then each was bounced off by the force.

Landing steadily on the ground, Shuoyue temporarily stopped.

It’s kind of weird!

“Your Sharingan seems to be a little different!”

As we all know, the Sharingan enhances illusion greatly, but Uchiha Mai’s Sharingan seems to have clicked the wrong skill tree, and it seems to be a physical skill!

The enhancement mentioned here is not that every chakra eye has that kind of auxiliary ability and replication ability.

Her eyes, more like active skills!

However, looking at her appearance, she was also confused.

Presumably, she can’t understand her own chakra eyes by herself!

What a dumbby!

“Me, is there anything different about me?”

Shuoyue pondered and said, “You try to close the Sharingan? ”

Although I didn’t understand it, Uchiha Mai did it anyway.

Sure enough, after she closed her chakra eyes, the chakra flow throughout her body changed.

Although the chakra eye cannot see the chakra of the opponent’s whole body meridians as clearly as the white eye, the general chakra flow can still be seen.

Obviously, when the cane girl opened the chakra eye, there was no reaction.

However, just after she exchanged hands, her pupil power suddenly changed, accelerating the flow of chakra throughout her body.

This is the reason why her all-round speed and strength suddenly skyrocketed!

And it’s more than that!

Although the basic attribute has increased, it does not mean that her skills have grown with it!

Physical arts is a very deep skill, how can a girl with a staff comprehend it so quickly!

Therefore, he speculated that this was probably a pupil technique!

Automatic defense-type techniques are not absent, such as the sand of I Love LuoTM.

Although under normal circumstances, the corresponding pupil technique will only be born after opening the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, there are always two situations in the world.

And it will always be met.

The Sharingan with soil has created miracles when she was a chakra eye ergoyu, and it is not difficult to understand that this staff-making girl can appear in this unique technique.

After all, it is a woman who is a three-hook jade at the first glance!

“Okay, go ahead!”

“That… Did something happen? ”

“It’s nothing, I’m afraid you’ll be more confused.”


“Oh yarn! Can’t you experience it yourself? Everyone’s chakra eye is different, what kind of chakra eye do you write yourself, don’t you have a B number in your heart? ”

“Lord Shuoyue, you are so fierce!”

“ヽ(ー_ー)ノ, women’s attention is really strange!”


The fact that Uchiha Mai suddenly opened the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye soon reached the ears of Patriarch Fugaku.

After all, it is the head of a family, and it is impossible to hide it.

Especially the female cock counterattack incident like her.

However, everyone’s eyes turned to Shuoyue!

Two years ago, Uchiha of Class A had extremely poor grades with soil, and the tail of the iron crane.

However, due to long-term contact with Shuoyue, he later opened the Sharingan.

Now, a female cock that is happier than the former Uchiha Obito, the ultimate crane tail in the tail of the crane!

Also because of the long-term relationship with Shuoyue, he also opened the Sharingan, and it was still a one-time three-hook jade!

Thus, a terrible common denominator appeared – Uchiha Shuoyue was able to help others open chakra eyes!

At the beginning of this conclusion, Uchiha Fugaku didn’t believe it very much, after all, this statement is too mysterious!

Later, I thought about it, anyway, there are more mysterious things in him, not worse than this one!

So, he had a bold plan.

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