During the next journey, several people traveled during the day, found a place to rest at night, and practiced at the same time.

Both Shizune and Yamanaka Haiichi are trying to remember, hoping to memorize everything before leaving the Land of Fire.

Tamura Hao was quite busy. He had to exchange ideas on the practice of Eight Gate Dungeon with Metkai, and exchange experience with Akimichi Choza on the secret art of butterfly transformation. On the way, he also had to exchange ideas about shadows with Nara Shikaku. .

After marching slowly for five days, they arrived at the Country of Grass. Then the five of them changed into the clothes and forehead protectors of Iwagakure Village to better confuse the Iwagakure ninjas when they entered the Country of Earth.

Of course, it's best not to encounter the Iwagakure ninja.

The anomalies in Sunagakure Village aroused the vigilance of the surrounding ninja villages, and Amegakure Village went on full alert, forcing Kusagakure Village to send out ninja surveillance, and many conflicts even broke out.

This resulted in the Grass Ninja Village ninjas traveling everywhere in the Kingdom of Grass, and many checkpoints were set up to prevent outsiders from entering the Kingdom of Grass.

With the presence of Yamanaka Haiichi, he used the secret technique of perception to escape the patrolling Grass Ninja and enter the interior of the Country of Grass.

Carefully bypassing the Grass Ninjas and moving forward slowly, fortunately, the land in this section of the Grass Country is very narrow, and it is enough to get around it in one night.

Marching into the middle of the night, I suddenly saw two grass ninjas running quickly carrying a stretcher. On the stretcher lay an injured person with extensive burns all over his body. There were also two kunai stuck in the torso, both of which were located in the area of ​​important organs. .

Tamura Hao immediately focused on the three people and had a guess in his mind.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing Tamura Hao's abnormality, Nara Shikaku asked.

"I don't know, I have to let Shizune make the decision."

"Shizune, can you save that person?"

Tamura Hao handed the telescope to Shizune and asked her to make a judgment.

Shizune took the telescope and watched carefully with the help of the moonlight, and finally shook her head.

"No, his clothes were all burned. He must have been burned by a high-level fire escape. One of the two kunai pierced his lungs and the other pierced his liver.

I'm afraid only Tsunade-sensei can treat an injury of that level. "

"Is there a medical ninja in a small ninja village like Kusanagi Village who can be comparable to, or close to, Tsunade-sensei?"

Tamura Hao looked at Nara Shikaku and expressed that this was a big doubt.

"You mean Kusagakure and Iwagakure are cooperating? There is a ninja team sent by Iwagakure in their village?"

Nara Shikaku understood the meaning of the words and was worried about it.

The Grass Ninja Village is a wallflower and its position is not firm. It would be bad if it was secretly cooperating with the Iwagakure Village now, especially in this special period when a war in the ninja world may break out at any time.

"Hai Yi!"

Thinking of this, Nara Shikaku gestured to Yamanaka Haiichi.

Let's grab it and take a look first, it won't take much anyway.

Shanzhong Hai realized what he was doing and used the teleportation technique to catch up. When he was within the distance of the technique, he raised his hand to form a seal.

"The art of turning your heart into a clone!"

The consciousness was divided into two parts and sneaked into the mental space of the two grass ninjas carrying the stretcher, controlling the two people to turn to the woods where they were.

Ding Zao, who was following behind, carried Yamanaka Haichi back, and then Yamanaka Haichi used a secret technique to read the memories of the two people, and soon made a discovery.

"There is a Uzumaki clan member secretly imprisoned in Kusagakure Village. Drinking her blood and chakra can restore injuries."

"Uzumaki clan member!"

Tamura Hao immediately made a guess. Uzumaki Uzumaki must not have been born at this time, so it can only be Uzumaki Uzumaki's mother.

"Brother Shikaku, we must rescue the Uzumaki clan member."

He suggested decisively and winked as he spoke.

"The Uzumaki family has always been our ally of Konoha. We even have the Uzumaki clan's emblem on our Konoha vests. We really must rescue that Uzumaki clan member."

Nara Shikaku understands and expresses his righteousness to save people.

This mission is nothing, and it doesn't matter if it fails, but rescuing the Uzumaki clan member will definitely gain Lord Tsunade's gratitude, which will be of great help to their future plans.

"Haiyi, you continue to read their memories. Next, we need to sneak into Caoyin Village and need to know more information.

Shizune, just stabilize this man's injury and save his breath.

Dingzuo, Kai, you stay and guard, Xiaohao, you and I can go find some clothes from the Grass Ninja Village. "

After saying that, he signaled to Tamura Hao, and Nara Shikaku returned to the way he came from, preparing to capture the few grass ninjas he met before.

Tamura Hao understood and followed Nara Shikaku away. The two of them walked forward and communicated in low voices. Not long after, they came to a checkpoint set up in Kusagakure Village, where three teams of Kusanagi were stationed, totaling nine people.

"Shadow Head Neck Binding Technique!"

Raising his hand to form a seal to perform the spell, three shadows stretched over and broke the necks of the three grass ninjas who were keeping watch.

His secret shadow technique is more effective and more hidden at night like this.

However, the sound of a broken neck was more obvious in the dark night, which alerted the six ninjas in the cabin and rushed out immediately.

At this moment, Tamura Hao, who had used the doubling technique, threw out four extra-large kunai, with thin steel wires connected to the kunai rings.

Tamura Hao even used the technique of strange power to further increase his power, making the thrown kunai carry even more terrifying power and faster speed.

Seeing the four large kunai thrown at them in the moonlight, the six grass ninjas immediately ducked sideways. Only the jonin among them noticed something was wrong and raised the kunai to block, blocking the slender steel wire.

But he was dragged back several steps by the huge force, and the other five Kusagakure ninjas were not so lucky, their bodies were cut by the wire.

Before the jonin could react, a shadow quickly extended and connected with his shadow, freezing him.

Then Tamura Hao stepped forward and knocked him unconscious, and then began to strip his clothes.

They needed this set of clothes to sneak into Kusagakure Village. Although there was a transformation technique, it was not omnipotent. At least the transformation technique they knew was not advanced. If they wanted to sneak into Kusagakure Village perfectly, they had to wear real clothes, preferably with a smell, or even blood.

After stripping off several sets of clothes, Tamura Hao just carried the Kusagakure jonin and followed Nara Shikaku back.

After handing the Kusagakure jonin to Yamanaka Inoichi to read the information, Nara Shikaku changed into a set of Kusagakure ninja clothes, and even changed his shoes, because the bottom pattern of the Kusagakure ninja boots was different from their Konoha.

These are all details, and details are often the key to success or failure.

Akimichi Choza also used the transformation technique to barely put on a set of Kusagakure ninja suits. After doing all this, Yamanaka Inoichi had already read all the information, including many secret codes inside Kusagakure Village, which made it easier to blend in and out.

Nara Shikaku used a kunai to carve a topographic map of Kusagakure Village and its surroundings on the ground.

"Xiaohao, you guys are here to meet us and bury the detonating tags. We will come here to meet you immediately after we rescue the Uzumaki clan member."

Nara Shikaku pointed to a place and drew a route.

Just now, I received the information from Inoichi and knew the detailed arrangement of Kusagakure Village here. Following this route, I can avoid those Kusagakure ninjas.

Although it is not absolute, I believe that Xiaohao's strength is enough to deal with the rest.

"Well, I will arrange it."

Tamura Hao nodded in response, and did not try to sneak into Kusagakure Village.

Although Kusagakure is a small ninja village, it is still very strong compared to the five major ninja villages. Otherwise, it would not have survived the two Ninja World Wars. With such a small body, he is not qualified to fight against others.

But Nara Shikaku and the other two are different. They can get out even if something unexpected happens.

Not to mention that the elites of Kusagakure are now dispatched, so it is not a big problem.

Might Guy and Shizune naturally don't have any ideas. Not to add to the chaos at this time is the greatest credit, not to mention that they have a task to take over.

Then Nara Shikaku had a simple exchange with the two teammates and set off.

This operation depends on the word "fast". Find the Uzumaki clan member before Kusagakure reacts, and then rescue him. It is best not to use secret techniques during the period, so as not to be recognized by the other party.

Fortunately, they brought a lot of detonating tags this time. As long as the speed is fast enough, success is not difficult.

The most important thing is to be unintentional and catch the other party off guard. In addition, it is night, and the success rate will be further improved.

Yamanaka Inui continued to control the two Kusagakure ninjas to carry the stretcher and run, while he was carried by Akimichi Choza, and Nara Shikaku followed closely behind.

This place was not far from Kusagakure Village, and it didn't take long to arrive. When they were almost there, Akimichi Choza carried Yamanaka Inui on his shoulder, and Nara Shikaku also lay on the other shoulder. With the blood on their clothes and faces, they looked like seriously injured.

Especially since Yamanaka Inui's consciousness was not in his body at the moment, he didn't need to pretend, he was a seriously injured person.

With Yamanaka Inui controlling the two people to deal with it, plus the real injured person, they successfully mixed into Kusagakure Village and ran straight to the hospital.

On the way, Nara Shikaku also used the shadow secret technique to bury detonating talismans on the ground and the surrounding houses, preparing for the next escape.

The plan focused on speed this time. The three of them took decisive action after seeing the red-haired girl being dragged over with the help of the seriously injured person, and cleared several Kusagakure ninjas.

"We are Konoha ninjas. We are here to rescue you under the order of Tsunade-sama, the granddaughter of the first Hokage. Please cooperate with us to evacuate the Kusagakure Village."

After a simple explanation, Nara Shikaku quickly walked out of the operating room and cleared the way in front.

Fortunately, it was late at night, and there was no one in the hospital corridor. They were either in the duty room or lying in the ward.

Akimichi Choza continued to carry Yamanaka Inoichi and the Uzumaki girl, while Yamanaka Inoichi used the spiritual secret technique to cooperate in the battle, quietly controlling the duty ninjas, and Nara Shikaku waved the kunai to kill everyone he saw one by one.

In this way, the four of them quickly rushed out of the hospital. Yamanaka Inoichi used the perception secret technique and the spiritual secret technique to lock the nearby Kusagakure ninjas, and Nara Shikaku threw out the kunai and shot accurately.

Running all the way like this, they were discovered when they were less than a hundred meters away from the village entrance. Then there was a shout, and the ninja on duty at the village entrance was the first to react.

But before they could react, Nara Shikaku detonated the detonating talisman that he had quietly placed when he came, and the entire duty room was blown to pieces.

But this explosion also completely alarmed the Kusagakure Village, and the ninjas in the village dressed and ran towards the village entrance.

Then they were destroyed by the detonating talismans that Nara Shikaku had buried in the main road and the surrounding areas in advance, and they dared not to advance rashly, and could only try to take a detour.

When the Kusagakure ninjas arrived at the village entrance, the four had already run far away.


The leading Kusagakure jonin gave an angry order and took the lead to chase after them, and the Kusagakure ninjas also hurriedly followed.

On the other side, at the designated location, Tamura Hao saw the fire that broke out at the entrance of Kusagakure Village and knew that he had succeeded. He immediately signaled Shizune and Might Guy to retreat first, and he stayed to support them.

There are a lot of detonating charms arranged here, and it is harder to detect the ones that are in the dark. Without their own guidance, Nara Shikaku and the others may be hit.

"Brother Shikaku, here."

When he saw Nara Shikaku at the front, Tamura Hao shouted, and then ran along the route he had set long ago.

Nara Shikaku immediately turned around, followed closely by Akimichi Dingza and Yamanaka Haiichi.

In this way, it didn't take long to pass through this laid-out minefield, and then turned eastward, preparing to return to the Country of Fire.

"There is a strong chakra reaction in front, stronger than your chakra."

At this time, the thin girl who had been carried by Akimichi Choza suddenly spoke.

"Kagura Heart's Eye?"

Tamura Hao turned his head in surprise, guessing that it should be the Uzumaki clan's innate ability, Kagura's Heart's Eye, and the future Uzumaki Aura has awakened. Unexpectedly, his mother has also awakened this ability.

Nara Shikaku and the three others stopped. Although they had never heard of Kagura's inner eye, they thought it was a kind of perception ability. Since the girl said that, there must be a problem ahead.

"Beyond my perception."

Shanzhong Hai raised his hand to form a seal, raising his perception to the maximum limit, and finally shook his head.

"This is the only way back to the Fire Country in this area."

Nara Shikaku frowned, it was difficult now.

To the south is the border of the Land of Rain, where many Kusanagi and Rain ninjas have gathered. To the north is Kusakuin Village, and the pursuers will definitely come after them.

Now the road back to the Fire Country in the east is blocked by an unknown strong person, which is not easy to deal with.

"Can you determine the approximate location?"

Tamura Hao looked into the girl's eyes. He believed in this girl. At least the girl definitely didn't want to return to Caoyin Village, which would be a hell for her.

"About fifty kilometers."

The girl sensed it and finally gave a rough distance.

"Fifty kilometers!"

Several people were surprised. This range of perception was a bit exaggerated.

The average sensing ninja only has a range of a few hundred meters, a few thousand meters for a stronger one, but this one has a range of fifty kilometers.

"Exactly how strong is the opponent's chakra?"

Nara Shikaku asked solemnly.

"Much, much stronger than you, at least ten times."

The girl replied that this was what she really felt.

"Hai Yi!"

Looking at the girl seriously, Nara Shikaku gestured to Yamanaka Haiichi.

Shanzhong Hai thought for a while, raised his hand to form a shadow clone and continued moving forward.

His mental power is the strongest among the three, and the shadow clones he creates can also last longer.

"Rest first and regain your strength as soon as possible."

Nara Shikaku said, then found a tree to lean against, took out a soldier food pill and swallowed it to replenish the chakra consumption.

Bingliang Pill is a kind of recovery drug that squeezes the body. Under normal circumstances, it is best not to take it, but in the current situation, it is important to save your life.

Metkai was on active alert, mainly staring at the rear position.

Shizune checked the girl's body and couldn't help but get angry when she saw the dense teeth marks on her arm.

"This should be the physical healing of the Uzumaki clan. The blood and chakra contain powerful life force. It is a talent in itself, but now it has become the source of disaster."

Tamura Hao couldn't help but feel pity as he watched from the side. Those people in Caoyin Village were really not human beings.

"You know?"

The girl looked over and sensed it carefully with Kagura's inner eye.

Her Kagura Heart Eye can vaguely determine whether others are lying through chakra induction, and these people have no ill intentions towards her and prove to be good people.

At least he is a good person to himself.

"I have seen relevant records in the collection of books from the Senju Clan. The Uzumaki clan has three bloodline talents, namely Kagura's Eye of Mind, Physical Healing and Vajra Blockade, which represent Yin Escape and Yang Escape respectively.

There is another Uzumaki orphan in Konoha who is one of your clansmen.

Teacher Tsunade’s grandmother is also a Uzumaki clan member, named Uzumaki Mito. Have you heard of her? "

Tamura Hao knows the power of Kagura's heart, so he seems very sincere in his heart.

"A tribesman?"

There was a glint in the girl's eyes. Are there any clan members left?

"My name is Tamura Hao, what's your name?"

Tamura Hao mentioned the name. He only guessed that this person was Uzumaki Koretsu's mother, but he didn't know what the name was, and it only appeared in Uzumaki Koretsu's memories.

"Vanilla, swirled vanilla."

After hesitating for a while, the girl finally said her name, a name that she had almost forgotten.

"What a nice name!"

Showing a sincere and pure smile, Tamura Hao hoped to bring the girl back to the village safely, so that he could further tie the fat sheep teacher to the village.

Although the Senju family is destroyed, there are still Uzumaki survivors, and they are still so miserable. Teacher Sheep, can you bear to leave?

"Her body is severely deficient, and her organs function like an elderly person. This kind of injury can only be treated by Tsunade-sensei."

Shizune, who was checking Uzumaki Vanilla's body, didn't look good. This sister's health was too bad.

"As long as you are alive, it will be fine with Tsunade-sensei's medical skills."

Tamura Hao also believed that this situation would not be difficult for Mr. Sheep. The number one master in the ninja world was not just a boast.

After communicating with the girl for a while, Yamazaka Haiichi, not far away, suddenly turned pale and gasped for air.

"Meet someone?"

Nara Shikaku looked even more serious. This should be the impact of the shadow clone being killed and the memory flowing back. And the death must be bad, otherwise Haiyi would not have such a big reaction.

"It's the demigod from the Hidden Rain Village, and a group of rain ninjas, all of whom are jonins, rushing towards our direction. The other side also has sensory ninjas."

After taking a breath, Yamanaka Haiyi replied with a pale face.

That person is too scary, they are far from being opponents.

"That person actually entered the Grass Country."

Nara Shikamaru frowned even more, not understanding why that person suddenly brought people to the Grass Country.

However, the other party's intention was not what he needed to consider now, and he had to find a way to get out quickly.

"How about continuing to the Land of Earth?"

Tamura Hao suggested that since they couldn't go in any of the three directions, they might as well go west to the Land of Earth and continue their previous mission.

After they completed their mission, the situation here should have calmed down, and then they would return to the Land of Fire.

"Let's go!"

Nara Shikaku thought for a while and immediately ordered to set off.

"Brother Ding Zuo, I'll carry you, you try to save your energy."

Tamura Hao carried the girl on his back and said.

"Vanilla, help us sense the ninjas around us. We need to go to the Land of Earth first, and then return to the Land of Fire after things here are settled."


Uzumaki Vanilla nodded. Although she didn't know much about Konoha, she didn't want to return to Kusagakure Village. It was better to follow these people than to be caught.

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