Faced with Ye Cang's continuous strong attack, Tian Cun Hao could only continue to use his strange strength skills to add explosive power to block, and he didn't even have the chance to speak.

In the end, there was no suspense, and there was no possibility of explosion. Tian Cun Hao was knocked to the ground cleanly, and then Ye Cang rode on him, and the sharp edge of the kunai was also against his throat.

"You lost!"

The smile on the corner of his lips became stronger. Although this battle was short, it was still quite enjoyable. The swordsmanship of the Hidden Cloud Village was indeed extraordinary.

"No, it's a draw!"

Tamura Hao looked a little weird, but still insisted that it was a draw.

Ye Cang was puzzled by this. How could you have the courage to say a draw when this lady has suppressed you?

Tamura Hao didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

It has to be said that it is still very good to look up at a woman from below, at least it looks a lot more majestic visually.

As for being suppressed by a woman, although it is shameful, if it is such a posture, it is not unacceptable.

Ye Cang soon noticed something unusual, and felt that the place where he sat was uneven. Was there any ninja tool hidden?

He was a little confused at first, and then his fair and pretty face suddenly became pinker as if he thought of something, and he immediately jumped up and cursed.




"I said it was a draw!"

Tamura Hao got up, and was helpless about his body's reaction.

After all, he was in adolescence, and because of the stimulation of chakra, his body matured more precociously, and he could not withstand stimulation due to years of collecting materials and creating works, so it was completely an instinctive reaction just now.

"Little pervert!"

Ye Cang cursed with a red face and then used the instant body technique to leave. It was really embarrassing.

The Anbu ninja hiding in the dark was full of envy, jealousy and hatred, and wanted to replace him.

Not to mention Ye Cang's shame and anger, Tamura Hao on the other side stayed in the training ground for three hours before going home.

There is no way. This body is too hot-blooded. In addition, it has been trained by collecting materials and creating works for many years. Once the anger comes up, it cannot be suppressed in a short time.

He doesn't want to go home like that, and be regarded as a pervert.

He took a cold shower as soon as he got home, and then read the scroll of chakra line training skills, which was very rewarding.

"The strength and toughness of the chakra lines trained with these skills will be greatly improved, and it will be more difficult to be destroyed. The swinging force will also be greater. You can even use the chakra silk thread to connect the surrounding objects like Spider-Man to move quickly, avoid attacks from others, or pull others over."

Tamura Hao was very satisfied with this harvest. It was worth it for him to take the risk of pretending to be cool and be targeted by Luo Sha.

Although he had cultivated chakra lines before and trained his flexibility with code words, the strength was much worse and it was easy to be cut off.

Now with the chakra silk thread training skills of the Sand Village, this shortcoming can be made up.

"Why hasn't that guy come yet? Master Danzo is waiting for my information. If his delay makes Master Danzo doubt my efficiency, it will be a pitfall.

Sure enough, I still have to find a chance to omit that connection and get a way to directly connect with Master Danzo."

Tamura Hao, who is increasingly looking forward to the war in the Land of Whirlpools, thought of the person who connected the line and was very dissatisfied with him.

With such low efficiency, when will Master Danzo become Hokage?

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait for long. The delivery man came again. Tamura Hao welcomed him in, sat on the sofa, opened the sealed lid, and looked at the barbecue filled with sauce inside. He was quite satisfied, much better than the ramen last time.

"I have found two valuable pieces of information, one about the war and the other about the tailed beast."

While eating barbecue, Tamura Hao took out two scrolls that had been prepared long ago and handed one over.

The middle-aged man looked at the scroll that Tiancun Hao was holding without saying much. He picked up the one that was pushed over and opened it to read quickly, his face becoming more and more solemn.

"The main target is Konoha!"

After reading the information, the middle-aged man looked gloomy.

Although the information recorded in it is very scattered and not accurate, it can be combined to roughly deduce the strategic goals of the Hidden Cloud Village. One of the important points is that the Hidden Cloud Village seems to be very interested in the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan and may find an opportunity to snatch it on the battlefield.

"The Thunder God Sword is a top-level ninja tool. If you want to get your information, you have to be equal."

Looking at the information scroll that the boy was holding, the middle-aged man said meaningfully.

"The value of this information is only higher than the one you have seen."

Tamura Hao continued to eat barbecue while casually replying, and at the same time pasted a detonating talisman on the scroll, indicating that you don't want to snatch it.

Seeing the boy's actions, the middle-aged man's forehead was full of black lines. He had never seen such an arrogant subordinate, and he didn't look like he was cultivated from the roots.

Finally, he took out a portion of blood that had been prepared long ago, and used it as a medium to perform spiritualism, summoning a fierce dog. The fierce dog held something in its mouth, which was exactly the Thunder God Sword that Tiancun Hao wanted.

Without saying much, he put the Thunder God Sword on the coffee table. The middle-aged man took the intelligence scroll that the boy had pressed, carefully removed the detonating talisman, opened it and looked at it, his face suddenly solemn.

Tiancun Hao also took the Thunder God Sword, injected chakra into it, and was very satisfied with the condensed lightning blade.

Although it was only one inch long, it was enough to prove that it was the real thing.

With the help of this ninja tool, plus the blessing of the golden finger, I will definitely be able to quickly complete the nature change training of the thunder attribute, and my own strength will also be greatly improved.

Sure enough, Danzo-sama will not let me down. He can even get the relics of the second generation Hokage. He is worthy of being the first generation Nabekage of the ninja world.

By the way, does Danzo-sama have any good treasures in his hands now?

While thinking about things, he quickly grilled the box of meat. Tiancun Hao wiped his mouth with a tissue and said seriously: "Tell Danzo-sama that I will bring him enough value. Please don't send Nono to perform dangerous tasks."

The necessary bond must be deepened, so that Danzo-sama can be more assured and trustful of me.

"I will report your words to Danzo-sama!"

The middle-aged man looked at the boy in front of him unexpectedly. He didn't know the existence of Nono, but it seemed to be a good bond.

As a spy outside, you need a bond to tie you up so that you can work more attentively for Danzo-sama.

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave, and pass the information to Danzo as soon as possible.

"Take these garbage away, you have stayed too long, you have to disguise yourself.

Also, your tone and eyes are still the same, I don't like it very much. As a punishment, send the ninja beast barbecue next time, otherwise I don't know if I will forget some key information."

Tamura Hao said, he didn't like the other party's commanding tone and eyes, really thought you were my boss.

My boss is only Danzo!

Also, the barbecue just now was just ordinary pork, and the taste was not very good.

You should know that the most famous thing in the Land of Thunder is beef. Although it is very expensive abroad, it is still ok in the Land of Thunder, especially in the Hidden Cloud Village. This guy used cheap pork to fool me, and he didn't take me seriously.

This guy definitely swallowed the activity funds issued by Danzo. As Danzo's most loyal henchman, he must make him spit it out with interest!

In this world, only I, Tian, ​​can swallow up the funds issued by Danzo-sama, even the inheritance, and there must be no second person.

We must find an opportunity to get a direct line to Danzo-sama, or even directly to Danzo-sama, so as to reduce the risk of exposure.

Otherwise, if this guy betrays Danzo-sama, it will definitely cause huge losses to Danzo-sama.

As the best intelligence officer of the Root, Tian-sama can't fall for such a guy.

"Kid, don't go too far!"

The middle-aged man couldn't help it. Throwing garbage is fine, but you actually want the barbecue of ninja beasts. Do you know how expensive it is?

"Two servings."

Tiancun Hao doubled his expressionless face, and the middle-aged man became even more angry.

"Three servings!"

"Damn kid!"

Finally, he compromised, gritted his teeth and put the empty barbecue box into the garbage bag and left.

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