The face of the fourth generation of Lei Ying changed greatly, he really forgot, when Uchiha Du turned into a wave feng shui gate when they were raging in Yunnin, he didn’t use any time and space ninjutsu at all, just with his own speed, he directly beat him and Kirabi down, even if he can capture the position of Uchiha Du’s teleportation, even the flying thunder god who relies on the wave feng shui gate can catch up with Uchiha Du, but the worst is the last time, his shot speed is not as good as Uchiha Du, unless he is willing to lose both with him, Otherwise, only you will suffer.

“So now, what are you going to do!” Uchiha looked at the two who were frowning playfully.

With the speed of Red Devil Teleportation and Fast Silver, it is impossible for anyone in the entire ninja world to be better than him in this regard, even if the speed of the Flying Thunder God of the Wave Feng Shui Gate and the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow cooperates, it is a lot worse, after all, they are two people, it is impossible to achieve a common mind, and there will always be a slightly slower place in the cooperation.

Unless one day, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow learned the art of flying thunder god, or the wave feng shui gate practiced the speed of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, so that he had the qualification to compete with Uchiha Du for speed, and others simply did not have enough to see.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying looked at Uchiha Du sweating, even if he didn’t make a move, just standing there, it was already a big shock, making people dare not act rashly.

But looking at the three tails that are still raging there, the fourth generation of thunder shadows is called a hurry, there is no shadow-level powerhouse to sit in, ordinary upper ninja is not the opponent of the tailed beast at all, before the three-tailed chakra is exhausted, I really don’t know how many cloud ninja will die under the hands of the three tails.

“Yes!” At this moment, Uchiha suddenly turned his head and looked back with a frown.

“Oh roar, Uncle Ben Chirabi is here!” At the same time, Kirabi’s figure instantly appeared on the battlefield.

“Kirabi!” Uchiha Du frowned, this guy, it’s really not the right time to come.

“Than!” Seeing Kirabi arrive, the fourth generation of Lei Ying immediately became excited, with Chirabi, the eight-tailed one who can completely control the tailed beast, naturally he can block the three tails that have been raging.

“Big brother, I’m coming!” Kirabi came to the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow in a few moments, but he just wanted to say something, but he saw it first, Bofeng Shuimen, and said angrily: “You, octopus said, legs hurt!” ”

When he was in Yunnin, he was cut off six octopus legs by the “Wave Feng Shuimen” with a spiral shuriken, and because of the particularity of the spiral shuriken, his legs have not grown back until recently, and only recently did he remove the chakra attached to the octopus’s leg and recover his injuries, and then he came to the battlefield.

“This…” Bofeng Shuimen was embarrassed, how many people did he have to explain to him, this matter was Uchiha Du blamed himself.

“Than, our enemy is not Bofeng Shuimen, but he Uchiha Wataru!” The fourth generation of Lei Ying hurriedly said, now he and Bofeng Shuimen are still joining forces, solving Yuzhi Bodu, this is the most important thing.

“Why? Dumbass bastard! Kirabi asked suspiciously.

“You don’t care so much first, hurry up and stop the three tails!” The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow shouted at him, he was very clear about Kirabi’s character, at this time it was better not to talk to him, it was important to do business.

“Okay, stupid, bastard!” Saying that, Kirabi was ready to rush in the direction of the three tails.

Looking at this scene, a smile hung at the corner of Uchiha’s mouth, and the kaleidoscope of his eyes spun again, suddenly, the three-tailed who was still raging couldn’t help but pause, and the next moment was a person who turned around, gave up all Kumo Shinobu, and began to attack only Konoha.

“So what are you going to do?” Uchiha looked at the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow.

Previously, he attacked Konoha and Yunnin at the same time, so the two of Wave Feng Shui Men and the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow would temporarily give up their prejudices and join forces against the enemy.

But now, Uchiha Wataru let the three tails only attack Konoha’s people, so that the wave of feng shui men will naturally stop themselves, but the fourth generation of thunder shadows, then it is difficult to say.

“Than, wait a minute!” Sure enough, seeing that the three tails began to attack only Konoha’s side, the fourth generation of Thunder Kage quickly opened his mouth to stop Kirabi, who wanted to strike.

“Lord Lei Ying, you…” Bo Feng Shuimen looked at the fourth generation of Lei Ying in shock, originally he thought that when Yao arrived, he could stop this disaster, but he really didn’t expect that the fourth generation of Lei Ying would actually go against his word like this, and now he actually wanted to stand by and watch.

“Hahaha, it’s really a realistic person, such a fragile alliance!” Uchiha Du clapped and laughed.

“Hmph!” The fourth generation of Lei Ying glared at Uchiha Du fiercely, although he was very unhappy to see Uchiha Du, but he really didn’t have anything I could deal with Uchiha Du, even if he added Yaoi was not enough.

And now Uchiha Wataru is not making a move against them Yunnin, but is doing it to Konoha, the enemy of their Yunnin, and the fourth generation of Thunder Kage does not want to continue to provoke Uchiha Wataru at this time.

And they Yunnin and Konoha are enemies, always enemies, even if there was a brief alliance before, it can’t change the fact that they are enemies, the greater the loss of Konoha, the more beneficial it is for them Yunnin, bite a piece of meat down on Konoha, this is the goal of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, even if he knows that Uchiha has other purposes, it can’t change this.

“Lord Lei Ying, don’t be confused! If we don’t join forces to deal with Uchiha Du, he will definitely do something to you Yunnin at that time. “Bofeng Shuimen rushed.

Originally, the three tails made a move on both sides at the same time, and they Konoha already had a lot of losses, but now the three tails only did it to their Konoha side, and this loss is really getting bigger and bigger.

“Wave Feng Shuimen, you can’t make a show, Yun Shinobu and you Konoha are enemies, do you still expect Lord Lei Kage to sacrifice himself to help you!” Uchiha said disdainfully.

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow was silent and did not speak, obviously agreeing with what Uchiha read.

“Du, you…” Bo Feng Shuimen looked at Uchiha Du in shock, only feeling that the Uchiha Du in front of him was too terrifying, not only her great strength, but also his means to play with people’s hearts.

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