[Jiraiya looked at the beast that disappeared in front of him and blinked his eyes, and then looked around: "Is it gone? It's really tricky! Where did you find the monster?" "

Since it's invisible, you can only use enchantment tactics to deal with it.] "

Toad Jian: It's going to be a tough battle..."

"Yes, it's just stealth, it's not gone, and you can use the enchantment to sense the other party's traces." "

It's worthy of Jiraiya-sama, it's really a great combat experience!" In

the face of other people's praise, Jiraiya laughed: "That's right, this is my Miaomu Mountain Toad Immortal Jiraiya-sama!"

[Jiraiya jumped up on the screen, collided with each other twice with the clogs on his feet, flicked his long hair, and an invisible huge enchantment slowly spread around with Jiraiya as the center.

The beast Dao hidden in the chameleon psychic beast clearly saw that the enchantment was spreading in his direction with his reincarnation eyes: "I remember that it was a ninjutsu enchantment that would be perceived as long as he set foot in it. In that case..."]

Yahiko asked curiously, "Hey, Nagato, what are you going to do next?" Nagato

thought about it: "Since being perceived is unavoidable, then I guess I will summon other psychic beasts to attack."

Kakashi: "Is it a good idea?"

[Sure enough, the beast path on the screen summoned a psychic beast again.]

In the psychic smoke, a vicious dog with three heads struck at a rapid pace towards Jiraiya.

"Toad Jian!!" The big toad under Zilai Ye responded: "Although I don't use it, let me do my part!"

Toad Jian

exerted force under his feet, and with his excellent bounce power, he stepped on the surrounding walls and rushed towards the three-headed dog psychic beast, and then forked the three-headed canine psychic beast on the wall with a fork and couldn't move.

Jilai also looked at Toad Jian, who could defeat the enemy with one move, and praised: "Isn't it very useful!" Toad Jian

, who was still vigilant and looked at the three-headed dog psychic beast, retorted: "It's no such thing, I'm very useless."

"This big toad is saying the most cowardly words, fighting the hardest." "

This toad Jian is really powerful, are all the toads in Miaomu Mountain so powerful?"

"The toad Wen summoned by Bo Feng Shuimen before was too able to suppress the Nine-Tails for a short time, and this time Toad Jian defeated the enemy with one move. I really want to sign a psychic contract with the toad of Miaomu Mountain!"

Konoha an ordinary ninja poured cold water on his companion who was still sighing: "Don't think about it, those are the psychic beasts of the three holy lands, and they won't recognize you without strong strength."

Naruto: "Lustful immortals and toads are so powerful!" Nagato

frowned, "It's not over yet." "He knows the strength of that three-headed dog psychic beast best, and it can be said that it is the most troublesome of all his psychic beasts!

] [The three-headed canine psychic beast that was forked on the wall on the screen was divided into two other heads in the surprised gaze of Jiraiya, including the vicious dog psychic beast that was forked, and now there are three in total.

The head and limbs of the body that were originally forked turned in one direction, and the front chest became the back, detached from the steel fork of the toad.

Jiraiya raised his eyebrows and looked at this strange scene: "This... What is this?!"

But there was no time left for Jiraiya to be surprised, the three psychic vicious dogs, divided into three directions, tore towards Toad Jian, fortunately there was a bowl-shaped shield to block it, otherwise Toad Jian would have been torn to pieces in an instant.

Toad Ken, who retrieved the steel fork weapon, looked down, and the three vicious dogs had split into four.

"What kind of psychic beast is this !!?"

"It's still split, can't it be divided indefinitely!" "

Hey, it's too bad!" "

It's disgusting, this psychic beast." Uchiha

Itachi and Sasuke wondered if Amaterasu could directly burn this psychic beast...

[In the video, the toad is constantly dodging and moving in mid-air, dodging the attack of the psychic dog.

After dodging a pounce, the toad in mid-air threw out his shield towards a huge steel pipe, and stabilized his body with the help of the steel pipe. There was a long strap attached to the back of the shield, which was now held in the hand of the toad.

Then he directly shook the long belt and took the shield back, relying on two weapons and four psychic vicious dogs, and fought back and forth.

The four psychic vicious dogs saw that the scattered power could not be defeated, and reunited into one and rushed towards Toad Jian, who dodged and dodged, and a steel fork was inserted into the body of the vicious dog, and then there was a violent explosion.

Toad Jian waved his steel fork and rushed out of the explosion smoke, the attack just now obviously didn't work, and he didn't look back to avoid the psychic vicious dogs scattered behind him.

Finally, after eliminating a few vicious dog clones, he rushed out of the tower and came outside. Toad Jian grabbed the building of Yunin Village, and traces of blood flowed down the building. Apparently, Toad Ken was also injured in the battle just now.

"It's okay, Toad, if you can, make it prettier.

"Because I'm useless..."

Jiraiya looked at the psychic dog that had turned into more than a dozen heads on the opposite roof, and his expression was solemn: "These guys are fighting more and more, and now they can't even figure out what type of monster they are." Is it a dog bound by a self-replicating psychic technique?

" "Anyway, let's change the scene

first!" "Is there still this kind of psychism?" "A psychic

technique that can self-replicate, and sure enough, the ability of the reincarnation eye is really various!"

"It was also the first time that the Thousand Hands had heard that the reincarnation eye had this ability: "It is worthy of being the eye of the Six Realms of immortals, even if it is a reincarnation eye transplanted from the past, the ability should not be underestimated." It seems that I still know too little about the eye of reincarnation.

Uzumaki Mito: "Kazuma, what the hell is going on? I've always wondered why Nagato has

reincarnation eyes?" Senju sighed: "Sister-in-law, this is a long story, and now I'm going to tell you that those reincarnation eyes are Uchiha Madara's." "

Madara, he's not—

" "No, I'll tell you more about it later."

[In the video, Jiraiya also intends to lure the psychic vicious dog into a narrow alley to solve it, but suddenly he seems to realize something: wait...

The beast Dao hidden in the mouth of the transformed dragon psychic beast stared at Jiraiya's hands that were not separated from beginning to end after the toad key was channeled: "It seems that the key to that ninjutsu lies in that?" Jiraiya

, who wanted to solve the psychic vicious dog in the narrow terrain, was blocked in the alley by the psychic vicious dog: "Is it surrounded... Uh! It's going to split again!"

The psychic vicious dog instantly split into more than a dozen figures and pounced on Toad Jian and Jiraiya, but the steel fork in Toad Jian's hand danced vigorously, bouncing off all the vicious dogs that pounced on him head-on.

Jiraiya's perceptual enchantment suddenly sensed that there was another one above him, and reminded him loudly: "Above!"].

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