Sasuke looked angrily at the doll-like Uchiha Itachi: "Don't let me catch you!" Maki

saw Raksha appear in the team of the reincarnation of the filthy earth, and closed his eyes in despair: It seems that what the second Hokage-sama said is true, and the Kazekage-sama was really ...

"What is that!There are 100,000 of them!"

"I thought it was a bit of a fuss, but now it seems that it is still unknown whether this war can be won

!" "Fei Duan, who has been spliced into the body of the horns in the Xiao organization, looked at the three colleagues who were reincarnated in the filthy soil: "Hahahahaha, look at your decay hahaha!" The

action of the horn is a little heavier, and when the flying section is about to cry out in pain, he directly sews his mouth shut.

[Dressed in new clothes and a new white mask, the 'Uchiha Madara' United Yakushidou slowly walked outside: "The Fourth Ninja World War, the war has begun!" The ninja

alliance has no idea about the upcoming brutal battle, and the crowd is full of voices.

I forgot who my captain was.

There was pre-war tension.

There are those who faint inexplicably before the war starts.

It's also too troublesome...

Kakashi: "Then I'm Ara-kun, you're now the head of the ninja alliance, so when they calm down, please say a few words." "]

A thousand hands swept their eyes at my Airo, is the oath meeting... This is not an easy task, and it is not an easy task to bring together the ninjas of the five great powers full of hatred.

[Silence, all the ninjas below looked up at Iara in the middle of the five people above.]

"Is it really possible to let such a little ghost be the chief captain of the ninja alliance?" Sand

Shinobi, who was standing next to the person who asked the question, immediately retorted: "My Lord Airo is not a little ghost, don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything."

"Of course I don't know, we were enemies before

!" "We are here, who knows if you can be trusted! Keep your mouth shut!"

Something like this happened in other places, and all kinds of problems and contradictions between countries and villages made them mess up, and if they continued like this, they might fall apart before they could set out.

"Sure enough, it's impossible for the ninja alliance or anything.

"That is, how can it be possible to join forces with the ninjas of other countries, how can we count the blood feud on our bodies

!" [Seeing that the contradictions under the bottom are getting bigger and bigger, and some people are even ready to make a move!

] I Airo used sand to separate the ninjas who were about to fight in the team and then spoke: "For the interests of my own country and my own village. Ninjas do not hesitate to hurt and hate each other once or even three times. This hatred made people thirst for power, and I was born. Thousand

hands looked at me in surprise: Do you want to live by yourself... Resonate with your own painful experiences. This kind of daring to expose scars is really rare.

["I used to be hateful!!It was power!It was the weapon of the village!It was the power of the people... I hate the world and the human race. Hopefully everything will be destroyed... It's the same as the current Xiao.

Temari looked at me with distress: It's not easy to uncover your past scars. If it doesn't heal, I'm afraid it's another heart-wrenching bleeding.

"But...", a Konoha ninja stopped me.

Everyone turned their attention to Naruto again, and they all knew that it was the kid who was holding his head and smirking in front of him to stop Iara.

[I Ai Luo closed his eyes and was silent for a long time, and then opened his eyes. His eyes were full of determination: "This man weeps for me as an enemy. and called me a friend who had wounded him. He saved me, and although they are enemies of each other, he is also a human pillar force..."

Looking at the people who had calmed down, I Ai Luo patted his chest violently: "There is no barrier between people who understand each other's

pain and are connected by the same fate!" "There is no enemy here now!Because everyone has been hurt by Xiao and has the same pain!" "

There is no difference between Sand Ninja, Iwakure, Konoha, Mistin, and Cloud Hide... If you can't forgive the sand ninja, come and cut off my head when the war is over!"]



... If that kid is the head of the ninja alliance, it's not impossible..."

"The friend who saved me is now the target of the enemy, and it will be over to the enemy world to hand him over. I'm going to protect my friends, and I'm going to protect the world!"

"But I'm too young and too superficial to protect the world. So—" I Airo bowed his head deeply and pleaded, "So everyone come and help me!" My

Airo's sincere speech was recognized by many people and applauded.

"So, it seems like a good proposal for the Ninja Alliance. "

yes, I'm looking forward to that day!"

[I also gave a speech that was recognized by everyone on the screen.] Cheer for my Airo

!They all apologized for what they said just now, and now the entire ninja world is tightly united because of that young Kazekage!

"Whoever agrees with me should come with me!"


"I really want to fight with him, I said Iro!"

Sakura: "Well, it's really an infectious speech!"

Onoki, Thunderkage, and Terumi revisit the youngest Kazekage of the future.

The Elders of Sand Ninja Village understand that Iairo is definitely the most suitable candidate for the next Kazekage

!【At the same time, the vanguard of the Filthy Earth Reincarnation Force has also set off, and the route is about to collide with Iairo!In the boundless desert, the vanguard of the Filthy Earth Reincarnation has

slowly emerged from the horizon.

I'm at the forefront, feeling the tremendous sense of oppression coming from afar.

Onoki slowly floated to my Airo's side: "Let's meet the opposite side here, first of all, the two of us will attack from a distance first, and first observe how the enemy moves." "

Under the distortion of the light, everyone saw the figures of the vanguard clearly, and there were only four people!"

"I didn't expect it to be the previous generation of shadows who came to the front line.

"Oh no, the third generation of Lord Thunderkage can fight against the Eight Tails and face the enemy for three days and three nights in a row

!" "The dust of no adult should not be underestimated!" "

And the illusion of Lord Mizukage... Tsk, it's really hard to do!"

[The shadows of the previous generation of villages were uncontrollable and slowly walked towards the ninja alliance.

Mizukage, Nisagome: "Even if you have ninjas from other villages, it's really heart-wrenching to have to fight with the ninjas from your own village." That little imp named Orochimaru dares to use this ninjutsu to restrain us, so I'll see!".

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