Looking at her nephew who had barely calmed down with doubt, Aloe Uzumaki did not ask, but said: "The Hidden Cloud Village will take some of the tribe members by sea with ships, but the ninjas of the Hidden Mist Village are the masters at sea.

We need to join hands with the Hidden Cloud Village to first destroy all the ninjas of the Hidden Mist Village this time, so that the children can safely reach the Hidden Cloud Village in the Land of Lightning by sea."

She told the battle plan agreed with Tutai. There was no detailed tactical strategy, just to ensure that the retreat was unobstructed first.

As long as the ninjas sent by the Hidden Mist Village were defeated, the remaining ninjas of the Hidden Sand Village and the Hidden Rock Village would not be a concern, as they were just landlubbers.

"I have made an agreement with them. If we can stop them this time, we will continue to live in the Land of Whirlpools. If we can't stop them, we will transfer our underage children and single members to the Hidden Cloud Village.

At the same time, we will take out the part of the sealing technique inheritance that can be performed by non-members of our tribe as a reward for inviting the Hidden Cloud Village to fight this time."

Speaking of the deal with the Hidden Cloud Village, it is unrealistic to let them work for nothing. We must pay enough chips, and it can only be the sealing technique inherited by their clan.


After a silence, Uzumaki Masahiko gritted his teeth and nodded. This is the only way now.

Damn it, don't let me survive this war, otherwise I will kill that damn kid first when I go to the Hidden Cloud Village.

Seeing that the clan leader agreed, the four elders had nothing to say.

In the current situation, it is already good to have one more choice and a way out.

At the same time, Tutai caught up with Tiancun Hao and four people, or five people, at the agreed location.

"What did you do?"

Looking at the Anbu ninjas around him, as well as the two extra large scrolls and the red-haired girl, Dodai was very confused.

I had been away for less than an hour, and you've already caused trouble for me?

Tamura Hao explained innocently: "Don't blame me. Not long after you went in, the son of the Hokage came out of the Uzushio Village, and we almost got into a fight at that time.

I could only pretend to be a member of the Senju clan and have a verbal confrontation with them, and then I strolled into the Uzushio Village, met the head of the Uzumaki clan, and talked with him for a while. He entrusted this girl and all the inheritance and heritage of the Uzumaki clan.

By the way, this girl is the designated Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

As he said this, he was still sighing in his heart. Sure enough, Master Lu was right. Since ancient times, sincerity cannot be retained, and only routines can win people's hearts.

There is no future in playing sincerity these days. In the end, you will only be deceived and have nothing, or even contribute your parts. Only routines can get everything.

This simple explanation made Tutai's eyelids jump. The amount of information contained in it was too much, and even with his intelligence, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"It's very dangerous for you to do this."

With a dark face, Tutai regretted bringing this kid out.

Too much trouble!

"I thought about it, it's not dangerous for us. At most, the Uzumaki clan leader will find out and detain Lord Tutai who didn't leave in time. With the current situation in the country of whirlpools, the Uzumaki Hidden Village will not kill Lord Tutai and offend our Cloud Hidden Village to death."

Tiancun Hao looked like he had a good idea. He had figured it out a long time ago, so he took the risk to fool people.

"Miss your head!"

Tutai, who couldn't bear it any more, punched the boy on the head. He almost became a prisoner.

"You quickly return with the scroll and the girl. Make sure to bring all three back intact. This is very important to the village and must be completed."

Staring at the boy who was in pain, Tutai ordered the Anbu ninjas.

Those who could be brought here by him were all his absolute confidants, and their fighting power was beyond doubt, not to mention that there was this hidden tunnel, so returning safely should not be a problem.


Everyone took the order, and three of them carried the scroll and the girl on their backs respectively, and walked into the tunnel together. At the end, there was a ninja who collapsed the tunnel to prevent anyone from catching up.

After a lot of twists and turns, Tiancun Hao and Tutai turned to a fork in the road, followed by the three Anbu ninjas from before, but they had changed out of the Konoha Anbu uniforms.

After walking forward for a while, they came to the ground and accelerated to the agreed location.

When they were about to reach the agreed location, Tutai stopped and glared at a certain boy, and then ordered his three subordinates.

"You keep an eye on this kid, don't let him cause trouble for me again."


The three of them agreed decisively, but they had no ill feelings towards Tiancun Hao in their hearts, and even admired and appreciated him.

The previous harvest should be considered a collective S-level mission record for them.

The more of these easy and good things they have, the better. If necessary, it's okay to make Lord Tutai suffer.

Seeing that he was targeted, Tiancun Hao was dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything, just wrote it down in his little notebook.

The five people slowed down their pace and soon arrived at the agreed location, which was a hidden forest.

The people from the other three parties had already arrived, and they all looked at the five Tutai people who came.

"Is there no one in the Hidden Cloud Village? They are just little ghosts!"

The leader of the Hidden Mist Party, Ghost Lantern Xieyue, laughed evilly, with a bit of disdain in his words.

"He is indeed too young and unreliable!"

As the representative of Sand Village, Chiyo nodded in agreement, and was also dissatisfied with the late arrival of the representative of the Hidden Cloud Village.

If it was a person of the same generation, it would be fine, but who would have thought that he was a junior, and there was a dwarf following behind him, who should be just a little kid.

"It seems that the Hidden Cloud Village has not recovered from the civil strife of the year. Otherwise, they should take the initiative to withdraw from the Whirlpool Country War."

As the representative of the Hidden Rock Village, Xi Siren followed up and said something. The three parties jointly put pressure on Tutai and the other five.

However, Luo Sha and the other two standing behind Chiyo looked at the boy behind Tutai. Although his hair color and hairstyle had changed, his body shape was very familiar, especially the light armor on his body.

Ye Cang glared at him with hatred, secretly cursing him as a little pervert in his heart.

Looking at the three parties targeting them, Tian Cunhao did not say anything, but silently remembered those people in his heart, and even thought about whether there was a chance to destroy the three parties.

I, Tian, ​​have never remembered grudges, and I will take revenge quickly.

"It seems that there is no need to talk. Let's do our own thing tonight!"

Tutai was also tough. He snorted coldly and turned away.

He came at the agreed time, half an hour earlier, but he was still targeted.

Obviously, the three parties had made an agreement before they came. This was to exclude their Hidden Cloud Village.

Well, since you don't want to take our Cloud Village to play, don't blame us for being rude.

Tiancun Hao and the other four didn't say much, and followed Tutai to jump and leave quickly.

Before leaving, Tiancun Hao also glanced at Luosha standing behind Chiyo, and the other party's malice was much stronger than last time.

The three parties were not surprised to see Tutai leave so neatly. This is the style of the Cloud Village, and it has always been this tough attitude.

"It's really too young!"

Chiyo chuckled and didn't take it to heart.

Now that the three parties have united, no matter how angry the Cloud Village is, it will be useless, not to mention that they will take action tonight, and the Cloud Village has no time to rearrange.

Originally, she didn't agree to unite with the Rock Village and the Mist Village against the Cloud Village, but the information brought back by Luosha made her think more, especially Luosha's high evaluation of the Cloud Village, which is the greatest threat to the Sand Village.

In this case, she would take the opportunity to target them. If there is a chance, she would not mind destroying the ninja army sent out by the Hidden Cloud Village.

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