
Uchiha Wataru! Ten years old!

Destroy Konoha Village! Hazard class S! The bounty is 300 million!

Konoha’s action was still quite fast, and soon a wanted warrant against Uchiha was issued, and the bounty was as high as 300 million.

It’s just that the content of this wanted warrant is somewhat vague, only saying that Uchiha Wataru destroyed Konoha Village, and other specific information is unknown.

But in fact, only the three generations know best how big their Konoha losses are this time, not to mention the material losses, the upper Shinobi alone have lost more than eighty people, and the other middle and lower Shinobi add up to more than 700 people, so many casualties are no less than the losses when they started the war with the Sand Shinobu before, and the heartache of the three generations can be imagined.

But if you think about it, Konoha actually didn’t lose much, and even made some gains, if Uchiha Wataru didn’t participate in the battle with Shinobu, the battle would have ended so quickly, even if they could defeat Shinobu, the losses they would pay would definitely be several times over.

It’s a pity that no one cares about this, under the fishing boat offensive that the Konoha Elders are best at, Uchiha Wataru has long been transformed into a murderous maniac that everyone hates through the hero who Konoha admired, and I really wish that I could smash Uchiha into ten thousand corpses to solve the hatred in his heart.

However, these secret things are naturally impossible for outsiders to know, not that Konoha does not want to say them, but that they can’t say them, let alone have no face to say.

Now that they are still in war time in Konoha, Orochimaru is still leading Konoha’s army to fight with Iwa Shinobu, and there are also Yun Shinobu and Mist Shinobu watching there, it can be said that the situation is quite unoptimistic.

If others know that their Konoha has been hit hard at this time, Mizukage is not easy to say, but with the character of that guy from Thunder Shadow, nine times out of ten will take advantage of this opportunity to pick up a bargain, and then they Konoha will have to fight on both sides, even if they Konoha is strong, they can’t withstand such a toss.

As for the destruction of Konoha, this is really no way, a large area of Konoha has become a ruin, such a big movement can not be hidden even if you want to hide, after all, such a large village, will always be mixed in by some ninjas from other villages, this kind of thing can not be hidden even if you want to, just publish it.

Therefore, Konoha can only issue such a wanted order, as for whether anyone can kill Uchiha Du, they really don’t have much hope, after all, Uchiha Du’s almost invincible posture has penetrated deep into their hearts, and the so-called wanted order is just for the sake of face, doing everything to obey fate.

As soon as this wanted order was issued, the entire ninja world was shocked, but most people’s first reaction was not to believe, a ten-year-old ghost, even if it is the Uchiha clan, how can it have such strength, and destroy Konoha Village, it is simply ridiculous, to know that Konoha is the strongest ape, known as the Sarutobi Hinata, not to mention the existence of so many ninjas.

It is simply ridiculous that a ten-year-old ghost can destroy Konoha, can he still be Uchiha Spot, even if it is Uchiha Spot, at this age, I am afraid that he cannot have such great strength.

Shock to shock, doubt to doubt, but the bright 300 million bounty is absolutely not fake, the entire ninja world bounty hunters have been sensationalized by this wanted warrant, almost everyone is looking for Uchiha Du, wanting to harvest Uchiha Du, the head worth 300 million bounty.

It’s a pity that Uchiha didn’t know all this, or he never cared, after leaving Konoha, he came to a small town on the border of the Land of Fire to cultivate for several days, rested his state to the best, and headed for the battlefield at the junction of the Land of Fire and the Country of Rock.

After leaving Konoha, he was actually a little more confused, a little unclear about what the next path should be, he liked Xiao a lot, but unfortunately the current Xiao is not the later Xiao, the leader of the current Xiao, or the Yahiko who inherited the naïve concept of Jiraiya.

Jiraiya was so naïve about the idea of peace that even he couldn’t find the answer.

Where there are people, there is struggle, and that will never change, and it is not ridiculous or something to want to achieve peace through great mutual understanding among human beings.

I think that the original Hokage Senjukuma also adhered to this concept, and he did it, signing a series of contracts with the shadows of the other four ninja villages, so that peace came down for a while.

It’s a pity that what helped create peace between the thousand hand pillars was definitely not mutual trust, but his strength that made the world fear, without this strength, all peace is just an empty talk.

So after Senjukuma died, the first generation of shadows in the other Shinobi villages receded, and the war broke out again, and it was fought more fiercely than ever.

Although Nagato, who was blackened after Yahiko’s death, was a little extreme and regarded himself as a god, his yearning for peace and means made Uchiha very appreciative.

The world of Hokage has the existence of five major countries and so many other small countries, with five major ninja villages such as Konoha and so many small ninja villages, it is destined that there can be no peace, if you want to have peace, then you must unify the whole world, so that the whole world has only one voice, that can bring true peace, as for how long it can last, it can only be resigned to the fate of heaven, at least it is certain, it is definitely better than several countries coexisting.

Everything Nagato has done has been developing in this direction, although it is a little extreme, but it is not bad.

It’s a pity that in the end, he is still a pawn, used by Uchiha, and then used by Kuro.

Uchiha has no interest in Hiyo today, and the reason he went to Iwanokuni is because he has his only friend, Uchiha Obito

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