After the Battle of the

Valley of the End, Naruto slept in Konoha's hospital. In his dream,

Naruto stood alone in the endless darkness.

"Hey, anyone? Is anyone here?

Sakura! Kakashi-sensei! Lustful fairy!

Naruto scratched his head, "What the hell is this place?" Wait a minute!!

Could it be... I'm dead!!! Suddenly

, Naruto's body turned pale, and he turned into a meme of the world's famous paintings.

That's when it happened.

"New container, the old man can feel your fear and confusion.

You get the idea, right?

You're the one who feels more constrained than I am... It's up to the old man to liberate you, hurry up..."

Naruto looked around suspiciously, "Who?" Who's talking? His

face was full of doubts: "What is this guy talking about?" Suddenly

, a bright light pierced the darkness, and Naruto subconsciously closed his eyes. When the light gradually faded, it slowly reopened.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw a beautiful red-haired girl sitting on the bed, her face frightened, and cold sweat flowing.

Naruto stared intently at the girl in front of him, and for some reason there was an inexplicable sourness in his heart the moment he saw the girl, and the thought of wanting to get close.

After a while, Naruto came back to his senses, narrowed his eyes and smirked at the girl, "That, big sister, I'm sorry, what kind of place is this?"

But the girl looked out the window blankly as if she hadn't seen Naruto.

Naruto followed the girl's gaze and looked out the window, "Why is this scene so familiar?" The

next second, it suddenly dawned: "Ah! Isn't this Konoha?

Great, I'm back!

Naruto immediately waved his hand at the girl and prepared to walk towards the door, "Big sister goodbye, I'm going to find Kakashi-sensei and Sakura." "

But the next moment he fell to the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Naruto rubbed his chin and slowly got up, ready to take another step, but unsurprisingly landed on his chin again.

"Huh? My legs, I can't move?! What the hell is going on!!

Naruto sat on the ground, pulling his legs hard, but those legs were like trees that had taken root, and no matter how hard Naruto tried, he remained unmoved.

Kushina sat on the bed expressionless, and it was the same dream again. The two shadows standing outside the house watching her were the same people...

Then I turned my head to look out the window, and it was the same scenery as usual.

Here, while Naruto was still struggling with his legs, the girl on the bed had calmed down, put on her coat and opened the window, watching with envy the butterflies flying freely outside the window.

But in the next second, the girl seemed to see something, so she withdrew her envious eyes, happily opened the door and ran out.

Inside the house, Naruto suddenly realized that his feet could actually move, and immediately jumped up happily and rushed out of the room. But when he was about to overtake the girl in front of him, his legs, which had been able to move, were once again as heavy as a thousand pounds, and before Naruto could react, he once again threw himself on the ground.

Naruto lay on the ground and sighed heavily, "If I fall like this again, my jaw will be flat."

Then Naruto noticed that the light was dimming in front of him, and when he looked up, he saw two ninjas wearing masks and robes standing in front of the girl and him.

"Kushina, what's your arrangement for today?"

Jiu Sinai looked excited, and directly ignored the coldness and vigilance in the tone of the two dark men, because today was a very special day for her.

"Didn't I tell you? I want to practice the sealing technique with Bo Feng Shuimen!

Naruto's body shook on the ground, and although the girl named Kushina didn't notice it, the tone was all too familiar to him.

The two dark subordinates wanted to say something, but they saw Jiu Sinai excitedly waving behind the two: "Water Gate!" The

dark department turned around and looked, and sure enough, it was the Bo Feng Shui Gate who had just returned to the village from the mission.

"Lord Watergate."

The two shadows retreated behind Jiu Sinai, and Jiu Sinai happily ran to the water gate: "Water gate, I will be very strict today!"

Watergate, your comprehension is very fast! Because there are many, many more sealing techniques of the Uzumaki Clan, so next..."

"I'm sorry, Kushina."

Bo Feng Shuimen said with a look of embarrassment, and planned Jiu Xinnai's excited words.

Kushina's happy expression froze on his face: "? "

Today I want to practice other ninjutsu somewhere else..."Bo Feng Shuimen turned his head away, not daring to look at Kushina's current expression, "I'll come... It's meant to tell you.

Naruto on the ground couldn't sit still, he had seen Kushina awakened by a nightmare and helpless, looking out the window with the envy of butterflies flying freely and the joy and joy of the arrival of the Bo Feng Shui Gate, but the person in front of him wanted to pour a basin of cold water on her.

This made Naruto burst into a nameless fire, sitting on the ground and pointing at Bo Feng Shui Gate and saying, "Hey, do you guys know how much this big sister is looking forward to your arrival?"

Is it really good to live up to other people's expectations like this?! Of

course, with Kushina's fiery temper, it is impossible to go back like this. Immediately came to the water gate, staring at the water gate's face with blazing eyes: "What technique?"

Shuimen was suppressed by Jiu Sinai's powerful aura, and smiled bitterly: "That... I

...""..."Kushina suddenly deflated, "Where is it?" "

The third drill ground!"

Kushina felt a little aggrieved: "Is it a ninjutsu that even I can't tell?"

Seeing this, Watergate hurriedly explained and comforted: "No! It's because it's an unfinished and powerful ninjutsu. I...... I don't want you to get hurt. The

hair on Kushina's back slowly floated up: "Really? I know. "


Watergate looked confused, what did Jiu Sinai know?

Jiu Sinai was furious, the long hair behind his back suddenly floated up, flying behind him, pointing at the water gate and saying loudly: "If you hate being with me, just say it!"

Naruto couldn't help but shudder when he looked at Kushina, who suddenly erupted, terrifying!

Kushina's behavior made him think of Sakura, and he couldn't help but muttered to himself, is it so terrible for girls to be angry?!

Seeing that Kushina had misunderstood herself and thought it was an excuse that she didn't want to be with her, Mizumon became very unusually anxious and explained, "I've never thought of it that way!!

Watergate wanted to continue explaining, but at this moment there was a call from behind him.

"Hey. Watergate! It's time to hand over the task to the third generation, don't keep the sixth class waiting too long.

Next to his companions, several female ninjas excitedly discussed: "Do you want to make an appointment with Watergate-kun in the future?"

"Will he accept our invitation?"

Only then did Shuimen remember that he had just completed the task and rushed to see Jiu Sinai, and he forgot to hand in the task!

So he hurriedly turned around and walked to his companion's side: "I'm sorry, I have to go first!"

Seeing this, Jiu Sinai couldn't help but chase after him, but he was pressed by the dark part behind him: "Stop!" This is already -"

Kushina reluctantly stopped in front of a notch on the ground and watched as the water gate ran to his companion's side.

"Outside the barrier!"

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