Late at night, in the Konoha conference room

, the three generations of Hokage Ape Tobi Hizashi, Shimura Danzo, and the group of elders represented by Koharu and Mito Menyan were urgently holding an internal meeting on what happened during the day today.

"Hizai, you also saw what happened on that screen today, the sand ninja actually sent a person Zhuli into Konoha to punish him, and the most important thing now is to imprison that sand ninja Zhuli!" Shimura Danzo sat on the lower left side and spoke first. He had been coveting the power of the Tailed Beast for a long time.

Zhuan Xiaochun shook his head: "It's not proper, let's not say that the strength of that person's pillar power is strong and uncontrollable, the Shangnin next to him is not a good thing to deal with, once it is not controlled at the first time, then it will cause a lot of losses to Konoha."

"In that case, the old man and the members of the root organization will take action personally, and the old man has a secret method to control them quietly. After listening to Koharu's rebuttal, Shimura Tuanzo subconsciously touched the bandaged hand, confident and confident.

Mito Menyan still disagreed: "If you can detain the people of other villages, won't they have a bad relationship with the Sand Ninja Village?" "

Hmph, didn't they think about making a bad deal with the Sand Ninja Village when they sent the people into our village? Tuan Zang slapped the table and said forcefully: "Moreover, not only the sand ninja's human pillar force, but also the nine-tailed imp and Sasuke Uchiha, as well as the inexplicably resurrected Uchiha Mikoto, will all be under the jurisdiction of the root and subject to the monitoring of the root." Hearing

this, Miyome, who was originally smoking a pipe in the upper position, opened his eyes and looked at Danzou: "Danzo, don't go too far, Mikoto does need to be monitored, but I have already arranged for the shadows to pass..." Not to mention that it will cause a war between the two countries and benefit other countries, Naruto knows what his identity is, and he doesn't even think about it when he leaves it to Gen.

"Hmph, what are you going to do with that screen in the air?"

"After the spies in other countries came to report, sure enough, as I expected, not only Konoha appeared on that strange screen, but other ninja villages also appeared. I have decided to convene a meeting with His Excellency Kazekage. Send out the invitation early tomorrow morning, and if you have any questions at that time, you will talk about it in the Five Shadows Talks. Ape Fei Ri got up and walked to the door and opened the door, "Let's all go back, today's meeting will end like this." The

next morning, the dark part that was originally staring at Maikoto in the dark outside the Konoha Guest House suddenly felt that his chakra was out of control and fell directly from the tree, thinking of the situation that appeared on the screen yesterday, he immediately ran to the Hokage Building to report to the third generation of Hokage: "Hokage-sama, the screen yesterday is going to start playing the movie again."

Sarutobi took a deep breath and ordered, "Go and inform Your Excellency Kazekage first." "

Yes!" Darkbe accepted the order and ran towards Orochimaru's residence.

And because the middle ninja exam was suspended, Naruto and the others, who had nothing to do, also noticed that the screen in Konoha in mid-air began to play images.

Mikoto also rushed to Sasuke and Naruto's side as soon as possible.

[In the Valley of the End, the statues of Madara Uchiha, the founder of Konoha and the Thousand Hands Pillar, stand opposite each other.

As the camera zoomed in, Naruto noticed that it was Sasuke standing on the statue of Madara Uchiha with his back to everyone.

With a rush of footsteps, Naruto appeared above the statue between the Thousand Hands Pillar and asked Sasuke on the other side loudly: "Sasuke, why did you defect to the village, everyone wanted to save you..."

Sasuke turned around slowly. The

Xiaoqiang, who was still in Konoha, gasped as he looked at Sasuke on the screen.

"Now, Sasuke, why did you defect to Sasuke's village in that image?"

"I..." Of course, it was for power, in order to gain the power to kill that man, but thinking of himself and the bits and pieces of the seventh class and the resurrection of his mother, Sasuke couldn't say anything. "Death to the word, the tail of the crane!

Naruto grimaced at Sasuke, and his attention then shifted to the screen.

[As Sasuke slowly turned around, half of Sasuke's white face was covered with black cloud patterns, one eye turned golden, and his face was full of evil energy, looking at Naruto with a cruel smile. Outside

Konoha Village

, because the Tailed Beast capture plan of the Akatsuki organization was leaked in advance, he was sent to Konoha by Payne in advance to capture the Nine-Tailed Uchiha Itachi and the Dried Persimmon Oni Shark.

Itachi: "..."How did Sasuke become like this?!"

The oni shark yin and yang said angrily: "Mr. Itachi, that little ghost seems to be your younger brother."

Itachi glanced at the oni shark, stopped without speaking, and continued to look at the screen: Orochimaru, it seems that the lesson for you is not enough, put the idea on Sasuke, it is necessary to let you taste the taste of the moon again.

[In the video, Sasuke Uchiha tells Naruto that he doesn't care if Konoha counts him as a defector or what, his only purpose is to gain power.

["Although the relationship is not very good, and I don't particularly like Sasuke Uchiha as a person, but..."

["Sasuke is a ninja of Konoha like us, and he is our companion!] So we will fight for our lives, and we will also save

Sasuke back!"] ["This is what Konoha Ryu ninjas do!"]

Hearing Shikamaru's voice in the video, Sasuke felt that he and Naruto were both having a hard time.

He killed that person in order to gain strength, and he understood that for the sake of power he could lose everything, even if he lost his heart and fell into darkness.

And according to Naruto's character, he would definitely not watch himself go into the abyss like this, and as a friend, he would definitely save himself no matter what.

Shikamaru: "I'm in trouble, I didn't expect me to say such bloody words."

On the other side, Orochimaru looked at the screen where Sasuke had perfectly fused the power of the Heavenly Curse Seal, and licked his lips greedily under the mask of the Wind Shadow, finally getting the same power as Uchiha Itachi.

[Sasuke then ignored Naruto and turned around and continued walking in the direction of the renegade from Konoha.] Naruto Uzumaki angrily jumped directly from the statue of the Thousand Hands Pillar to the head of the statue of Madara Uchiha on the other side, rode on top

of Sasuke, and punched that indifferent face hard!!!"You bastard, what do you think of Konoha's companions!!"

The corners of Sasuke's mouth were bleeding from this punch, but the indifferent expression on his face really didn't change, and he turned his head and spit the blood in his mouth into Naruto's face.

Sasuke noticed that Naruto was moving a little farther away from him, and asked suspiciously, "Crane tail, what are you doing?" "

I'm afraid I'm going to beat you up right now!"


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