[My Airo fell silent because of his brother and sister's admonitions, but he decided to pull Sasuke again for the sake of his best friend: "Sasuke, you are like me... Walking in the darkness of this world all the time, even the faintest light should be able to shine into your eyes. It used to be, and it still is—"

Sasuke had closed his chakra on the left. His face was covered with blood, and only a kaleidoscope was left to look at me and sneered: "I have already closed my eyes." My goal is only in the dark.

Naruto, a nervous guy, looked at Sasuke on the screen in confusion: "Why do you say that you have closed your eyes? Isn't this still open?" Sasuke:

"... You super crane tail

!!" "Ah, bastard Sasuke, you're scolding me again!!!"

Sasuke can't explain to Naruto anyway, forget it, that's all!


"Don't get mixed up with personal feelings, you're the Wind Shadow now..."Kankuro reminded me in a low voice.

After the silence, I Airo opened his eyes, tears slowly falling down his face in his right eye, but in his left eye was a cold killing intent. The

hearts of the moviegoers were also shocked, these tears were mixed with too many indescribable feelings, I guess even I Airo on the screen can't say it clearly.

[Then a large amount of sand erupted from the gourd behind my Airo, and Sasuke saw this, and quickly summoned Susanoh, who was in the state of the rib skeleton, and at the same time, the previously closed writing wheel eyes opened directly, and Amaterasu, which had been accumulated, burned towards Iara.

But the sand behind me was faster than Amaterasu, and the black flames generated by the three voids were directly blocked by the sand, and they didn't hurt me Airo in the slightest, and I Airo still had the strength to dedicate a part of the sand to protect Kankuro and Temari. In

the conference room, Temari and Kankuro looked at my Airo's small movements and warmed their hearts: In this case, they still want to protect them... I remembered my attitude towards my younger brother when I was a child, and decided to love my brother even

more in the future!!Senju and Uchiha Itachi, who also have brothers, also noticed my Airo's movements, and nodded in satisfaction and defaulted to praise!

Senju Kazuma is now watching the next Kazekage of this Sand Ninja Village more and more pleasing to the eye.

[On the screen, Sasuke watched Amaterasu being perfectly defended and began to become yin and yang: "I can actually defend Yan Dun, and the absolute defense is still alive.] "

I'm not angry, so I look at Sasuke coldly....

Xiangling, who was hiding behind the ruins, had sensed the location of the group through the chakra, and wanted to tell Sasuke the coordinates, but he was afraid of the powerful chakra around...

On the other side, the people of Yunyin Village didn't have a relationship with Sasuke, and Thunder Shadow angrily urged Nozomi, "Isn't it okay, Nozomi?"

Darui ran to Kankuro's side with the seal, "I'm here to help, Sand Ninja." I'll start, you continue. Lan Dun Frustration Town Caustic.

Kankuro also summoned the body of the scorpion's puppet: "Red Secret Technique, Machine Triangle." "

Big scythe!" I

Airo symbolically used: "When the sand is raining." Inside

the Xiao organization, the scorpion sitting in the Scarlet Amber watched his transformed body actually fall into the hands of the puppeteer of Sand Ninja Village, and wondered: Why is this happening, I transformed myself into a puppet, I should be immortal...

But it's more about killing intent and scrutiny, and killing intent is the killing intent of Kankuro: what is he? Why is he using my body.

The scrutiny is also an examination of Kankuro: I know my own body, what are the organs, if that person doesn't play well... Thinking of this killing intent even more!

Deidara, who was standing next to the scorpion, swallowed his saliva, at this time he didn't dare to go up and touch the tiger's whiskers, but he didn't dare to others, Fei Duan laughed, pointing at the scorpion's tears and almost laughing: "Hahahaha... Scorpion, you... Your body... Hahaha laughed at me, it's better to dedicate it to the evil god hahaha"

Although Deidara has a lot of nerves, he is not stupid, so he and Fei Duan's partner silently retreated to the corner, so as not to hurt the innocent...

Sure enough, after that, Scarlet Amber's stinger tail pierced towards Fei Duan's head, and he could only be glad that the two of them didn't have any big lethal ninjutsu, otherwise this organization base would have been basically destroyed...

If the base is destroyed, I'm afraid the angle will also join the battle, after all, it costs money to repair...

In fact...... Deidara still really wants to see the leader's expression after coming back and seeing the destruction of the base, it must be very interesting, um

!![The thunder light of Darui on the screen, the overwhelming weapons of the scorpion puppet in Kankuro's hand, the huge wheal of Temari, and the sand bombs of my Airo flew towards Sasuke in unison, causing an explosion that was even more violent than the thunder shadow's trick just now!!!Xiangling

looked at the smoke of the explosion worriedly, but then stared at her eyes in surprise: This... This is!!]

Thunder Shadow, who was watching the video, nodded: This is how to treat the enemy, without mercy, the Wind Shadow Kid was too indecisive before.

Naruto and Sakura looked at the screen worriedly, but no one could see Sasuke inside in the billowing smoke.

Now only the Uchiha's clan and Senju Kakashi are still calm.

The Uchiha clan and Senju naturally knew that Susa was capable of strong defense, and this attack was still not enough to break the defense.

Kakashi speculated based on the strength of Uchiha Itachi's Susa Nohu in the previous video: Although this rib Susa Nohu is estimated to be unable to defend against such a powerful ninjutsu, but...

[The next picture confirms Kakashi's guess, a tall figure looms in the billowing smoke, and then when the smoke clears, the four of them look in front of them in surprise.

"I'm Airo, this is an absolute defense that is even more powerful than you.

Sasuke, who was standing in the field, was unharmed, and the rib-like Susanoh had evolved into a half-length skeleton, and the skeleton was in front of Sasuke with one hand.

The purple skull Susanoo's pupils flickered with a yellowish light, and an incomparable sense of oppression swept over everyone present. Even

if I saw it once, it was still the same shock to see Susanoh again! Just when everyone on and off the screen was amazed by Susanoh, only the three members of the Uzumaki clan, who were good at perceiving chakra, frowned and looked displeased.

Nagato knew that Sasuke in that image had completely fallen into darkness, and the feeling of chakra, if his chakra was as cold as ice when he started to fight with Thunder Shadow before, then his chakra was an abyss, full of decay and darkness.

Now Xiao Xiangling felt the chakra squatting in the corner of the room shivering: that chakra was more uncomfortable than the chakra he had seen everyone, although he had already recognized that the person in the image was the Konoha ninja who was on his own in the second game of the middle ninja exam, but he still didn't understand why his future self would follow such a shady guy...

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