“This, you are…” The Red Sand Scorpion looked at Shuo Yue’s back in shock.

Everyone is a ninja, they are all people who are called geniuses by the laymen, how come some people suddenly become gods?

The intertwined flames of blue and black will form a sea of fire in front of you.

The sand iron of the three generations of Mekaze Shadow was instantly melted and became the molten slurry at the bottom of the sea of fire. The desert has also been melted into a glazed riverbed.

Is this still the fire ninjutsu that ninjas know as ninjas?

“Phew, it feels okay, fortunately I didn’t try it in the village!”

Shuo Yue exhaled, compared to the tailed beast jade, the power of this technique was not much worse.

The tailed beast jade is instantly destructive and has a high explosive explosion; The instantaneous destructive power of this technique is not weak, and the continuous damage is extremely high.

After all, it is the blood succession limit obtained by taking the gift of the two tails and the integration of the system.

If the final ability is not as good as the state of the tailed beast, wouldn’t it be a big loss!

It can be said that this Yandun is a mutated evolution in the tailed beast mode!

“Sandaime, is he dead?” The scorpion looked ahead stunned, because the light was distorted by the flames, the human eye imaging was crooked.

However, Shuo Yue said: “It is impossible to die, but his situation is definitely not optimistic, after all, he is the strongest wind shadow in history!” ”

Everyone can hear the irony in this last half of the sentence!

The strongest wind shadow ever?

But so!

Or is it that the wind shadows of all generations have weakened into chickens?

Sure enough, beyond the sea of fire, a mass of things wrapped in sand and iron gradually broke through the shell.

The embarrassed faces of three generations of wind shadows were revealed.

He feels very humiliated now, obviously he still has a lot of Chakra, obviously his sand iron secret technique is very strong, but he is always powerful!

It’s like a 100-level tuba being abused by two level 50 cancelling trumpets! But I couldn’t find a way to fight back!

The sand iron secret technique was completely restrained by that ghostly flame!

“How can you cultivate, although you are prepared, but the toxicity of this poison is so strong!”

Now, the three generations of Mekazekage are in trouble everywhere.

As for retreating, that’s something he can’t do, these two people are obviously sincerely killing him, if they flee back to the village, it will affect the innocent!

The glory and pride of being a wind shadow made him think about how to fight back even if he was in a desperate situation!


A voice came from behind, and the wind shadow’s soul trembled, wanting to quickly open the distance, but found that another figure had blocked his retreat.

Really, not at all impressed!

Don’t dare to move!

“Scorpion, you! Why! Why unite with the ninjas of rival villages and kill your wind shadow!! What good is it for you to do this!! Although you are a rebel of the village, you defect to the enemy … Did you know that the ninja who killed your parents was the Konoha ninja!!! The three generations of wind shadows roared in a desperate voice.

It seems that he knows that the battle is hopeless, and he intends to question his soul and perform his own mouth!

However, he seems to have forgotten the fact that Wind Shadow has always been the character who was silenced!

Faced with such a soul question, the Red Sand Scorpion’s face did not fluctuate in the slightest, and said in a flat tone: “Whether it is a Konoha ninja or a Iwain ninja, it has nothing to do with today, I killed you just for your powerful body.” ”


Hearing this, the pupils of the three generations of wind shadows were filled with disbelief and even greater despair.

He could never have imagined that he was targeted by a pervert!

People are not for the village, grudges, but TM wants to kill him!


“Don’t be afraid, Kazekage-sama~! At least, I came to kill you with hatred, is Ning satisfied? Behind him, Shuoyue said with a smile.

“Uchiha! New moon! ”

“I know I know, don’t call me by my name so loud, you say, how familiar are you going to be today?” By the way, put down your right hand Oh, don’t make small movements, otherwise the hand will be gone! ”


Three generations of wind shadows, yes, making small movements in front of the writing wheel eye, ridiculous.

“Shuoyue, do you still have something to say? If I don’t say anything, I will do it, and I can’t wait to make the three generations of adults into an adult puppet! The Red Sand Scorpion urged.

Hearing this, Shuo Yue mentioned the three generations of wind shadows and pinched a sweat, “You Kang Kang, you were also a sand ninja, and now you can’t wait to kill you… Sorry, the strongest Wind Shadow Lord in history, let you do nothing, just die in such a grievance! ”

“I’m not willing! I’m not willing! Do you dare to fight me again! Coward! ”

“You said yes, in order to kill you today, I did my homework for half a year…”


Hold back!

What do you mean by saying yes?

Is it an admission of cowards?

No, in the eyes of the three generations of wind shadows, that is an even greater insult! That’s what the superior does not care about the inferior!

It’s like a child scolding an adult twice, and adults don’t make general calculations!

He gritted his teeth and glared at Shuo Yue, he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, stirred the chakra in his body, released the magnetic escape with all his strength, controlled all the surrounding sand iron, and surrounded the three people from all directions!

He is going to die together!


At the moment when the sand iron covered the light and caused a slight shadow on the earth, an electric light flashed, and the arms of the three generations of wind shadows were broken together!

“That said, let you not make small movements, under these eyes, your Chakra flow can be seen clearly!”

Under the eyes of the chakra, the three generations of wind shadows have not yet used ninjutsu, and when he mobilizes Chakra, he has already seen through by Shuo Yue!


The three generations of wind shadows were in pain, looking at their hands that fell to the ground, and their faces were like dead ashes.

“Why didn’t you just kill me?”

“It’s not cheap to kill you…” teased Shuo Yue.

At this moment, I saw the Red Sand Scorpion wave its hands, and five puppets emerged from the desert.

Three of them were the dark parts that were engraved with ‘You Horse Bisss’ by Shuo Yue at that time, their backs were exposed, and several dark red characters were constantly enlarged in the eyes of the three generations!

Looking at this, his body couldn’t stop trembling!

However, what really made him despair were the two bodies behind!

It turned out to be his brother and lover who died in the war!

These have all been dug up by the Red Sand Scorpion!

Even if they die, their bodies will not be peaceful!!

“Scorpion!! You!! ”

Three generations of eye-catching shadows died violently.

“What’s wrong with me?” Before he died, he also heard the innocent inquiry of the Red Sand Scorpion.

What’s wrong?

“Scorpion Lailai, you are really a member of the Demon Sect!”

“Huh? Am I going too far? ”

“No, not too much, it’s great!”

To be honest, any femme fatale woman has to climb in front of the red sand scorpion!

If it is vicious, the Red Sand Scorpion is the strongest in modern times!


The eighth shift was long overdue.

Thousand Hands Mohua looked at the endless sea of fire, and then his eyes noticed the three generations of wind shadows on the ground.

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