Senju remembered Madara Uchiha's speech during the four wars in his previous life, and people cannot understand each other, and peace can only be achieved in the world of infinite moon reading.

But it is precisely the diversity of people's hearts that has created this colorful world, and if people all over the world think the same way, people will be raised like animals and degenerate. The end result....

It's nothing more than a white corpse.

On the other side, Sarutobi's heart is also condemned by the entrustment of Kushina and Mizumon. Kakashi is the same with this, Obito's death, Rin's death, and the death of Mizumon-sensei and Kushina-san have made him live in self-blame all the time.

Whenever this happens, Kakashi always wonders if it was him who died in the first place, not Obito, and that all these things could be protected!

Just as the atmosphere froze, the paused video began to play again.

[Shiyome looked at his son's stupid appearance and felt cute and funny: "Let's talk in another place, Naruto.]

"Alas! Naruto is my name! Why did the fourth Hokage know my name?

Sakura, who was standing next to Naruto, suddenly bowed ninety degrees to Naruto and apologized, "I'm sorry, Naruto!!

"In the past, I used to scold you for being an orphan without a father or mother, and no one to discipline you! I'm sorry!

Naruto recalled that when he first established the seventh class, he used his transformation technique to transform into Sasuke and asked Sakura what he thought of himself...

'Naruto, he's always ruining my good deeds, doesn't know me at all, and is an annoying guy!!'

Sasuke remembered that Naruto had gone to Sakura alone after using the transformation technique to become himself, and when he rushed over, he saw Sakura alone, and Sakura said, "Leave Naruto alone." Always messing around, mischievous, orphans without parents are really lacking in education! If it were me, I would have been scolded to death by my parents!

Naruto may not know this, but Sakura can't pretend she didn't say it! Sasuke-kun harassed Sasuke-kun when she thought she was fine, and when she was in trouble, she cried and begged Naruto to help herself!

Sakura Haruno thinks it's too despicable for herself like this... It's so cunning....

"Always take advantage of Naruto's favor again and again" Sakura Haruno kept bowing and didn't get up, with a cry in her voice, and tears fell to the ground: "I always bring trouble and trouble to Sasuke-kun and Naruto again and again, and I'm not strong enough to always think that I can do anything... It's really too cunning..."

There are too many words of apology, but Sakura doesn't know where to start, so she can only apologize with tears in her eyes.

Naruto was overwhelmed, and there was even something soft in his heart that was about to be shattered.

"I'm sorry, Naruto." Sarutobi walked up to Naruto and touched Naruto's head: "I didn't tell you the truth, I made you suffer so many years of grievances in the village, betrayed Kushina and Mizumon's trust in the old man, and let the news that you are a human pillar force spread in the village... I'm really sorry. With that, Sarutobi took off his Hokage hat and bent down at Naruto like Sakura.

The apologies of the two seemed to be turning on the switch, and one after another, the Konoha ninja and the villagers who had isolated and rejected Naruto began to bow to Naruto and apologize...

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry, Naruto."

"It was us who was wrong before, and I hope you can give us a chance to atone for our sins."


These people are spectators, looking at the image from a third-person perspective, Naruto was treated like that by them back then, and he still stood up during the Konoha crisis.

When they saw Naruto Uzumaki being nailed to the ground with a black rod for the sake of the village.

When they learn that Naruto Uzumaki was not the culprit who killed the four generations, but the son of the hero, the biological son of the four generations of Hokage who sacrificed himself to save the village...

That apology has been holding back in their hearts for a long time.

Looking at the person who bent down to apologize to him, Naruto took a half step back: "You guys... What are you doing here

..."Sakura, you put your head up..."

Hearing Naruto's words, Sakura looked up at him.

"Sure enough, you're still cute with a wide forehead." Naruto deliberately used a swishing tone to show that he didn't care, "Isn't that good, although when I was a child, I didn't understand why everyone in the village excluded me... Until I knew that the fourth generation Hokage was the container that my father made me into a nine-tailed container, and it was the same as my Airo, so I was sad..."

Naruto narrowed his eyes and smiled like a sun, "But I really like everyone, I like Sakura, I like Sasuke's Shikamaru, Hinata, and Ichiraku Ramen's Uncle and Sister Iris, and Kakashi-sensei!" Teacher Iruka and the second generation of the little brother, the third generation of the grandfather. Looking

at this child, not to mention that Konoha felt guilty, even the second generation of Hokage Senju softened his eyes.

[In the screen, the fourth generation took Naruto to a place of golden warmth and looked at Naruto with gentle eyes.

"Curious why I know your name? Didn't I just say that you are my son! That's why I got your name.

Naruto was afraid that he had misheard: "My son is... Then I won't be..."

Watergate smiled softly: "How many more times do you need to say it before you can believe it?" You're my son, Naruto.

"It seems that the three generations didn't say anything, and the information about the Nine-Tails wants to be hidden as much as possible, right?" Watergate goes straight to the point: "If you know that you are my son, there will be many dangers that befall you." "

Dad..."Naruto muttered in a low voice.

"Huh?" Minato looked at the son in front of him, and Naruto should pounce excitedly next! He was ready to welcome his son with open arms.

But Naruto's next move was beyond the expectations of all Konoha and the people of the ninja world.

Only in the expectation of 12 Naruto and Iara, who watched the movie...



Naruto's punch hit the body of the four Hokage with a strong punch.

Bo Feng Shuimen endured the pain and slowly bent down.

"Why did you seal the Nine-Tails on me as a son! It's really been too hard to carry it all these years..."Naruto cried loudly.

Shuimen looked at the child in front of him and said distressedly: "Because I sealed the Nine-Tails in your body, it seems that I have caused you a lot of trouble. I'm really sorry. "

Because... I believe you can grasp its power to seal the chakra of the Nine-Tails in your body. I think such a powerful force can help you when you face a powerful enemy. "

I believe... You are able to outperform any powerful enemy that attacks Konoha. The

screen of the wave Feng Shui Gate gave out the answer that was confused in Naruto's heart. It is because of belief, it is the parents' unconditional trust in their children.

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