Iwa Shinobu Village Battlefield.

After Uchiha left the Kumo Shinobu battlefield, he returned here, of course, this time his target was not Konoha and Kumo Shinobu, his target was Uchiha’s secret base, or something in the base.

In the original work, in the four battles, Pocket inherited the ability of the big snake pill and wanted to cooperate with Obito, but Obito couldn’t look at this little man at all, even if he used the rebirth of dirt to summon the shadows of the past, he was still looked down upon by Obito.

It wasn’t until finally that Pocket directly took out Uchiha’s corpse, and Obito was moved and agreed to cooperate with Pocket.

And this time Uchiha Du’s purpose is naturally Uchiha Ban’s corpse, you must know that he will also be reborn in dirt, although this trick is not of much use to Ban Ye, he can be directly lifted in minutes, but Uchiha Du will not leave such a big killing weapon to the guy for no reason, this kind of thing is still good for his own preservation.

In Uchiha’s secret base, Uchiha found Uchiha 08’s body very easily, and after handing everything over to Obito, Uchiha also took the initiative to break away from the outer path golem and chose death.

But after all, Uchiha has awakened the eye of reincarnation, and has the existence of the body of the immortal and the eye of the immortal, even if it is dead, the body that has long been dying is still not the slightest bit corrupted, and it is still the old appearance that Uchiha Du saw at the beginning.

Looking at the corpse of Uchiha Ba sitting quietly on the Golem of the Outer Dao, Uchiha Du couldn’t help but show a hint of ridicule, Uchiha Ba so what, not will die old, Sora has a strength and ambition, in the end it still becomes a pawn of others, and it is really sad enough.

Uchiha Du shook his head and directly deposited Uchiha’s body in the coffin that had been prepared long ago, and threw it directly into the red mist space.

“Ten Tails, Outer Path Golem!” After doing everything, Uchiha couldn’t help but look up at the hideous outer path golem, especially his nine eyes that had not yet opened his eyes, he now has a three-tailed in his hand, but unfortunately now is not the time to let the outer path golem absorb the tailed beast, in more than ten years, when the eyes of the outer path golem are all opened, it will be the time to unify the entire ninja world.


Suddenly, in front of Uchiha Du, he said that the outer path golem was a violent shaking, and the next moment, the outer path golem actually disappeared in front of Yu Zhibo Du out of thin air.

“This… Could it be Nagato? “Uchiha was shocked, like he actually disappeared like this, and there is only one possibility, that is, he was summoned.

And now that Uchiha Madara is dead, the only thing that controls the Golem of the Outer Path is Uzumaki Nagato who transplanted Uchiha Madara Reincarnation Eye.

In the original work, Nagato first summoned Waina because Hanzo and Danzo joined forces, captured Konan, and forced the factory gate to kill Yahiko, and finally Yahiko committed suicide in order to directly bump into Nagato’s kunai, and Nagato was in great pain before awakening the true power of the eye of reincarnation, summoned it, and killed everyone except Hanzo and Danzo.

Now that the outer golem has disappeared, this means that Yahiko should be dead, and Obito’s plan to blacken Nagato has been realized, but this speed is really a little fast, Obito himself has only been blackened for how long ah, actually blackened Nagato again.

With this thought, Uchiha quickly packed up everything, a teleportation disappeared in place, and after a few teleportations, it had already appeared within the range of Yu Shinobi Village.

“Cut, this ghost weather in Yu Ninja Village is really unpleasant enough!” Uchiha complained that what he hated the most was this kind of rainy weather, wet and unpleasant, but fortunately he had the ability of the storm girl, although there was no way to change the weather in the entire Yu Ninja Village, but just to let the rain not affect him, there was still no problem.

Sensing the most powerful direction of the Yunin Village Chakra, Uchiha Du teleported again, and came directly to an empty valley.

In the high place, there stood the mountain pepperfish Hanzo and a lot of the dark part of Yu Shinobu and Konoha, and below, Yahiko was already lying there dead, and Xiao Nan also fell to the ground a little embarrassed, and on the side, Nagato, whose legs were burned by the mountain pepperfish Hanzo Goods, had summoned the outer path golem, and a lot of metal pipes were protruding from the outer path golem, piercing Nagato’s body, and was constantly absorbing his life force.

“This is the Golem of the Outer Way!” Uchiha Wataru looked at the scene in front of him with some shock, when he was in the Uchiha base, all he saw were static outer golems, ugly, and really not too big characteristics, but now after being summoned by Nagato 687, that power is really terrifying, worthy of the body of the Ten Tails, even if it has not absorbed this tailed beast, it is still very powerful.

It’s a pity that the strength of the outer path golem also has to pay a price, if it is the real owner of the reincarnation eye, there is naturally no problem, but the reincarnation eye of the elders is only transplanted from Uchiha spot, and if you want to use the outer path golem, the price to pay is his great vitality.

I saw Nagato’s big body at a speed visible to the naked eye, constantly contracting and drying, which is that Nagato is a person of the whirlpool family, born with strong vitality, if it is replaced by an ordinary person, it is estimated that it has long been sucked into a dry corpse by the outer path golem, and the dead can no longer die.

“Roar!” After absorbing enough of Nagato’s life force and chakra, the outer golem spit out a chakra that looked like a giant snake from its mouth, and attacked towards the rain ninja in front and the dark part of Konoha, everywhere it went, no one could do it, all the ninjas touched by the purple chakra snake died in an instant and could not die anymore.

In the end, only Danzo, who had never appeared, and Hanzo, the pepperfish who escaped with the teleportation technique, saved their lives. _

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