[On the screen, with the sound of the Nine-Tails, the unconscious Uzumaki Naruto was slowly wrapped in a stream of scarlet chakra, and Naruto's body was unconsciously propped up with the chakra. Naruto then opened his eyes and punched Sasuke straight in the face, knocking Sasuke into the water in the distance.

While Sasuke covered his face and howled in pain, Naruto also crawled on all fours like a beast on the water, and Chakra formed a demon fox cloak on him, roaring at Sasuke.

"Hahahahaha, that Sasuke hahahaha" Ya couldn't help but laugh out loud again.

"It's troublesome, hey, don't laugh, that Sasuke is glaring at you. Shikamaru kindly reminded him for the safety of his teeth.

The teeth suddenly shook their spirits and restrained themselves.

[Naruto's set of physical techniques hit Sasuke one after another, even if there is a three-hook jade Sasuke, he still can't dodge: "What is that chakra? It seems to have his own consciousness, and now the three-hook jade can't see his movements clearly.] "

Yes, it seems that you have a very special power. Sasuke calmed down and ran around Naruto at a fast speed, then spit out a few phoenix fires to force Naruto to move, and finally "Fire Escape, Hao Fireball Technique" A huge Hao fireball evaporated lake water towards Naruto.

Naruto rushed directly into the fireball without dodging or dodging, and in a puff of smoke, Sasuke saw Naruto standing there unscathed: "Is

that chakra protecting Naruto?" Then he thought that as long as he kept his combat distance, he would not be caught, and just after thinking about it, he saw the chakra on Naruto's body turn into a big hand and grab it towards Sasuke. Everyone

in the ninja world was stunned

!Chakra! No one had ever used chakra like this!

Kakashi shed tears of envy.

[Sasuke tried to change his body in mid-air to dodge Naruto's chakra arm, and after Sasuke landed, Naruto ran around Sasuke at high speed, forming a huge water curtain, in which the chakra arm emerged from Sasuke's unexpected place, grabbed Sasuke, and smashed into the mountain wall. Seeing

those mountain wall rocks like tofu in the fight between the two, many ninjas shed cold sweats, and ordinary shinobi are nothing more than

that!!Naruto touched the seal on his stomach: "Is this the power of that fox, it's too powerful..."

[On the screen, Sasuke's body slowly climbed up with the black cloud pattern of the Heavenly Curse Seal, but it was still grabbed by Naruto's chakra hand, rubbed a deep groove on the ground, and threw it at the foot of the Uchiha Madara.

"Hmph, there's no way, as long as it's contaminated with that power... I don't even know what I've become of myself. Sasuke slowly stood up from the foot of the statue, "But, there is no way, Naruto..."

With Sasuke's words, his skin was wrapped in a curse mark and turned dark blue, and his black hair also turned into a blue long fried hairy eyes and a black shuriken pattern on his nose: "It's true that you are special, but I am even more special than you, hum."

"!! Sasuke, you look so ugly, hahahaha," Naruto looked at Sasuke's screen and laughed mercilessly.

"Hmph, do you think you look good?" Sasuke wasn't to be outdone.

But both knew it was the final battle, and Naruto and Sasuke swallowed.

[On the screen, Naruto grabbed Sasuke and pressed Sasuke directly against Madara Uchiha's statue.]

The smoke cleared, and Naruto Uzumaki looked in surprise at the huge palm wrapped around Sasuke, and then with a flick, Naruto was slapped to the foot of the statue between the Thousand Hands Pillar. After getting up, Naruto's eyes widened and he looked at the other side: Sasuke's back grew two huge fleshy wings that looked like palms.

"You know, this place is called the Valley of the End, and it's a fitting stage. Right

, Naruto?" Sasuke followed the seal, hissing in his left hand, and the blue Chidori seemed to have been eroded by the power of the spell mark and turned gray "Weeping Chidori!"

Naruto, who had been affected by the Nine-Tails and turned into a half-human and half-beast, also condensed the Spiral Pill in his right hand, and the blue Spiral Pill was mixed with the red Chakra "Zhuyu Spiral Pill!" The

hideous beast pupil and the writing wheel eye were hostile to each other.

It's like fate.,Decades are also in this place.,The place where the final battle between the Thousand Hands Pillar and Madara Uchiha...

Chakra Chidori and Spiral Pill, who are also attached to a pair of biological brothers thousands of years ago,

collide in mid-air.


——!!!" and "Spiral Pill ——!!!"

In a white light, Sasuke's unsealed right hand slammed into Naruto's heart.

In severe pain, Naruto's fingers ran across Sasuke's forehead, making a cut on Konoha's forehead that represented defection.

The power of Chidori and Spiral Maru engulfed the waterfall between Madara Uchiha and the statue between the Senju Pillars. The

seal of reconciliation that I couldn't do in the ninja school.,Maybe....

Only in a dream can the brothers interlock their fingers again.

Sasuke watched as he was victorious, and Naruto fainted to the ground. For a while, there were mixed feelings: there was joy for his strength, there was sorry for Naruto, there was a premonition for his future on the screen... It will be loss, loss and constant loss....

If Chidori and Spiral Pill can be replaced with the seal of reconciliation at that time, Sasuke shook his head, why did he have such a naïve idea...

[As the video nears the end, it rains heavily.]

Sasuke covered his left hand and looked at Naruto who had fainted, his forehead slid from his head and fell to the ground, a sharp pain hit his arm, Sasuke had to kneel above Naruto, looking at Naruto's face with blank eyes...

] The image suddenly stopped!


] [What will Sasuke Uchiha do next?]


Sasuke blew up when he heard the question!!

The protagonist of this image is obviously Naruto Uzumaki, what's the matter with

me!Why are you persecuting me Sasuke Uchiha

!!There are also those eyes that are thrown from all directions, waiting for me to recover the chakra, so that you can taste

the taste of the writing wheel!!] [Option 1: Kill Naruto Uzumaki and open the kaleidoscope writing wheel. [Option

2: Be persuaded by Naruto, who suddenly sobered up, and return to Konoha together. [

Option 3: Suddenly fall in love with Naruto and go back to Konoha with Naruto.]

[Option 4: Uchiha Sasuke failed in the recapture mission, Uchiha Sasuke left Konoha to seek strength from Orochimaru, and Naruto was rescued by Kakashi who rushed in. Good

guys, that's another multiple-choice question!!And isn't that

option three really here to be funny?

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