"The whirlpool... Xiangling..."Xiangling repeated her full name.

Mito: "Well, it's the surname of the Vortex Tide Village in the country of Vortex, the family emblem..."She looked around and looked at the rope decoration on the shoulder of Naruto's jacket, "That's it, and the logo on the back of Konoha Kaminobi's vest is also oh."

Kakashi understood what Mito meant, and immediately turned around to let Karei see the red whirlpool logo behind the Kaminobu vest.

And Naruto's here: You guys? Naruto

scratched his head, and quickly realized that there wouldn't be me!!

Mito naturally knew what was going on behind him, so he turned his head to Nagato and said, "Nagato still has you, and you have to learn too." Although I don't know why you have reincarnation eyes, just in case you want to be with Naruto and them too. Senju

had already negotiated with Uchiha Obito at this time, and came here with Sarutobi Hizap, Uchiha Itachi and Shisui Flying Thor: "That's right, for the sake of the future situation, you have to become stronger." Especially

Naruto and Sasuke, you two! You can't relax!" Sasuke, who was already worried that Naruto would surpass him, heard this, and looked up at Uchiha Itachi and Shisui behind Kazuma, and Sasuke, who was sure that the two would continue to help him train, was greatly improved.

Jiraiya muttered in a low voice: Thinking about whether to teach the immortal mode to Naruto now, will so many Naruto not be able to finish learning?

"After all, no matter who it is in the future, the immortal mode will be of great use.

"Uchiha Sasuke, it's not enough for you to just have a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, I'll go see Orochimaru and see if he can send you to the Dragon Earth Cave to learn the immortal mode too!"

Uchiha Itachi frowned worriedly, this guy has always coveted the writing wheel eye...

Seeing Uchiha Itachi's concern, Senju said confidently: "With me, Orochimaru won't be able to make any waves." "

Unlike Sasuke's fighting spirit, Naruto is now white... If you want to die, you will definitely die if you learn so much...

Mito hugged Xiangling in his arms and said to Kazuma: "Kazuma, I want to take these children back to the Vortex Clan in Vortex Village to study, and if there are any teachers, let's go with them."

He nodded: "Sister-in-law, you have just been resurrected, so naturally you should go back and see."

Kakashi and Jiraiya looked at Senju Kazuma and Uzumaki Mito and didn't know about the destruction of Vortex Village. Bite one's tongue. Seeing their difficulties, Mito thought that he was reluctant to give up his apprentice, and quipped, "I haven't been staying in Vortex Village, and I will definitely come back." "

Actually... Mito-sama... At the time of the Third Great Ninja War... The Vortex Village of the Vortex Country has been destroyed and the village has been destroyed. Since then, the Uzumaki have been scattered across various countries. "

What!!" I thought that the Uzumaki clan was doing well, and I met three clansmen before I was resurrected I didn't expect that there were only three clansmen left

!!!Uzumaki Mito's anger and shock made the huge chakra in her body explode directly, and the hair that was originally tied with the head of the ball exploded instantly, like the tail of a tailed beast, suspended in the air!

The nine tails in Naruto's body were awakened from sleep by this familiar chakra, and looked out through Naruto's body:" Oops, this grandmother has come back to life.

Sarutobi slashed his pipe, "I'm sorry, Mito-sama. At that time, Konoha received a distress message and went directly to reinforcements, but because of the long distance, it was still a step late, and by the time we went, it was..."

With a thousand hands, he forcibly suppressed his anger and persuaded Uzumaki Mito: "Sister-in-law, I'm afraid it's not safe for you to go to the Uzumaki Clan now, so it's better to stay in Konoha."

Uzumaki Mito thought for a moment... Looking at Naruto and Xiangling, who were still children, agreed to the request of the door, and took the three of Naruto to the ancestral house of Senju, but they still had a cold face when they left.

Sasuke: It turns out that Naruto's family is also...

Senjuto angrily looked at the ape flying sun slash: This Hokage really should be changed!

That night, Senjutsu took Uchiha Obito to the outside of the root headquarters, Uchiha Obito looked at the technique full of seals, laughed disdainfully, and activated the space ninjutsu, and went straight through the sealing technique.

A Thousand Hands Standing Outside the Sealing Enchantment... Uchiha Obito hopes you don't let me down....

Passing through the enchantment, the Uchiha Obito relied on the ability to void and hide in the space of time and space in the dim roots, and finally found the figure of Danzo in the deepest part.

This is a secret room that belongs to the group alone, and even the members of the root don't know it.

The Uchiha Obito, who went around the back of the group, took out the kunai between the thousand hands from the Kamui space.

When you notice the appearance of your own Flying Thunder God mark in the door outside, you know that the matter has been done. Immediately launched the flying thunder god and came to the back of Tuan Zang, who was on the seat with his eyes closed, how did Tuan Zang know that two people had appeared behind him now.

He pulled out the long knife at his waist, and the knife flashed. Tuan Zang, who had closed his eyes and recuperated, was suddenly awakened by a sharp pain, and looked at his right arm, which was full of writing wheel eyes, and had fallen to the ground. Just when Tuanzang was stunned, Uchiha Obito directly inserted his finger into Tuanzang's right eye, and pulled out the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that stopped the water.

Danzou knelt on the ground in pain, looking at the masked man and the teacher in front of him, Senju.

smiled miserably: I didn't expect the teacher to even be able to convince 'Madara Uchiha', and lost....

The door of the sealing technique for the group looked at the group that was no longer able to resist, put away the writing wheel eye in that hand, turned around and left the secret room of the group treasure, and began to clear the root members outside.

After a while, Senju looked at the roots, which had all lost their ability to resist, and walked out directly. Let the ape fly to clean up the rest of the mess.

The Uchiha Obito, who had done all this in the Thousand Hands Chamber, turned his head to look at him: "Now that I've done what you said, it's time for you to fulfill your promise!"

"You're really anxious." Well, come with me. Then he took the Uchiha Obito to the underground shrine in the Uchiha clan's land. Looking at the stele, "Everything you know about the Eye of the Moon project came from this stele."

Seeing that Uchiha Obito didn't refute, Senju continued: "Don't you think everything is too coincidental? It just so happened that Madara Uchiha found this stele when he was dissatisfied with Konoha, and it happened to be related to Senju and the Uchiha clan, and it happened that the method of reincarnation was written on it, and it happened that the black absolute was born at the will of Madara Uchiha, and it happened that when he was about to die, he witnessed the appearance of a desperate you..."

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