A golden ball flew out as soon as the Four Red Sun Formation shattered, and after flying for a certain distance, it disintegrated and revealed several figures.

It was Luo Sha who used placer gold to bring out the Chiyo siblings and Ye Cang, and only the four of them were left.


Rasa looked back at the Uzushio Hidden Village in flames, feeling sad in her heart.

Garura has been on the front line, bringing the wounded down for treatment as soon as possible. The distance just now was too far and he couldn't bring them out, so he had to save himself and rush out first.

Now I'm afraid the situation is in danger.

Ebizo said weakly: "Let's go and return to the village as soon as possible. Ye Cang continues to maintain the Scorching Fireball. If you haven't been poisoned, you should be the kind of poisonous insect that is afraid of fire."

Although the poisonous insects in the body were temporarily suppressed with the help of poison, those poisons were not very mild. Even if the mutual restraint of the medicinal properties was used to minimize the damage to the body, it was still not easy.

He and his sister have now lost their fighting power, and must return to the village as soon as possible to prepare medicine to save themselves, otherwise they will die.

The Iwa Ninja on the other side also felt uncomfortable. The Western Death Man had just managed to withstand the explosion of the detonating talisman with the help of Earth Release.

"Zi, don't get close to me, and don't release the chakra of Melting Release and Four Tails. The high temperature of your Melting Release should be able to drive away this poisonous insect, so you are not poisoned.

As the commander-in-chief of the ninja army, I now order you to return to the village as soon as possible, inform Lord Tsuchikage of everything that happened here, and say that I, the Western Death, am unworthy of his trust! "

Shouting to stop Zi who was about to rush over, Xiseiren knew that he might not be able to survive. Those poisonous insects were very weird, and he could only barely suppress them with his chakra, so he couldn't survive.

It is still unknown what other back-ups Konoha has, and it will be even harder for Zi to escape back with herself as a burden.

And now that the ninja army has been wiped out, he has no shame in going back.

"Western Dead Man!"

Zi clenched her fists tightly, wondering why it suddenly turned like this.

"Quickly, Konoha may have more than one killing move. Leave as soon as possible while they are being restrained by the Kumo ninja. This is an order."

Spitting out a mouthful of black blood again, the Western Dead Man didn't want Murasaki to be here, not only because of Murasaki's potential and strength, but more importantly because he was the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Even if the sealing technique is not perfect and often goes berserk, he is still an important force in the village.

"I will definitely tell Ohnoki everything, and I will definitely avenge everyone."

Holding back the grief and anger in her heart, Zi jumped out of the ruined Uzushio Hidden Village.

He must go back and tell Onoki everything that happened here, and more importantly, he must avenge these compatriots and make that despicable Konoha pay the price!

"It's my first time leading an army to fight, but this is the result. I'm so unwilling!"

Seeing Zi's figure retreating quickly, Xiseiren felt very unwilling.

I thought I could become famous through this battle, but who would have thought that this would be the result.

"My child, the future depends on you."

Thinking of his son Dongseiren, Xiseiren still has hope in his heart.

His son also has leadership skills, even more potential than himself, and will definitely surpass himself in the future.

Thinking of his son, the Western Dead Man staggered towards the outside of Uzushiogakure Village, while trying to suppress the poisonous insects in his body while mobilizing chakra to perform ninjutsu.

Although there is little hope that he can go back, he will not sit still and wait for death.

"Go at full speed, target Uzumaki Hidden Village!"

Seeing the strong fire on the Uzushio Hidden Village side, Dodai decisively ordered to head there.

Tamura Hao also followed with Samehada on his back, and communicated with Samehada, indicating that a big meal was about to be eaten next.

Although Samehada has not yet been convinced to accept his mastership, it has been stopped from resisting and struggling.

The next step is to swallow the chakra from the corpse of the Uzumaki ninja.

On the other side of the battlefield, they noticed the fire on the Uzushio Hidden Village side. Danzo Shimura was secretly happy, knowing that the plan was successful.

First there was the assassination of poisonous nano-insects, and then there was the explosion of 100,000 detonating talismans. There would definitely be nothing left in Uzushiogakure, and the Iwa Ninja and Sunagakure must have been wiped out.

However, this joy froze before it lasted long. I saw a bloody barrier rising quickly around me. Looking closely, I found that five ninjas with red hair were erupting chakra to shape the barrier.

"Shimura Danzo, die for me!"

At the same time, the Third Raikage took out a pill and swallowed it in his mouth. Then black thunder and lightning burst out from his body and converged on his palms to charge towards him with Hell Rush.

Danzo could only slash with his sword, and the blade had a sharp wind blade made of vacuum jade. He had used it to slash through the Thunderbolt Armor of the Third Raikage many times before.

However, this time the third generation Raikage's combat power, which erupted with black thunder, increased to a higher level. In an instant, he ignored the attribute restraint and broke the vacuum jade and ninja sword, and even cut off Shimura Danzo's right arm holding the sword.


His right arm was hurting. Shimura Danzo was shocked and angry, but he did not dare to delay. He roared and rushed to the direction where the barrier was not closed yet.

The ninjas under his command immediately retreated after receiving the order, but they wanted to retreat, but the Third Raikage did not agree.

The flash of black electric light blocked the piece that had not yet closed, stopping the Konoha ninja by himself.

At the same time, the Kumo ninja jounin who had been paddling also exploded with all their strength, performing various ninjutsu and ninjutsu together.

"We attacked with all our strength to break through. The Third Raikage took some medicine to break out. He won't be able to hold on for long."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shouted to prevent internal chaos among his own ninjas.

Hearing Sarutobi Shinnosuke's shouts, the ninjas of the two clans quickly regained their strength. While resisting the offensive of the Kumo ninja from behind, they attacked the Third Raikage.

It's just that the Third Raikage is not the end of his powerful bow, and the pill he swallowed before was just a soldier's food pill. It was not to replenish physical strength, but to confuse Danzo Shimura and the Konoha ninja.

Soon the barrier was closed, and these people completely lost the possibility of escaping.

Although this Five Elements Barrier is far less powerful than the Four Red Sun Formation, it is not that easy to break through, not to mention that there are three generations of Raikage and hundreds of Kumogakure Jōnin inside that are entangled with Konoha ninjas.

The Third Raikage had no scruples at all, and unleashed all his strength to wreak havoc within the Konoha ninjas, disrupting the formations of the two clans of ninjas. The Cloud ninjas attacked from the outside, working closely together.

The massacre suffered by the Kirigakure ninjas happened again, and they had no chance to escape.

Even using earth escape will not work, because the ground is also covered by a barrier, and there is no way to dig a hole and sneak into the ground.

"Kumo Ninja!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke roared angrily, feeling even more sad, angry and desperate in his heart.

He knew it was over, everything was over.


Izumi Shimura, who had several wounds on his body, jumped over with a combined naginata, a look of determination on his face, even if they were to die, they would die together.

"Sister Quan, we can't die here!"

The arrival of his girlfriend made Sarutobi Shinnosuke calm down a little, and he immediately said decisively.

He took out a secret medicine and swallowed it, and a huge amount of chakra soon burst out from his body. He bit his fingers and quickly formed a seal, and finally slapped his palm on the ground.

"Psychic Technique·Ape King Ape Demon!"

Originally, with his current chakra, he was unable to channel the monkey demon, but with the help of the burst of secret medicine, he could barely reach the target.


The monkey demon who was channeled was surprised. He didn't expect that the person who channeled him was the son of Hiruzen Sarutobi, and he immediately realized that something was wrong with the surrounding situation.

"Uncle Ape Demon, quickly transform into a Vajra Ruyi Stick to break this barrier!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke resisted the pain of the secret medicine bursting out, and said quickly that this barrier must be broken as soon as possible and lead the tribesmen to rush out.

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