
The piercing chirping of birds came one after another from the first floor of the underground hive, until it stabilized at the last level.

Uchiha Hikaru, who was practicing next door, came over curiously and saw someone smiling stupidly at the electric light in his hand. Under the strong electric light, he looked like a crazy pervert.

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That's right, after spending several months, Tamura Hao finally created Chidori.

This made him very happy, but he soon lost his joy.


The same bird song sounded, and Tamura Hao turned around and saw that a ball of lightning also appeared in Uchiha Hikaru's hand, and at the same time the three Magatama Sharingan eyes were slowly rotating.

"I hate the Sharingan!"

Looking at the girl's Chidori, who had the same style as his and even had more concentrated chakra, Tamura Hao hated the Sharingan for the first time.

The ninjutsu he had worked so hard to create was actually learned by that girl in the blink of an eye. It seemed that there was a reason why Uchiha would exterminate the clan in the future.

The ninja world has no place for that kind of stupidity!

"It turns out that you have been creating this ninjutsu during this time. It is quite practical."

Looking at the lightning in his hand, Uchiha Hikari gave a practical comment, but was shocked inside.

She had seen that the shameless villain was creating a thunder escape ninjutsu before, but she didn't expect it to be so powerful. It was definitely A-level.

Such high-intensity thunder chakra must have super penetrating power. At the same time, the thunder chakra can also flow throughout the body, stimulating muscle cells and nerves, which can definitely increase the burst speed.

Coupled with the powerful dynamic vision of the Sharingan, it is quite perfect and suits me very well.

"Let me help you test the power of this ninjutsu."

Uchiha Hikaru had a fighting spirit, and his figure disappeared instantly under the stimulation of Chidori, and the next moment he was in front of Tamura Hao.

Tamura Hao did not retreat from this, and also faced it with Chidori. The two people's thunder attribute chakras collided together, causing a clearer bird song.

Then they quickly separated and started fighting again.

Uzumaki Kushina came over after hearing the noise here, and saw two bolts of lightning flowing rapidly in the empty training room. Her eyes couldn't keep up with the speed, so she could only use Kagura's inner eye, which had only been awakened for a long time. Perception.

"Are they already so strong?"

Seeing the two lightning flashes clashing rapidly, Uzumaki Kushina was very surprised, and the sense of urgency in her heart became stronger.

Sister Hikari's real age is calculated to be two years older than her, and she once possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan. Even though she has now lost her pupil technique, her pupil power is still there, and she still maintains the three magatama Sharingan. She is an elite in her own right. The strength of the Jonin.

But that despicable villain was the same age as herself, and he was now able to explode into strength comparable to that of a jounin. How could she not be surprised?

Tamura Hao didn't know the surprise of the girl next to him. He was fighting with Uchiha Hikari with all his strength, and he was merging and borrowing Kaguya's power. His eyes became bright red, and there were three magatama slowly rotating deep in the pupils.

His current power compatibility with Princess Kaguya has improved a lot. Not only has his dynamic vision been further improved, he has also gained the second copying ability of the Sharingan, and his insight into chakra has become stronger.

But even so, he is still not as good as Uchiha Hikaru, and he still loses in chakra capacity, and even his chakra control is inferior to others.

There is no way, the Sharingan itself has extremely high control over chakra, and it is because of this that Uchiha Sasuke will be able to quickly learn the Chidori that focuses on changing its nature in the future.

This is even more true for Uchiha Hikaru, who has majored in fire escape and thunder escape, and can use them directly after copying them.

Although he can borrow it by merging with Kaguya's power, after all, he is just borrowing it, and he does not have that kind of eye power.

However, he still has his own advantages, that is, the physique cultivated with the blessing of Qian's ability, which far surpasses Uchiha Hikaru in all aspects of physical fitness.

After realizing that the chakra in the Yang Seal was exhausted, Tamura Hao decisively used the King Kong Seal that he had never used before, and a golden chain rushed out from his abdomen and wrapped around Uchiha Hikari.

The powerful dynamic vision of the Sharingan made Uchiha Hikari immediately aware of the diamond blockade, and he instinctively wanted to retreat, but the palm that was holding Chidori was grabbed by a big hand, causing his body to stagnate. Then he was blocked and entangled by the King Kong, and the chakra in his body was sealed.

"King Kong Blockade!"

Uzumaki Kushina, who was watching the battle from the side, was stunned. She didn't understand how the despicable villain could be blocked by the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, King Kong.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

After struggling for a while and seeing that he could not shake the King Kong blockade, and then seeing someone's gloomy and cold expression, Uchiha Hikaru couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

What does this shameless villain want to do?

"Of course it's revenge!"

With a ferocious smile on his face, Tamura Hao stepped forward and took action forcefully, letting the girl reveal the place where she was going to be punished, and then slapped her hard with his hand.

In the past few months, he had been sparred with by this girl a lot. Every time, he was bullied and suppressed by the other party. He recorded all these in a small notebook, and he was suppressed a total of 125 times.


The crisp sound stirred up, causing Uzumaki Kushina to come back to her senses. She subconsciously touched her back and recalled the experience of being bullied by that despicable villain that night.



"I'll fight you!"


Tamura Hao kept moving his hands, ignoring the fierce struggle and curses of a certain girl, and waved one hundred and twenty-five times in a row.

"Be good and don't make trouble for no reason."

After leaving a word, Tiancun Hao just got his mind clear, got up and left with a refreshed spirit, leaving behind the girl who was unconscious and full of resentment, trying to hold back tears.

"Shameless villain, I'm not done with you!"

Gnashing his teeth, Uchiha Guang hated it so much, the three magatama in his eyes were speeding up, and even had a tendency to merge.

She hated that shameless villain!

"Why do you know the diamond seal?"

Seeing that Tiancun Hao was about to leave, Uzumaki Kushina couldn't help but step forward to stop him, staring at him closely.

This point must be understood!

"Is there anything difficult to learn?"

Tamura Hao asked back, indicating that Tian was gifted and a genius.

"You were squatting in the cemetery to desecrate the bodies of my grandfather and his people, and to rob them of their remaining power, right?"

Uzumaki Kushina is not so easy to fool. After that incident, she has been wondering what this despicable villain was doing at that time, but she has never figured it out.

It was not until she saw him use the Diamond Seal just now that she guessed that it must be related to that incident.

"You are wrong. In fact, I have some Uzumaki blood, but it is too thin. That time I was silently praying for the sacrificed members of the Uzumaki clan."

Tamura Hao decisively denied it and said that he actually had the blood of the Uzumaki clan.

"Am I so easy to fool?"

Uzumaki Kushina stared at him hatefully. You despicable villain not only desecrated the bodies of my grandfather and his people, but also insulted my IQ.

If I couldn't beat you for the time being, I would have beaten you to death.

"Get ready. I got reliable information that there are suspected Uzumaki people in Kusagakure Village. They have vitality in their blood and can heal people. We will go over to take a look. I heard that your people are being sucked blood by Kusagakure ninjas."

Seeing that the girl was not easy to deceive, Tamura Hao threw out a message and got away while she was stunned.

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