A day later….

Finally, Jun Tianlin’s servants kept rushing from Rouge Town, and finally arrived in the country of Tian.

In front of the Oto-Ninja Village, Jun Tianlin looked at Tuhuang. The gate of color, can’t help but secretly feel, a month ago, he was still a little fool who chose to work hard for freedom, but a month later, he has already returned as a strong man.

At least…. Jun Tianlin himself thinks so!

Shaking his head and suppressing the complicated emotions in his heart, Jun Tianlin smiled casually, stepped into the gate of Oto-Ninja Village, and entered the underground darkness without hesitation.

It’s still so damp, it’s cold that has never changed….

Walking in the underground passage of Oto-Ninja Village, feeling the constant familiarity around his body, Jun Tianlin also knew that he had indeed returned to this place that he would never forget in his life!

Seven years ago, Jun Tianlin and Junmaru escaped from the calamity of the Kaguya clan’s extermination in embarrassment, and then luckily met Orochimaru, saved his and Junmaru’s small lives, and was brought back to Oto-nin Village by him.

Seven years later, after seven years of practice, and after a series of fierce battles, killing his opponents, and proving his strength and belief, Jun Tianlin once again entered the place where he changed his life seven years ago!

Oto-ninja Village —– the starting place of Juntianlin’s dreams!

Even if the Great Snake Pill had a bad heart for the two when he brought Jun Tianlin and Jun Mariu back, it was undeniable that the Great Snake Pill was indeed the lifesaver of the two, and no matter what happened, this would not change the facts!

This is also the case, now Jun Tianlin’s heart is quite complicated.

Although he had long known the person of the Great Snake Pill in his previous life, and the almost tragic life and ending, when it was really his turn, it was different.

Although Orochimaru, who has always been ruthless, treated himself and Junmaru quite harshly, he was unconsciously full of a harshness with a hint of emotion…

It is a kind of master-apprentice friendship that is almost unique when a master treats an apprentice!

However, it was precisely from that feeling the true feelings that the Great Snake Pill unintentionally revealed that Jun Tianlin’s emotions for the Great Snake Pill in his heart were so complicated.

Otherwise, without this kind of outpouring of feelings, I am afraid that there is no harmony between myself and Junmaru and the Great Snake Pill, and there is only one way to go to hostility, right?

However, with the current situation, if it continues to develop, perhaps, it can really develop into the same as you imagined, right?

In case, there is an unsatisfactory ending … At most, that is, leaving here with Junmaru, away from the sight of the Great Snake Pill, not going against him, can be regarded as repaying his life-saving grace seven years ago, right?


With mixed feelings, Jun Tianlin walked slowly to the end of this underground passage, and stopped in front of a black gate.

This is Orochimaru’s exclusive room in Oto-Ninja Village!

Taking a deep breath, Jun Tianlin raised his right hand, gently pushed open the black door, turned sideways, and quickly walked into the room.

“Hiss, I didn’t expect that it would be you who finished the task first and came back here, little ghost!

I thought that the person who would complete the task I gave first among your two brothers would be Junmaru, but I didn’t expect that this person would be you, Jun Tianlin, it seems that you are still hiding so deeply on weekdays, even I have hidden it!”

The moment Jun Tianlin stepped into the room, the hoarse voice of the big snake pill sounded in this small room.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that I’m lucky, because the last rebel that needs to be solved by me will be the upper Shinobi of the Hyuga family!”

Hehe, a guy who can only fight in close combat, even if he has white eyes and soft fists, in the face of my corpse vein, it is still just a waste, not to mention, when this waste fights with me, it is nonsense, naturally, I took this opportunity to directly destroy it in one fell swoop, so, big snake pill, you don’t have to be suspicious.

No, this is the head you want, I’ve sealed it all in this scroll!”

Hearing the words of the big snake pill, Jun Tianlin didn’t care at all, but instead took out the black sealing scroll from his fierce mouth and threw it towards the big snake pill.


Seeing that the big snake pill firmly caught the black scroll, Jun Tianlin, who originally planned to explain the matter to the big snake pill, suddenly shook in the plain eyes of the ancient well, revealing a touch of shock, and then a burst of ecstasy filled Jun Tianlin’s entire body

“Big Snake Pill, I have been running for a month, and I have experienced ten high-intensity battles in this month, during which I have not rested at all, I am really a little tired, so, if there is nothing important, I will leave first, and the rest of the things, wait for tomorrow I will talk to you properly”!

Jun Tianlin pretended to be tired, gently opened his mouth and said to the big snake pill, then quickly turned around, opened the door and left…

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