"You live here for the time being. I have already bought this apartment building. All the original residents have moved out. We are currently hiring someone to renovate it. It will take some time. After it is completed, you can choose one to live in.

I have puppets collected in the Uzushiogakure Village. You can pick some and make them into legs."

Carrying Karuro back home, Tamura Hao took out a sealed scroll and unwrapped it, revealing a large number of puppets. These were found in the ruins of the Uzushiogakure Village, and even Chiyo's Ten Kinmatsu.

It's a pity that most of them were broken, and the platform was ignored after someone studied it.

"Even Chiyo's Ten Kinmatsu was broken."

Looking at the broken Ten Kinmatsu, Karuro couldn't help but worry, wondering what happened to Ye Cang and Luo Sha.

"You can do it yourself, I'm going to take a shower."

After saying that, Tamura Hao walked to the bathroom. He went to a lot of places today, and the smell of some places was not very good. He had a lot of stains on his body, so he had to wash it well.

After scrubbing for more than ten minutes, he walked out and saw that Jialuo had already selected the puppet legs for himself and even practiced walking in the living room by holding the wall.

"These are the toiletries I bought before. Don't touch my toiletries. I'm a bit of a germophobe."

Handing over a set of toiletries and a few sets of clothes he had bought before, Tiancun Hao signaled him to go in and wash.

Jialuo was still wrapped in medical bandages, which were full of liquid medicine, and the smell was not very good.

"I have germophobia too!"

Glazing at someone with hatred, Jialuo picked up the toiletries and a set of clothes and walked to the bathroom, feeling even more angry.

I really misjudged him last time. I didn't expect this kid to be so hateful.

It's so annoying!

Walking into the bathroom in such annoyance, Jialuo first rinsed the bathtub with water, then slowly drained the water, and walked to the big mirror and hesitated for a long time before taking off the medical bandages on his body.

As the medical bandage was untied, the scarred skin inside was revealed. Looking at himself in the mirror, Garula lost the courage to live again.

What's the point of living like this?


At this moment, the tightly closed bathroom door suddenly opened, and Tamura Hao walked in with a bulky camera in his hand and took a series of photos of Garula.

"In order to prevent you from having the idea of ​​committing suicide again, or even destroying your body, I will take pictures now. Don't do stupid things, otherwise I will send your pictures to Luosha and others."

After taking the pictures, Tamura Hao seemed very righteous. He did this to prevent the other party from having the idea of ​​committing suicide again.

As for how to open the locked bathroom door, extend the chakra line from the door gap to pull the bolt to open the door.

Garula, who came to his senses, was so angry that his body trembled, and he glared at the hateful kid with gritted teeth.

"Thank you for your kindness. I have no intention of committing suicide for the time being. Also, please get out now! Immediately! Right now!"

She had never seen such a hateful kid since she was a child.

"That's good!"

Seeing that the girl did not seem to be in a state of despair, Tiancun Hao left with satisfaction and closed the bathroom door.

As for the camera in his hand, he put it back into the utility room.

This is indeed a camera, but it has run out of film a long time ago, and he is too lazy to buy one. He just pretended to have something to hold against Karura.

From this point of view, women are really troublesome. They want to die if their faces are destroyed. They don't respect their lives.

He was too lazy to bother to fool her, so he adopted this simple and crude method. As long as the goal is achieved, the method is secondary.

This is the thinking of a ninja!

Of course, the main reason for not buying the film was to leave it as a foreshadowing. If Jialuo accidentally saw the camera without film and not really used, the resentment in her heart would definitely dissipate, and even turn into a favorable impression.

Many novels and animations have similar plots in film and television dramas, which is also the best routine for villains to whitewash.

After a full hour, Jialuo just walked out of the bathroom. She had changed into a dress and her walking posture was much more natural.

"I collected some sand where I found you. It should be you who refined it with the secret technique of sand manipulation. Later, you can find some more sand to refine and cover your body, so that others will not look at you with strange eyes, and you will feel better in your heart."

Tamura Hao threw a glass bottle over, with most of the bottle of sand in it.

Raising his hand to catch the bottle, Jialuo was very happy to feel his own chakra in the sand. He quickly opened the bottle and used chakra to reconnect with the sand inside, pulling it out to cover his head, and soon restored his previous appearance.

She had always used refined sand to cover her skin before, and she was used to this state.

If there was enough sand to cover the whole body, she would not have to care about other people's eyes, and at least she could live a normal life without worries.

"How did you think of treating the Uzumaki ninja?"

Tamura Hao asked curiously. According to the illusion jonin who explored Garura's memory, this girl mainly controlled the sand to bring the injured down as soon as possible in that battle, whether it was the ninjas from the Sand Village or the Uzushio Village.

This is very un-ninja!

"Although I can't change the village's decision, I know that the battle was not right."

After a moment of silence, Karura said something, feeling very complicated.

She didn't feel it before, but this time she participated in the war of actively invading other people's homes, and seeing the hateful eyes of the Uzumaki ninja, she felt very uncomfortable.

When she was in the ninja school, she was always taught to protect the village, and she always kept it in mind, but she gradually discovered that the existence of ninjas was not as beautiful as she thought.

She has always regarded protecting the village as her own ninja way, even sacrificing her own life for this, but this time she became a villain who invaded other people's villages.

Can you invade and destroy other people's villages and homes in order to protect the village?

"I knew that Miss Karura was so gentle, and she was really not suitable for the ninja business."

Tamura Hao smiled, which was in line with Karura's personality.

"What is the meaning of ninja existence? What is the meaning of ninja village? I thought I knew this very well before, but now I find that I didn't see it clearly.

Why must there be war in the ninja world?"

Karuro was confused. The previous war broke the ninja way she insisted on, which was also one of the main reasons for her numbness and silence before.

Taking an apple and taking a bite, Tamura Hao said: "The problems in the ninja world are very complicated, and the reasons for war are also various. From the most superficial level, the strong side starts the war because of ambition and want to get more.

The weak side wants to protect itself under the attack of the strong side, coupled with some unrealistic ambitions, so it can only try every means to strengthen itself and weaken the enemy, and then there will be bloody and cruel wars again and again.

In the war, the boundary between right and wrong will be very vague, just like the saying goes, the enemy's hero is my enemy, different positions, different cognition."

War has been understood by countless people in the previous life. The essence is the same. Everything is just an extension of interests. At most, the expression of interests is different, which is also applicable in this world.

"Is there a way to avoid war?"

After thinking for a while, Karura asked. He didn't like war very much. It would bring too many tragedies.

Although this kid is hateful, he is really smart. After they went back last time, they told him everything they saw and heard in the Hidden Cloud Village. Even Master Ebizo praised this hateful kid.

Does he know how to avoid war?

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