The old man was very happy.

With a nervous heart, Shuimu began to revive Rope Tree.

This time the spell did not disappoint, and the green light appeared.

Tsunade pursed her lips, she was full of excitement, her eyes fixed on the green light.

When the green light faded, a little ghost who looked like Naruto, with blush on his face and brown hair appeared.


Tsunade could no longer hold back the familiar shout.

The next moment, she had already hugged Rope Tree in her arms, her shoulders trembling violently, and she could no longer suppress her crying.

Seeing the scene of the reunion of the siblings, Shizune was also moved to tears.

Having followed Tsunade for more than 20 years, she knew clearly how much Tsunade missed this brother.

"Master Tsunade ..." "Hey!" The dolphin was also very happy. The two sisters and brothers had endless words, and the others walked out. In another room, she was telling her about how she would go from the vortex village to the pillar of the nine -tailed person, and how she met her for the first time. Come, the nine -tailed chaos on the day of birth ... Naruto listened seriously, like other children, listening to her mother telling stories. He remembered every word of Kushina.

The experiences of elders always have a special attraction, which can make children calm down and listen carefully.

"Naruto, mom's experience is over. Is it very monotonous and nothing exciting?"

"No, not monotonous at all, very exciting!" Naruto said happily.

Kushina also smiled and reached out to touch Naruto's head, like touching a dog's head.

Although her son is more than twelve years old, she has never experienced how to get along with her son, so the way of touching his head is a bit unconventional.

Naruto doesn't care about these, because he has never tried the feeling of being touched on the head by his mother.

"What kind of person is Dad?"

Kushina smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Naruto said excitedly, "I heard that he is a kind and great man. After all, he sacrificed himself to save the village of Mu...that village."

"He is also a very smart person, just like me, otherwise he would not be able to become the Fourth Hokage."

"He is very handsome, otherwise Mom is so beautiful and gentle, she would definitely not like him."

"And there is..."

The mother and son seemed to have endless things to say.

Mizuki came to the door and heard them chatting happily, so he turned around and left without disturbing them.

At this moment, the system's voice suddenly sounded.

[Ding! ]

[The host grants the disciple Uzumaki Naruto a mother, triggering a ten thousand times return. ]

[The host has obtained 10,000 mothers, would you like to receive it? ]

Mizuki:? ?

Does it seem like there is a cat cake? Ten thousand mothers, why don't there be ten thousand fathers?

"System, whose mother is this? Naruto's or mine? If it's my mother, is she from the ninja world or the original world?"

The system replied: "This time, the return is to Naruto's mother."

"Damn it!"

"No, I won't take it!"

Naruto's mother, what does it have to do with me? Rubbish system, wasting my chance to grant a return, and it's ten thousand times.


"But speaking of it, giving someone a return can also be returned..."

"Then what if I give Sasuke a Naruto? Directly return thousands or tens of thousands of Naruto? For the Nine-Tails, will it also become thousands or tens of thousands?"

Shuimu narrowed his eyes, feeling that it was very interesting!

"By the way, system, if you send a living thing to your apprentice, must the return be in quantity? Isn't there a return in quality?"

The return in quantity is definitely not as good as the return in quality.

For example, if you send a bowl of ramen, you can return a thousand times.

If you return a thousand bowls of ramen, it will be useless to Shuimu. This is a return in quantity.

If it is a return of quality, a bowl of chakra noodles that increases chakra will be very useful.

The system replied: [If the granted object has a higher-level form, it will be returned according to the superposition of quality. ]

[If there is no higher-level form, it will be returned according to quantity. ]

"So that's it!" Mizuki understood.

Give Naruto a mother, that is, Kushin

Nai. The concept of mother does not have a higher level form, so the return is based on quantity. You can't return double to a grandmother.

But suddenly he thought of something.

"That's not right. I gave Nobita a bowl of instant ramen before, and returned 61 times. Why did I return 61 bowls of instant ramen, not the higher level chakra noodles?"

System: [61 times, if it is returned by quality, it can't meet the minimum standard of higher level ramen, so I can only settle for the second best and return it by quantity. ]


Meaning, the multiple is too low, even if it is superimposed, it can't change qualitatively.

"Naruto, the 3 return opportunities this month have all been used up."

"Sasuke has 1 left, and Nobita has 2 left, so we have to plan it well."

The fat orange that I brought back was intended to be given to Sasuke, but not now.

For some reason, this cat has chakra in its body, and it seems to be practicing instinctively. Compared with before, its strength and speed have been greatly enhanced.

Mizuki plans to wait until this cat becomes stronger before sending it out, so that the quality of the return items will be higher.

"I sent Sasuke the Impure World Reincarnation Technique before, and the most suitable technique for Impure World Reincarnation is the Multiplication Detonating Talisman."

"Well, no, Sasuke can't handle this powerful suicidal technique, let's change it."

The second pillar always thinks he is very good, too arrogant.

If he really learns the Multiplication Detonating Talisman, maybe he will rush up and throw the Detonating Talisman before the Impure World Reincarnation, and he will feel safe while throwing it.

Then he will successfully blow himself up!

"Wait until his chakra control improves and he learns to change his shape and shadow."

"What should I give him?"

Suddenly, he slapped his thigh and said, "Why did I forget this? Kushina is resurrected. Why don't I ask her to help pull the One-Tail out of Gaara's body and seal it in Sasuke's body?"

Originally, he planned to wait until he learned the Four Symbols Seal before planning the One-Tail.

But now that he has Kushina, there is no need to go through so much trouble.

All Minato's sealing techniques were taught by Kushina, which means that Kushina is definitely a master in the attainment of sealing techniques.

When she took action, the little One-Tail Shukaku was obedient.

"After they finish talking in two days, I will go to her for help."

Then, only Nobita is left.

Although he has poor qualifications, he is still his apprentice. He followed him to the Land of Birds, so he must teach him well.

It would be best if he could be promoted to Chunin in the Chunin Exam next year.

Mizuki found Nobita.

It was late at night, and the boy was still practicing shuriken throwing in the woods. A tree 30 meters away was full of shurikens, and there were more shurikens scattered on the ground.

It was obvious that he was working very hard.

Compared with when he was in Konoha, Nobita had grown taller and stronger.

In the orphanage, he was just able to get by.

In the Land of Birds, Mizuki had sufficient funds and the food was of the highest standard.

Children are growing up, and with adequate nutrition, they grow very fast.

"To improve your strength, you should start with Chak. As for the result, it depends on your own character."

Mizuki walked out of the woods.


"Master, why are you here?"

Shui Mu smiled and said, "It's so late, you are still practicing, I came to see you."

"Practice also requires a combination of work and rest. If you practice like this, it's easy to damage your body. You should rest early in the future."

Nobita lowered his head and said, "They are all very strong, but I can't even release the basic three-body technique, so I must work harder."

Shui Mu patted his shoulder and said, "Listen to me, practicing like this will have the opposite effect. You must stop before eight o'clock in the future, go home and take a shower and go to bed."

"Let's stop here today. You have been practicing for so long, you must be hungry. Let's go, I'll treat you to ramen at my house."

Take Nobita home, Shui Mu took out the barrel of instant ramen, boiled water and soaked two bowls.

One bowl for himself, one bowl for Nobita.

During the Chunin Exam, Shui Mu visited all the major stores in Konoha, and of course Ichiraku Ramen was also patronized.

He emptied all the instant barrels of ramen that he prepared by hand.

"Here, your pork bone ramen is ready, eat it!"

The lid was opened, Nobita sniffed, and said with an intoxicated face: "Wow, it smells so good!"

At this time, the voice of the system sounded in Shuimu's mind.

[Ding! ]

[The host grants the disciple Nobita a bucket of instant ramen, triggering a 999-fold return. ]

[The host obtains a bucket of instant chakra noodles, which can increase 1 Kakashi chakra after eating. ]

Shuimu's eyes lit up, thinking that this kid is quite lucky.

A bucket of noodles was quickly eaten by Nobita, and he began to drink the soup.

"You look like you are not full yet, it's okay, I'll make you another portion."

Nobita said: "Master, no, I'm full, and it's not good to eat too much before going to bed."

Shui Mu said: "It's okay, children are growing up, it's good to eat more."

He took out the ramen that the system had just returned, brewed it with boiling water, and placed it in front of Nobita.

Five minutes later, the noodles were ready.

"Eat it quickly!"

For the sake of his disciple's strength, he was not afraid of exposing some things.

Nobita picked up the chopsticks and started eating. He didn't feel anything when he took the first bite. But when he was about to take the second bite, his expression suddenly changed.

"Master, I... my chakra seems to be increasing."

Shui Mu smiled and said, "It's okay, I know."

"The noodle bowl just now was for you to prepare. This noodle bowl is different. I added a secret medicine in it. Eating it can increase the chakra capacity."

"Eat it quickly, finish the noodles, don't waste it."

The system cannot be exposed, so I can only lie to him that it is a secret medicine.

Children are still easy to deceive.

When a bucket of noodles is finished, Nobita's chakra increases by 1 Kakashi.

In addition, he has some chakra, so his current chakra volume has exceeded Kakashi.

"Now, your chakra volume has reached the level of elite jonin."

"Elite...elite jonin?" Although Nobita is a child, he also knows what the concept of elite jonin is.

"Master, is this true?" He is very experienced, but more excited.

Shuimu nodded: "It's true!"

"But don't tell anyone about this. That secret medicine is very precious. I spent a lot of effort to prepare one."

"Because you are the weakest, I used it on you. Others don't have it."

Nobita nodded and said, "I know about the master, and I will never tell anyone even if I die."

Shuimu patted Nobita's head.

This honest kid! So honest!

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