Yes, that's the name, but it has nothing to do with the one in the previous life. It's just a ninjutsu that simply stimulates the body's muscle nerves to increase the burst speed, but it can only burst out in an instant, that is, one attack.

This is a basic ninjutsu of the Thunder Release Ninjutsu. Although it is only D-level, it is quite practical.

Moreover, the level of ninjutsu is not directly linked to the power. For example, the signature ninjutsu of the Hidden Mist Village, the Hidden Mist Art, is only D-level, but if it is used well, it is more useful than many advanced ninjutsu.

Tamura Hao regards this Thunder Flash Technique as part of Chidori. After all, Chidori has the effect of stimulating speed burst, but the more important thing about that is the piercing ability gathered in the hand, and the burst stimulation of the body speed is longer, unlike the Thunder Flash Technique, which is only a moment and can only burst out one attack.

Tamura Hao's current chakra amount and the level of cultivation of the nature change of the lightning attribute are not enough to form such a gathering, so he can only start with the body stimulation ability.

Of course, the simple Thunderbolt Technique does not require a change of nature. After all, it is only a D-level ninjutsu, and there are too many seals, six in total, and his current seal-making speed is two per second, which means it takes three seconds.

If the thunder attribute change can be cultivated to a certain level, four seals can be saved and two seals can be used to complete it, and the effect of the surprise attack will be greatly improved.

As for the Yang Seal obtained from the Uzumaki clan, that requires a certain amount of knowledge of seal techniques, and requires a high level of control over chakra, which he does not meet now.

And taking the Uzumaki Yuye with him also has the idea of ​​learning the knowledge of the vortex seal technique from him. This person is a direct member of the Uzumaki clan and knows most of the seal techniques of the Uzumaki clan, except for those forbidden techniques.

In this way, consuming chakra to cultivate the change of nature, and learning the knowledge of seal techniques after consuming chakra to a certain extent, the ship finally arrived at the country of vortex after eight days. The six people hid the ship in a remote place, and then went north from the country of vortex to the country of fire.

The country of Whirlpool is in chaos now, because the destruction of the Hidden Whirlpool Village has given many people an opportunity, and bandits have appeared one after another.

This chaos just gave the six people an opportunity to sneak in, but looking at the chaotic scene, Uzumaki Tamaya gnashed her teeth with hatred.

This is her homeland after all!

It's all the fault of that damn Konoha!

Fortunately, Uzumaki Tamaya was very clear about the risks of this mission, and suppressed her hatred and anger and did not take action.

With the help of Uzumaki Tamaya's Kagura Heart Eye, the six people avoided all the existences with chakra on the road, and quickly entered the territory of the Land of Fire, and then ran along the mountains and forests according to the map, heading to the destination, the upper reaches of the Jinlu River.

The Jinlu River is a large river, and it also refers to the flat area around the river. The area is very large, and it is two thousand kilometers along the river, and even the upper reaches are hundreds of miles in radius.

Even with Uzumaki Tamaya's Kagura Heart Eye for range scanning, it is still difficult to find the battle site of that year.

And the premise is that there is really a seal maintained by chakra there. If there is no chakra, even Uzumaki Yuye's Kagura Heart Eye will not be able to gain anything.

After all, Kagura Heart Eye can only sense chakra, not the perspective of the Byakugan.

"There seems to be chakra fluctuations in that direction."

After spending half a month swimming hundreds of miles upstream of the Jinlu River, Uzumaki Yuye finally felt it.

"Is it finally there?"

Fukai and the three Anbu ninjas were shocked. They thought they would return empty-handed.

Without stopping, they rushed to the sensed location and finally came to a tributary of the Jinlu River.

"Under the water, chakra has a strong vitality. It is definitely the chakra of the Senju clan."

Uzumaki Yuye carefully sensed it and confirmed that it was the chakra of the Senju clan.

"Is it a sealing technique?"

Tamura Hao asked. He was interested in the ultimate weapon of the Uchiha, not the secret of the Senju clan here.

In addition, he was also curious about this sealing technique, which could seal a person for decades without changing his body, as if time had stopped.

If it touches the seal of the power of time, it would be very worthwhile to study.

"It may be the seal of the inner four elephants. Only the seal of the inner four elephants can be maintained to the maximum extent!"

Uzumaki Yuye came to the river and looked at the semicircular river bank, and had a guess in his mind.

"His body is right below the center of this circle."

After sensing it, he signaled to the three Anbu ninjas.

An Anbu ninja who was good at water escape used a seal to control the water flow to form a water dragon that plunged into the bottom of the river, and soon rushed to the shore with a rock in his mouth.

"It was formed by the earth escape ninjutsu pulling the soil."

Another Anbu senior ninja who was good at earth escape came forward to check it carefully, and then used a seal to make the rock loose and fall off, and soon revealed a strange corpse.

It was the corpse of a person, with a fatal penetrating wound on the chest, but the body was no longer flesh and blood, but like stone.

In addition, there is a clan emblem on the armor, which belongs to the Senju clan.

The Senju clan has been friends with the Uzumaki clan for generations, and they know a lot of sealing techniques, including the Inner Four Symbols seal, which does not require the vortex bloodline as a foundation. This is also recorded in the Uzumaki clan's classics.

"It is the Inner Four Symbols seal. This seal can seal everything around into the body and merge it with the body. His body has undergone this change because he absorbed and merged the surrounding soil and rocks."

Uzumaki Yuye stepped forward to take a look and confirmed that it was the result of the inner four-elephant seal.

Just after seeing the semicircular river bank, she had some guesses. Only the inner four-elephant seal could match this scene.

"Can it be unlocked?"

Tamura Hao asked, feeling a little disappointed.

He had read a simple introduction to many ninjutsu of the Uzumaki clan and knew the general principle of the inner four-elephant seal, which was not linked to the power of time.

In this case, if Uchiha Guang was really still alive, it might be his own problem, was it his Mangekyo pupil technique?

"It can be unlocked, and it has been a long time. Even if you don't take the initiative to unlock the inner four-elephant seal, the power will slowly disintegrate and release the sealed substances."

Uzumaki Yuye nodded, and then began to use chakra to record the spell text on the corpse, and finally raised her hand to seal.

"Inner four-elephant seal·Unlock!"

The many spell texts that were recorded merged into the corpse, and then spewed out a large amount of substances.

Most of them were soil, rocks and water, and there were a few corpses.

"It's the clan emblem of the Senju clan and the Sarutobi clan!"

After seeing the clan emblem marks on the armor of the corpses, Tamura Hao confirmed their identities, and then looked at the girl in the blue dress, who had a pair of leg cuffs on her ankles.

"She's still breathing!"

Seeing the chest of the girl floating on the river rising and falling, Fukai and the three Anbu ninjas clenched their ninja swords, ready to attack at any time.

"Seal her chakra."

Tamura Hao signaled to Uzumaki Yuye that they didn't have time to stay here for a long time to wait for the other party to regain consciousness and convince them. After all, this is the territory of the Land of Fire, and now it is a war period, and Konoha ninjas are everywhere.

Even if they use Uzumaki Yuye's Kagura Heart Eye to perceive and avoid those Konoha ninjas to the greatest extent, they still can't guarantee it 100%, and they must return as soon as possible.

But the girl seemed to have heard Tamura Hao's words, suddenly opened her eyes, and the scarlet light flashed, facing the people on the shore.


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