While Tamura Hao was taking a bath, Shimura Danzo, who was far away in Konoha, had already obtained information about his abnormal behavior, which was passed on quite quickly with the help of a psychic beast.

"I discovered a spy who stole money from Kumogakure to purchase supplies. He was praised and rewarded by the Third Raikage. He also became the student of the Raikage's nephew, and even showed closeness to the Raikage's son."

Looking at the simple information, Shimura Danzo fell into deep thought, and it took him a while to recall the precocious brat back then.

"I remember that kid also had a childhood sweetheart."

Thinking of those two brats from back then, Shimura Danzo was deeply impressed by them.

Although both of them have average training qualifications, their minds are very precocious and they are very suitable for being spies.

In addition, the kid only had a thunder attribute, so he arranged for him to go to Yunyin Village.

It was originally just a casual chess move, mainly to replace the dying chess piece over there. Who would have thought that this little chess piece would develop so well on its own.

"This is their file!"

A masked ninja next to him handed over two files, and Danzo Shimura took them and opened them. On the top was a photo of Tamura Hao, in black and white, and at the bottom was the name Tamura Hiten.

This is Tamura Hao's real name in this world. He originally had no surname, but after his parents learned that their son was recruited by Danzo Shimura's department, they thought of the surname Tamura based on Danzo's surname.

Of course, such self-made surnames are not recognized. In this era, surnames have extraordinary significance and are a symbol of status. Not everyone can have them.

Looking at the name Shimura Danzo, I couldn't help but think of my old friend Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Reflecting on the past missions with his old friend, Danzo Shimura flipped through the files, but there was nothing interesting to see.

Their talents are mainly reflected in their precocious minds, and their cultivation talents are average, especially this brat.

That girl is very talented in medical ninjutsu. She may not be able to reach Tsunade's current level of medical skills in the future. She is a rare talent.

However, he valued the espionage ability of the pharmacist Nonou more. The core of the ninja's war was intelligence warfare, and the establishment of the root was mainly for this.

A piece of useful information is much more valuable than a jounin. Konoha has no shortage of geniuses and jounin, there are even a little too many.

"Raise his level to level B!"

After looking through the kid's files, Shimura Danzo gave instructions.

It was originally just a chess piece at the lowest level, but now that chess piece has independently increased its value, the level will naturally increase accordingly.


The masked ninja beside him responded, then put away the two files.

"Arrange the people over there to contact that brat and ask him to inquire about Cloud Hidden Village's future plans for the war and the progress of using the tailed beasts."

After thinking for a while, Danzo Shimura gave the order.

He had long seen that the major ninja villages were ready, and the second ninja war was about to begin, but he just didn't know where it would start.

Yunyin Village is a ninja village of pure martial arts. Most of the senior officials are tough war sects who advocate external robbery. They have robbed a lot of secret skills and talents in recent years.

During the first Ninja World War, if a traitor like Jin Jiao Yin Jiao had not appeared and greatly damaged the vitality of Kumogakure Village, the Ninja World War would not have ended so easily.

Therefore, the intentions of Yunyin Village are very important. The sooner they find out, the better, so that they can make early preparations.

Then there are the tailed beasts. He has personally seen the terror of the nine-tailed beast. That kind of tailed beast jade can be said to destroy the world. Once it enters the battlefield, it will be devastating to any party.

Not to mention Shimura Danzo's orders, Tamura Hao on the other side waited for all the medicine in the medicinal bath to penetrate into his body, and was taken out of the bathtub to receive ninjutsu treatment from a medical ninja to speed up the repair of bone cracks.

"Is this human?"

Reluctantly sitting up, Tamura Hao looked at the broken teeth in his hands, which he had touched at the bottom of the tub before.

"One of the main materials is the bones of the Kaguya clan."

Yeyue Ai nodded. Several of the main ingredients of the secret medicine were very rare. This time, part of the skeleton of a Jōnin from the Kaguya clan was used.

In the entire ninja world, the bones of the Kaguya clan are the hardest, exceeding the limits of the bones, so the medicine made with their bones as the main ingredient can improve the bones so well.

“People are also great medicine!”

Tamura Hao sighed and did not reject this.

After all, humans are also one of thousands of living creatures. If the parts of other animals can be used as medicine, it is natural for humans to do the same.

Especially since there are blood inheritance limits and bloodline inheritance in this world, the effect of using this as medicine is much stronger than those of wild ninja beasts.

I am afraid that only the materials from the three holy places that can perform magic can compare with this.

He wouldn't mind serving rice with ashes if necessary.

In this world where even terrorists are desperate, only by becoming strong can you have dignity and control your own destiny, while the weak are worse than dogs.

"These are some of my insights into the attributes of thunder and some practical thunder escape ninjutsu. You can take a look at them in the past few days. If you don't understand anything, I will answer it for you next time we meet."

Fukai took out a scroll that he had prepared a long time ago and handed it over. He had read the student's file earlier and knew that he only had a thunder attribute, so he prepared this note.

"This is mine, and it also records the level of thunder and the advanced level of thunder and lightning Chiyomai.

Ninja battles are ever-changing, and there will always be times when it's too late to draw your sword, so it's a good idea to practice more. "

Yeyue Ai also took out the scroll that he had prepared long ago and handed it over. It not only contained his experience in practicing lightning escape and body training, but also two ninjutsu, the level of lightning abuse and the level of lightning abuse Chiyo Mai, both of which were performed with hand knives.

The consumption of ninjutsu itself is much smaller than that of other external ninjutsu, and the most basic level of lightning abuse consumes even less, which is only equivalent to a D-level ninjutsu. With the chakra of the junior brother, as long as it is improved, he can barely practice and perform it.

Of course, the premise is to cultivate the nature change of lightning attribute, which is the key point of the level of lightning abuse, and the nature change is more important.

"Thank you, I will study it carefully!"

Tamura Hao was very moved, and also praised his original adventure and gamble.

It's a big profit!

"By the way, do you want these two ninja swords? I asked someone to make them first, but the shape is not suitable for my swordsmanship concept, so I made another set later."

Tamura Hao unsealed the seal from a piece of armor and took out a set of ninja swords sealed inside.

The shape is the standard ninja sword of the Hidden Cloud Village, one meter long, very suitable for Yeyue Ai and Fukai to use.

These two swords were the first ones he asked someone to make, but this kind of ninja sword is not suitable for stabbing, it is mainly for slashing, so after using it for a while, it was sealed, and then the style of the Miao Dao was drawn and someone else made a new set.

Fukai, who majored in swordsmanship, picked up a ninja sword and waved it, and then injected chakra into it, and suddenly the bright blade flashed with dazzling lightning.

"Good sword!"

Feeling the smooth flow of chakra in the blade, Fukai's eyes lit up.

This sword is much more advanced than the one he used before. The chakra-conducting metal integrated must be more, and the center of gravity of the blade is also very suitable for exerting force. You can tell at a glance that it is a masterpiece of a famous artist.

It is a rare good sword!

Yeyue Ai picked up another ninja sword and waved it, and injected his own thunder attribute chakra into it, and was very interested in it.

Although he mainly practiced the heirloom hand sword based on his family's inheritance, and the power was not bad, there were always some limitations in bare-handed combat.

If he could have a good sword, it would be better.

Although this sword was light, less than four pounds, he was a close combat type that preferred speed burst, so this kind of sword was just right for him.

"This is too precious!"

After tasting it for a while, Fukai returned the ninja sword to Tiancun Hao.

If it was just an ordinary ninja sword, even if it was the excellent quality he had before, he could accept it.

But this ninja sword was not an ordinary product, and it was estimated to be worth hundreds of millions. He could not accept such a precious gift.

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